St Cuthbert Without Parish Council
Minutes of the Council Meeting of St Cuthbert Without held on Thursday 23 September 2010 at Carlisle Racecourse, Durdar Road, Durdar, Carlisle.
PRESENT Cllr R I Stewart, Chair
Cllrs J S Bird, Mrs J Hayton, J J Longstaff, T J Nattrass, D W Nugent, D M Pearson, I N Powley, C Stringfellow, J H Westmorland, Mrs J M Wilkinson & J R Workman
Carlisle City Council Cllrs N Clarke & D B Craig
Apologies received: Cllrs D Cheesebrough, B H Dodd, & Miss B Westmorland,
Cumbria County Council Cllr T Allison
None declared
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 22 July 2010 at Stoneraise School, Durdar, Carlisle were approved as a true record and authorised to be signed by the Chairman.
There was one member of the public present, Brian Rudd, a resident of Garlands Road. He expressed concern that what is thought to be a public footpath leading from Cumwhinton Road, along the perimeter of the sports field, to the end of Sycamore Lane appears to have been restricted by barbed wire fitted to the access stile. Whilst fully recognising that Creighton Rugby Club need to protect their playing pitches such restriction is an imposition of responsible walkers and dog walkers. Clerk to investigate and report to Mr Rudd
An update on the following matters was anticipated from Carlisle City Cllr Allison but, in his absence, would be carried forward to the next meeting:
· Re aligning the radius at the kerb at the crossroads, Durdar
· Drainage at Wreay School
· Parking restrictions at Wreay School
· Joint venture to erect/extend palisade fencing in Waterman’s Walk, Carleton Grange
· A request for a financial contribution towards the cost of traffic counts, in support of a Carlisle Southerly Bypass was considered and agreed unanimously to grant £200.00 towards this project
Resolved to contribute £200.00 to this project
Cllr Clarke reported:
· Cumbria Transport Plan 2011-26. Consultation with Parish Councils was late and outside Parish Charter. This was unsatisfactory although this Parish Council had been advised on the last day of consultation Members had been made aware of detail by email that day. Cllr Dodd to be asked to refer this matter to Scrutiny Committee
· Garlands Estate:
o Grit bins for developments on former – see 10/36 below
o Adoption of roads and sewers – see 10/39 below
10/74 MATTERS ARISING from those Minutes that are not covered separately, it was noted:
Land Registration of Common Land
· Registration ongoing by solicitors, Bendles. Ongoing delays -temporary closure of Records Office
Public Participation
· Installation of new notice board adjacent to pumping station on north eastern side of Barratt Development awaited
· Story Homes are making alterations to the 2no notice boards that they installed at their expense. Development awaited
· Installation of new additional notice board opposite Bluerare, Carleton still awaited
· Repair/replacement/repositioning of seat opposite Blackwell Common. It was agreed that a new seat and notice board should be purchased and sited on the east side of Durdar Road on the north side of 123 Durdar Road. Clerk to ascertain costings. Cllr Clarke indicated, later, that she would provide £500.00 towards this scheme from her Community Projects Budget
· Overgrown hedge at transmitter station. Despite reminders and promises in the absence of any action matter to be reported to Cumbria Highways as it is now a traffic hazard
· Administration of Esk Brickworks Ltd does not affect planning consent for wind turbine
· Environment Agency does not have regulatory powers in respect of managing Japanese Knotweed which responsibility falls to the landowner although landowner is not legally bound to remove it because it is a natural growth and not an illegal activity
· Sale of vehicles/abuse of time restrictions by drivers of HGVs/use as car park of various lay bys had all been reported to Cumbria County Council, Carlisle City Council and Police (who had involved their Traffic Management Officer) to investigate joint and several action
· Picnic site entrance. Unacceptable to provide hard standing on verges adjacent to entrance because of visibility splay. Cumbria CC/Capita to investigate options and would report their findings
Carleton Grange/Parkland Village/Pennine View
· Adoption up date on present position:
o Barratts were currently carrying out highways remedials on all 10 phases and these should be completed by end of September 2010 and ready for re-inspection
o Land transfer of pumping station was imminent
o Design was awaited for footway to Edgehill Road because existing steps do not meet disabled access requirements
o Persimmon site highways were complete. Awaiting Barratts sewers acceptance
o Story site had been snagged and remedial action was awaited.
o Streetlight remedials were presently being inspected
· Provision of grit bin could not be considered ahead of adoption of these developments. The responsibility will fall to Carlisle City Council and Norman Tolson is investigating requirements
· New direction sign to Ratten Row from Durdar/Dalston road now installed. Invoice awaited
· Carlisle City Council was aware of additional (temporary) entrance to The Lonning, Durdar
· Meeting had been held at Wreay between Parish Council (Cllrs Stewart & Bird and Clerk) Charles Bennett (Carlisle City Council Tree Officer) and Andrew Edgar (Orchard Grounds Maintenance) to examine and determine action required to various trees:
o Wreay Green:
§ Deadwood oak nearest Old Vicarage
§ Fell split oak
§ Crown raise to 4m and deadwood lime
§ Maple and spruce on roadside – crown raise
o Land adjacent to Wreay School:
§ Fell dead sycamore near Wreay School
§ Deadwood oaks as necessary
· None of trees were subject to any preservation order
· Oak near Wreay School thought to be sound and not in any danger
· The work to the trees adjacent to Wreay School had now been undertaken at the expense of the school
Prices for necessary work on Wreay Green only had been sought from Orchard Ground Maintenance £810.00 and R & M Lowther, Carlisle £555.00 and it was unanimously agree to accept the lower tender
Resolved to award the above contract to R & M Lowther in the sum of £555.00
All other matters had been reported/recommended/actioned as necessary
None present and no written report submitted. Report to Inspector, Brampton
It was noted that the following application on which the Parish Council had been consulted has been withdrawn by the applicant:
· Demolition of existing unit and erection of agricultural building for storage of implements. Howgill Farm, Carleton. Ref 10/0632
It was noted that the following applications on which the Parish Council had been consulted had been approved by Carlisle City Council:
· Erection of agricultural building. Woodbank Farm, Brisco. Ref 10/0518
· Renewal of unexpired permission of appn 07/0489 for erection of detached 4no bedroom dwelling. The Cottage, Carleton. Ref 10/0553
· Demolition of outhouse/stores; erection of two storey side and rear extension to provide kitchen extension on ground floor with ensuite and dressing room to existing bedroom and 1no bathroom above. Woodbank Farm, Brisco. Ref 10/0569
· Removal of existing porch and erection of conservatory. Foulbridge, Wreay. Ref 10/0624
· Erection of two storey side extension with single storey rear extension with detached double garage (revised application). Holly Cottage, Wreay. Ref 10/0670
It was noted that the following planning applications had been agreed or commented upon by the Planning Committee of the Parish Council in view of the time constraints for submission of observations:
· Demolition of existing unit and erection of agricultural building for storage of implements. Howgill Farm, Carleton. Ref 10/0632
· Erection of two storey side extension with single storey rear extension with detached double garage (revised application). Holly Cottage, Wreay. Ref 10/0670
· Single storey extension to provide 1no ensuite bedroom, kitchen/dining area and conservatory; construction of raised decking area adjacent to new kitchen dining space. Ardnaree, Carlton. Ref 10/0721
The following planning applications were considered and comments or observations noted, as shown:
· Erection 2no wind turbines (11kW) height 18metres on a concrete base to the south of the property. Bankdale Farm, Wreay. Ref 10/0780
o A copy of a letter sent to Carlisle City Council by Mrs J Lopez, 5 Bankdale Bungalows, Wreay, was read to meeting expressing her personal views on such developments and seeking assurance that local residents had been made aware of the application. Her comments relating to publication to be passed to Carlisle City Council
o This application was then supported by a majority with one against and one abstention
· Demolition of modern extension; erection of 2 storey extension to provide breakfast room, kitchen, hall, wc and garden room on ground floor, with 2no ensuite bedrooms on first floor (LBC). Revised application. Brisco Hill, Brisco. Ref 10/0826
The following were noted:
Carlisle City Council
· Development Control site inspection would be held on Wednesday 29 September 2010 at Scalesceugh Hall, Carleton at 10.45am. Two representatives of this Parish Council able to attend
Cumbria County Council:
· Urgent 40 mph speed restriction with 10 mph convoy C1014 Newbiggin Road on 12 August 2010
None were reported
To note and confirm action taken:
· Fly tipping: in lane adjacent The Beeches, Carleton; lane opposite picnic area, Carlton; Ratten Row (x2); adjacent to radio mast Red cat Road all reported to Carlisle City Council for collection
· Damage to bridge parapet at picnic area, Carleton dislodged copings pushed into river. Reported to Police and Capita for repair and action visible
· Overgrown path at Carleton reported to Green Spaces Team, Carlisle City Council for action
· Missing white lines at Durdar. Reported to Cumbria Highways for action and now reinstated
· Lane between High Wreay Bridge and Foulbridge, Wreay blocked by tree, telegraph pole and large boulder. Reported to Cumbria Highways and Police for action. Partially cleared but requires boulder moving further away from road and trees cutting back
· Rubbish in picnic area – Orchard Ground Maintenance to attend
· Development at Sandysike Cottage Wreay appears to be greater than planning permission. Reported to Enforcement Officer to check
· Flooding or Mayfield, Durdar. Reported to Carlisle City Council – water then drains to Durdar Road and sewers are the responsibility of Cumbria County Council. Still a problem and to be referred again
· Tree on Pennine View suffered either storm damage or vandalism reported to Persimmon Homes for action
10/79 CLERK
The Clerk left the meeting
Cllrs Powley and Mrs Wilkinson presented their annual appraisal of the Clerk, which was satisfactory, and recommended that the paid hours be increased in line with nationally agreed minimum hours for a civic population 2501-3500 to 15.25 per week payable from 1 April 2010
Resolved to increase hours of Clerk to 15.25 per week effective from 1 April 2010
The Clerk returned to the meeting and thanked members for the increase in paid hours
Elected Members’ Allowances 2010/11
Adoption of the following mileage and other allowances to elected members as agreed by Carlisle City Council Independent Remuneration Panel, with effect from 1 April 2010, was considered:
Travel allowances – mileage rates:
451-999cc 1000-1199cc over 1200cc
Casual users
Per mile first 8500 46.9p 52.2p 65.0p
Per mile after 8500 13.7p 14.4p 16.4p
Subsistence allowances (only payable whilst out of Carlisle District) and maximum rate payable
Breakfast £6.34 Lunch £8.71 Dinner £14.21
Out of pocket allowance £5.00 per night away from normal place of residence (maximum £20.00 per week, that is, 4 nights)
Hotel Accommodation London £92.00 plus VAT per night
Outside London £71.00 plus VAT per night
Resolved to adopt the above rates for mileage and other allowances
To receive the following accounts for approval and payment:
EON Electricity Direct Debit 89.55
EON Electricity Direct Debit 89.55
HM Revenue & Customs Tax & Nat Ins for September 2010 141.34
HM Revenue & Customs Tax & Nat Ins for October 2010 141.54
Orchard Ground Maintenance Grass cutting (Standing order) August 350.00
Orchard Ground Maintenance Grass cutting (Standing order) July 350.00
Orchard Ground Maintenance Removal of fly tipping from High Wreay 85.00
Orchard Ground Maintenance Cut down wind damaged tree in picnic area 25.00
Staples Business Account Stationery (Direct Debit) 62.80
Staples Business Account Stationery (Direct Debit) 200.88
Cumbria County Council Brisco crossroads - contribution to works 1025.00
Royal Mail Reply service licence & balance top-up 94.47
CALC Training courses for Clerk (2no) 78.00
D E Johnson:
Telephone allowance 20.00
Accommodation allowance 12.00
Stationery/copying 3.92
Computer repair 35.00
Mileage 107 @ 65.0ppm 69.55 140.47
Salary (net) September 2010- Standing order 450.00
Salary (net) October 2010 Standing order 450.00
Resolved that the above payments are made
Monies received
· Carlisle City Council Parish Grant 2010/11 £3105.00
Annual Accounts 2009/10
The following were noted:
· Annual Audit has been completed and approved by BDO Stoy Hayward LLP – no matters raised
· Necessary notices would be displayed for at least 14 days
The outcomes of the questionnaire were considered and it was determined that whilst there were no areas highlighted as requiring specific attention it was noted that few people visit Wragmire Moss. It was agreed that there is a need to promote this area of beauty with photographs on the web site and an information board. This project will be explored as a project for 2011
Site meeting arranged Friday 24 September 2010 between Andrea Bonnaker (Cumbria Paths Initiative), Andrew Nicholson (Carlisle City Council Green Spaces Team) and Cllr Workman and Clerk to discuss work required and funding for this project.
The following were noted specially:
Cumbria County Council
· Client Services
o Revised arrangements for highways and maintenance in Carlisle – contact details with Clerk
· Nominations for Executive Committee. Application with Clerk
The following were noted for general information:
Carlisle City Council
· Governance Directorate
o Forward plan of key decisions of the Executive 1 September 2010 to 31 December 2010
o Forward plan of key decisions of the Executive 1 October 2010 to 31 January 2011
· Economic Development
o Adoption of Statement of Community Involvement. Can be viewed at
o Draft Energy Efficiency Supplementary Planning Doc. Can be viewed
o Cumbria 3rd Transport Plan 2011-26 as circulated (support economic growth, climate change, safety and Health & Safety, equality of employment and improve quality of life