JYS Consultants-PosiPower Concepts, Inc.

Change Can Be Great

This is a PosiPower Workshop where all elements of change begin with self

Presenter (s)

Jordana Shakoor Anderson

Paul G. Anderson

Through learning how to enhance your own resilience

and foster it in others, you will be better prepared

to protect yourself and your organization from a

fast-changing world in which

the BEAST grows stronger every day.

Daryl R. Conner

Managing at the Speed of Change

Copyright 2009

Change Can Be Great

Self-image assessment

The following assessment is to help you evaluate where your strengths are as well as where you need improvement. In other words, where youwill need to change in order to improve your life.

Respond with the first thought that comes to mind: Yes or No

  1. I like myself.
  2. When I think of my future I feel optimistic.
  3. When I look at my past I realize I’m improving.
  4. When I look in the mirror, I wish I could change something about my appearance.
  5. I am for the most part comfortable with change.
  6. Most of the time I can handle everyday stress.
  7. I feel good about my home life.
  8. I am generally pretty healthy.
  9. There are not enough hours in the day.
  10. I sometimes have trouble controlling my anger or anxiety.
  11. I avoid stereotyping others.
  12. My interpersonal relationships are positive ones.
  13. I avoid negative people.
  14. I talk positively about myself.
  15. I respect ethic and cultural differences.
  16. I wish I’d never taken this job.
  17. I like the way I look.
  18. I often worry about losing my job.
  19. I’m comfortable meeting others for the first time.
  20. I have trouble watching my weight.
  21. My boss is a jerk and/or I work with jerks.
  22. Often I find a drink or a cigarette can calm my nerves.
  23. At night I have trouble forgetting the problems of the day.
  24. My family is driving me nuts.
  25. There are very few people that I like.
  26. Procrastination is a problem for me.
  27. I feel great about my accomplishments.
  28. Others will say I am a positive person.
  29. I am a positive person.
  30. When I wake up in the morning, I’m excited about beginning my day.

Change Can Be GREAT 1-day

There is bound to be tension and feelings of uncertainty as we adjust to changes in our lives, even if we anticipate and look forward to them. Change is constant and no two days are ever the same. By understanding the process of change, participants learn how to become receptive to change because many positive opportunities are afforded through change. They learn how to eliminate the tendency to worry, procrastinate, "stress-out" and burnout, while improving their time management skills. They also gather tips for improving their professional and personal lives. The goal of this workshop is to help participants cope with their ever-changing workplaces and lives.

Goals and Objectives:

To help participants cope with our ever changing lives and work places.


Introductions: Participants will introduce themselves by saying something positive

about themselves.

Open discussion

  1. Why be Positive?
  2. Why would a positive self-image better able an individual to handle change?
  3. What attributes constitute a positive self-image or attitude?
  4. What are some personal life changes we will have to deal with?
  5. What are some changes in our work place/careers we may have to deal with?

Instructional Dealing with change

1. The Phases of Change

2. The Stresses of Change

  1. Negative responses to change
  2. Positive responses to change


Group activities and exercises

Instructional 1. Making a commitment to change for the better

  1. Why Change Can Be Great For You and Your Family
  2. Workplaces and families thrive on change
  3. 13 PosiPower Ways to Managing Change

Change Can Be Great

When one door of happiness closes.

another opens;

but we often look so long at the closed door

that we do not see the one

that has been opened for us.

Helen Keller

In small groups discuss the following questions.

  1. Describe the most significant change in your life.
  1. Describe a change in your life that you initially dreaded but turnout

for the best.

3. What 5 technological advances in your lifetime have had the greatest

impact on your life?

4. In which areas would you like to see technological advances in the


5. List 5 negatives in your workplace that could be improved through

change. (Choose a facilitator to record your responses)

6. List 10 POSITIVE ways to CHANGE the 5 negatives in your

workplace. (Two possible solutions for each problem)

Change Can Be Great

Carefully answer the following questions then put it in the enclosed envelope to be opened one year from today.

  1. List 3 things, in your personal life, you would like to change in the next year.

2. List 3 things, in your work life, you would like to change.

  1. What steps will you make toward realizing these changes?

The high prize of life,

the crowning fortune of a man

is to be born with a bias

to some pursuit

which finds him

employment and happiness



13 PosiPower Tips to Managing Change

  1. Always maintain a POSITIVE self-image
  1. Understand change is the norm - not the exception.
  1. Remember to dwell on your successes and not your

failures. Always visualize a POSITIVE future.

  1. Remember your SURVIVAL depends on how you

manage change.

  1. Remember you can't control change but you can always

control your attitude. So think positively.

  1. Remember that people who can manage change

will PROFIT personally and professionally.

  1. Always have a Plan B, but thoroughly examine the


  1. PRIORITIZE and don't sweat the small stuff
  1. Avoid procrastination - have daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals
  1. Maintain a strong foundation: Faith, Family, and Friends
  1. Read about successful people who have achieved in spite of their

circumstances. And compare your own situation to someone who is

else less fortunate.

  1. Have a sense of humor - deliberately smile - be joyful

13. Choose to be a WINNER.

My Action Plan

List three things you will do differently as a result of the training today:




Bibliography & Sources

  1. Manage at the Speed of Change – Daryl Connors
  1. Death And Dying – 7 Stages for Dealing with Death – Elisabeth Kubler Ross
  1. Balance Work & Family - Channing L. Bete, Co, 1993