Twitter and Facebook Posts – INSAD2017 - Wed 1st November 2017


These are the Twitter handles that have just been created.

#insad2017 and #internationalstressawarenessday2017

  • At the beginning of a sentence, there is no capital letter when you use a hashtag.
  • You can have more than one hashtag in a tweet

Twitter and Facebook Posts

1.#internationalstressawarenessday2017, Wed. Nov 1st. Dedicated to this key branch of #mentalhealth.

2.Big day in the year for #stressawareness. Ask us for a list of#stressworkshops in your area. #insad2017

3.Now show #stress who’s boss - on #internationalstressawarenessday2017. Wed 1st Nov.

4.What does INSAD stand for? #internationalstressawarenessday. Find out more now. #insad2017

5.Stressed out? Attend your local #stressworkshop on International Stress Awareness Day. #insad2017

6.Stress-levels too high? Attend a specialist #stressworkshop on International Stress Awareness Day. #insad2017

7.On November 1st, near you. Best #stressmanagement workshop of its kind. Find out more. #insad2017

8.‘Workforce Wellness - Your Prime Investment’. Specialist #stressmanagementworkshops. Wed. Nov. 1st. #insad2017

9.Working in #mentalhealthcare? Check-out International Stress Awareness Day. Wed Nov 1st. #insad2017

10.Nov. 1st. The one day when the whole country has got stress management front-of-mind. #insad2017

11.Like to organise a healthcare workshop? See why it’s got to be on the big day, 1 Nov. #insad2017

12.Ever thought of sponsoring a major mental healthcare promotion? Check out #insad2017

13.Don’t wait till Nov. 1stto see why #insad2017 could raise your profile in healthcare.

14.Don’t miss the big day in the year for stress management as #mentalhealth therapy. #insad2017

15.#stress. Increasingly seen as the biggest threat to workplace health. Check-out #insad2017.

16.Ever heard of International Stress Awareness Day? You certainly will, on Nov. 1st. Check-out #insad2017

17.Why should you be bothered about International Stress Awareness Day? Maybe find out. #insad2017

18.Take a healthy interest in International Stress Awareness Day. Wed. November 1st . #insad2017

19.Attend a stress workshop. Or organise one. Or sponsor one. #internationalstressawarenessday2017. Nov 1st 2017.

20.19th year of International Stress Awareness Day. Get involved. Make a difference. #insad2017

21. You need to know #whatcausesstress. So mark Nov. 1st #internationalstressawarenessday2017 in your diary.

22.Who said stress is good for you? See why it isn’t - on Nov. 1st #internationalstressawarenessday2017

23. Do you still confuse pressure with stress? See the crucial difference on Nov. 1st#insad2017

24. Pressure can be good for you. #stress never can. Study this big issue on Nov. 1st#insad2017

25. #overcomeanxiety by controlling stress - see how, on #internationalstressawarenessday2017.

26. #howtodestress - vital aid to #mentalwellbeing. Nov. 1st#internationalstressawarenessday2017.

27. #howtodealwithanxiety - tackle the #stress at the root of it. #insad2017 Nov. 1stis your day.

28. Spot the #symptomsofstress. Learn from experts at #stressworkshops nationwide on Nov.1st #insad2017:

29. #howtodealwithdepression. Study stress - like the rest of the UK on Nov.1st. #insad2017:

30. #typesofdepression - a worthwhile study, as part of #internationalstressawarenessday2017.

31. Once and for all, #dealwithstress the professional way. #internationalstressawarenessday2017.

32. Yes, you can get to the root of #panicattacks. At a #stressworkshop on #internationalstressawarenessday2017.

33. #signsofdepression. Sooner spotted, sooner cured. International#stressworkshops Nov. 1st#insad2017:

34. Ever met a #stressexpert? Check out #internationalstressawarenessday2017. See why you should.

35. You’ve been wanting to #dealwithstress long enough. Now do it, with expert help. #insad2017

36.#stressed? From Nov. 1st, you needn’t be. That’s why we have #internationalstressawarenessday2017.

37. On Nov. 1stthere’ll be a #stressmanagement workshop near you. Be there, and benefit. #insad2017:

38. Nov. 1stis when all minds are focused on stress. Find out why. #internationalstressawarenessday2017.

39. Pressure, badly handled, equals #stress. Find out more on #internationalstressawarenessday2017.

40. At last something worth re-tweeting! #dealwithstress on #nationalstressawarenessday2016.

41. Find out #whatcausesstress on #internationalstressawarenessday2017 etc etc.

42. #whatcausesstress? Almost all work habits. See why Nov. 1st is the day to start controlling it.

43. Nov 1stcould be the first day of your #stress-free working life. Specialist workshops nationwide.

44. Nov. 1st. Make a date with #stresscontrol. Feel the difference. #internationalstressawarenessday2017.

45. See how #stressmanagement pays active dividends at work.UK-wide events. Nov. 1st#insad2017

46. #overcomeanxiety in your workforce. See the benefit soon. #internationalstressawarenessday2017.

47. #howtodestress - at a specialist #stressworkshop near you. Nov. 1st#internationalstressawarenessday2017.

48. #howtodealwithanxiety. #internationalstressawarenessday2017. Nov. 1st. Check your local event.

49. There are more #symptomsofstress than you think. Expert workshops nationwide Nov. 1st #insad2017

50.#howtodealwithdepression. Attend your local specialist #stressworkshop on Wed.1st. #insad2017: