Weekly Interactive NB Check Rubric
3 Proficient / 2 Basic / 1 BeginningKnowledge
Left-Hand Pages / Articles/notes
* highlighted where appropriate
* include additional thoughts
* answered thoroughly
* show evidence of correction/ additional thinking. / Articles/notes
* highlighted where appropriate
* answered thoroughly
* show evidence of correction/ additional thinking. / One – two assignments or notes are missing, incomplete, or some errors may not have been corrected.
Right-Hand Pages / Proficient use of knowledge:
The application of concepts is appropriate and shows depth of understanding. / Basic use of knowledge:
Show a general understanding of the concepts. / Beginning use of knowledge:
Shows some understanding of the concepts
The application of concepts may be superficial or random.
Skills / Uses complete thoughts and own words
Contains most important information
Completed per instructions / Sometimes uses complete thoughts and own words
May include some irrelevant details
Completed per instructions / Uses incomplete thoughts or is copied directly from another source
May include irrelevant details
Not completed per instructions
Organization &
Presentation / Use of color is consistent, eye-catching, and effective
Pictures are complete, and show an understanding of the text.
The notebook is neat and attractive / Color is used, but not consistently or effectively.
Few pictures are complete, and show an understanding of the text
The notebook is neat and attractive / Color is rarely or never used
No pictures or pictures show a lack of understanding of the text.
The notebook is not neat and attractive.
Rubric Scores
A / 11 - 12 / 11 = 95, 12 = 98B / 8 - 10 / 8 = 86, 9 = 89, 10 = 92
C / 6 - 7 / 6 = 78, 7 = 82
D / 4 - 5 / 5 = 74, 4 = 70
Notebooks that are incomplete or poorly done will receive a grade of INC (incomplete).
When being graded by a rubric, all expectations for a category must be met for the highest score, any missing elements will result in the next highest score for that category, and so on.
The maximum score for this rubric is 98, however, the teacher reserves the right to award an additional two points for work that exceeds expectations.
Students are encouraged to correct and complete their notebooks because it will receive an overall portfolio grade per unit.