Story County Human Services Council Meeting Minutes
September 24, 2015
- Welcome: The following 23 people introduced themselves at the first meeting of the year: Nikki Sprecher, Deb Russom, Nancy Mach, Audry Davidson, Mark Kubick, Leah DeMarest, Emily Jansen, Tricia Crain, Marvey Brown, Mallory Johnson, Kaylie McCartney, Davice Hennick, Richard Sharpe, Ashley Kinkade, Melissa Ahrens, Megan Thompson, Melody Griesdorn, Cari McPartland, Pat Beese, Shala Harsh, Cris Broshar, Cassie Clyde, Anneke Mundel
- Business Meeting
- Nikki Schecher called the meeting to order at 11:35am.
- Cari McPartland motioned for the minutes of the May 21, 2015 be approved and Melody Griesdorn seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
- Reports:
In the treasurer’s report, Ashley stated there is a balance of $510.64. She has many registration forms along with registration fees coming in for this coming year.
ASSET Panel – There is no update on the ASSET Panel at this time.
- Old business:
Nikki read a thank you letter sent by Friendship Ark Homes Executive Director, Jennifer Ellis. Friendship Ark received a grant from SCHSC to help fund their new day habilitation program.
You may post your events on our calendar. We want this to be user friendly. To do this, simply go to our website: Click on “Calendar” at the top of the page. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on Google Calendar. This will open a new page for you to sign in with an email and password. Email: . Password: schscpassword.
This is the same username and password everyone will be using so please respect all
The Passenger Transportation Plan is required to be updated every 5 years unless there are changes to the Elderly & Disabled (Section 5310) Federal Funding priorities. The latest copy of the PTP can be viewed at:
Section 5310 is the required funding source to be coordinated through the PTP process. This federal funding source (annual apportionment to CyRide) generally funds CyRide's Dial-A-Ride service (ADA Paratransit service) which is contracted out to HIRTA to operate, CyRide's bus stop improvements (making them more ADA accessible & solar powered), and HIRTA vehicles operating Dial-a-Ride service. Last year we updated the PTP to replace a HIRTA bus #7640 and for a new minivan to operate unscheduled service when needed within the Ames community to keep HIRTA's trips on time. These contracts were approved this past month. CyRide has purchased the minivan and is working on getting it "make ready" (decals, cameras, radio) to begin service. HIRTA will decide when to begin the service but it likely to begin November 1st. After the mini-van purchase is complete, CyRide will begin the replacement of bus #7640 for HIRTA.
At this time, please provide Shari Atwood ( OR 515-239-5539) any additional needs for the Elderly and Disabled. The current list of priorities (Dial-A-Ride service, Bus Stops Improvements, Small Light Duty Bus Expansion/Replacement, Van Expansion/Replacements) are listed within the PTP plan ( beginning on page 33. If there aren't any additional priorities identified within the HSC or Transportation Collaboration meetings, there is not a need to update this PTP plan in the upcoming year. If there is additional priorities, the plan would need to be updated by March 2016. The full PTP plan will need to be completely revised/updated by March 2019.
Story County Transportation Brochures - The new version of the Story County transportation brochures have been printed and are currently available at United Way. Unfortunately, neither Shannon nor Shari Atwood are able to make the HSC meeting today so we will bring those to HSC at the October meeting to distribute and note the quantity received by each agency. If you would like copies before the October meeting, please contact Shannon Bardole at United Way ( or 515-268-5142). Shannon is keeping track of where the brochures are distributed so please provide your quantity needed to Shannon when you drop by to pick them up! If you want to obtain the brochure online, it is available at
New business
There will be themes of each meeting this year to correlate with the Resource Guide. Signup sheets are in the back to sign up for a month where you can give a presentation on a certain theme. October will be Domestic Violence and Disability. January- Financial Awareness, February- Mental Health, March- Community transportation and Faith-based theme, April- Child related theme(Parent, Family, Childcare, Education, Youth/Early Childhood) May- Older adults/Veterans assistance. Those that sign up will be advised how long your presentation will be.
- Review upcoming dates of meeting
- Will have sign-up sheets for upcoming meetings; will advise those signed up how long presentations can be.
Nikki asked if anyone was interested in volunteering to be a part of Panel 3 for ASSET. No one volunteered at this time. There was a question as to what all ASSET represents.Deb Shildroth and Jean Cresse will be discussing a new format for representatives of ASSET at our October meeting. ASSET is a funding stream where agencies can get funding if eligible. Deb and Jean Kresse can touch on this more in October.
SCQLA – (Story County Quality of Life Alliance) requested our help in hosting their website. A meeting was held to discuss what all would be involved. Since SCHSC has a volunteer to update their website, this would entail too much for one volunteer person to do. There was positive discussion that this is a good resource and would like to see it continue to be managed by someone.
Resource Guide – Over the summer a committee of people spent much time on the resource guide. The Resource Guide was created in Google Docs. This will be posted on our website. There will be a committee of eight with a chairperson and co-chairperson. Someone would be entrusted to update the website. At this time, it is too big to print and it is not quite ready. Once it is done, It will be posted on our website and you will be able to access it. This committee spent all summer calling agencies and making sure the information was up to date. If anyone knows how format this so it will print, that would be helpful.
Patsy Beese shared that SCQLA did a very intensive needs assessment in 2010. Our Resource Guide is nearing completion and it is hoped that our guide would complement SCQLA’s needs assessment.
- In reviewing the Resource Guide,There are different links (food, shelter, health, disability, housing, domestic violence, child care, parent and family, etc). You will be able to click on what link you are interested in and scroll down and peruse all the information. If you have a client that has a need for any of these links, you would be able to pull up the information for them. Some agencies are not able to work in google docs because of confidentiality. Some other way could be arranged so all agencies would be able to use this. Anyone interested in serving on the committee Sipele Queszada plugged in all the information that was given to her before this committee was developed and then the committee continued the work on it. There was a question if this could ever be printed and Ashley explained that there is so much information she does not see how this could ever be able to print. A question was asked if you could hide some of the columns, would they be able to print what they want. You would also need a paper copy for home visits. This is the road block right now. This could also be used for self-sufficiency and they would be able to access from the guide. After this is done, the committee could collaborate on how to print it. Anneke said she may have a tech person that could maybe take a look at it so see if it could formatto print. Nikki asked what is the link of community involvement. Emily explained that the community link is everything that did not fit in the other categories. The responsibilities of the committee would be listening to the needs for this guide and a chair- person. The by-law state 6-8 members. If you know of anyone that may be interested let them know we are looking for people to help out with this. Melody Griesdorn, Cris Broshar, Leah DeMarest will stay on
Feedback was passed out by Cassandra on a survey that was handed out at the May meeting. Cassandra asked if there were any questions. Any projects the council could support. Emily asked if there are any new initiatives in the area? Patsy Beese said her boss may be interested in coming to talk about Hospice Care for our group. Nikki stated May would be a good month to do this since it is Senior Citizens month. A food drive would be a good project to undertake. Emily stated a diaper drive would also be a project we could do as a group. We could maybe do both projects. As a committee, would we want to do a project? Do we want to be a group that gets together to share information and share about our agencies and do a project? Is there an interest beyond sharing information? Do we want to do a project? Is anyone interested in a day of service or service event? This is something we could revisit again. It was shared what is nice about this meeting is that it is a great networking tool for everyone. We come together to share information that could help each other’s agencies. The format is good of sharing information. This was tabled for right now.
Encourage other agencies to join and spread the word to those who may be interested.
Ashley stated to share with people that the membership is only $30.00/ agency.
Typically we have a banquet in December. BACA (Bikers against child abuse) will be
speaking. Hickory Park usually caters the event. Audry Davidson made a motion and
Leah DeMarest seconded. The motion was carried. The banquet will be on December 3.
Nikki went over the dates of the meetings for the year and their themes.
Agency Sharing - (Any brochure or flyer shared at the meeting or emailed to Deb Russom will be shared via e-mail with the minutes.)
MGMC- Started flu clinics. Walk-ins are $25.00. Kyle Breeze is the new director for MGMC Home Care Services. Anyone interested in getting to know him, please contact him to set up a time.
Salvation Army: On October 1 will start gathering people to ring bells. This will be on the website sometime in October. Toys for Tots will be first week in November.
ISU Extension (Ashley): We are always taking referrals for our Living Healthy class. There is currently two groups meeting at the Nevada Public Library .
MICA: Elderly and disabled guidelines have changed. People can call for October and set up appointments. A representative can tell them what they need to bring with them.
Drake: Currently taking applications for 3-4-5 year olds. We take these applications year round.
Story County Attorney’s Office: Putting on an event to raise awareness for Domestic Violence Awareness month which is October. This event will be October 9. A flyer was sent out about this event.
DMACC: There are Adult GED classes and ESL classes. They will start having their ESL classes in the evening. A flyer was handed out at the meeting for this.
MICA (Nancy)- Promoting dental wellness. Through the Iowa Health and Wellness Plan. Meet with emergency rooms for people who come in with toothaches or other dental emergencies and getting them established with their program.
Clothing that Works (Audrey) Take clothing through donations from the congregation at the Collegiate Methodist Church. People who need clothing for an interview can come in and look through their donations. They are open Wednesdays from 2pm-6pm.
Community Support Advocates- They are based out of Des Moines. They travel to other countries to help with mental health diagnosis of people 16 and up.
Adjourn Business Meeting- The meeting was adjourned by Nikki.
Next SCHSC meeting: Thursday October 22, 2015 THANKS FOR ATTENDING!
SCHSC OFFICERSCo-Chairs: Cassandra Clyde,
Nikki Lullman,
Secretary: Debra Russom,
Treasurer: Ashley Kinkade, / ASSET PANEL
Panel #1 – Health: Kathy Dinges (Eyerly Ball); Exp. 4/2016
Panel #2 – Basic Needs: Sarah Constable (HIRTA); Exp. 4/2017
Panel #3 – Children: Bob Reid (Campfire); Exp. 4/2015
Panel #4 – Prevention/Support: Susan Peterson (HSS); Exp. 9/2015
More Info @ ASSET Liaison Assignments @