Linton Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs C Orme

Address: Linton Parish Council, PO BOX 8063, Swadlincote DE11 1FP

Tel: 0771 9599132

Minutes of the monthly Linton Parish Council Meeting held on 10th June 2014 at The Brick Rooms Linton, commencing at 7pm.

In attendance.

Cllr Sharratt (in the Chair)

Cllr Aytain, Cllr Tilley, Cllr Palmer, Cllr Denton, Cllr Ensor, Cllr McLaren, Cllr Powell and Cllr Kerry.

1 District Council Representative, 1 County Council Representative, 1 Police Representative and 1 member of the public was in attendance.



1.  Minute Number 677/14 - To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Browne.

2.  Minute Number 678/14 - Variation of the Order of Business.

There were no Variations to the Order of Business.

3.  Minute Number 679/14 - Declaration of Members Interests.

There were no Declarations of Members Interests.

4.  Minute Number 680/14 - Public Participation.

Minute Number 680/14/A – Public Speaking

·  It was reported that there was one allotment vacant at Linton Heath. The Parish Council were asked if this could be advertised as nobody that was on the waiting list was interested. – It was agreed that Cllr Aytain would add the allotment vacancy to the Parish Council website. It was also agreed that a new waiting list would be started.

·  The Clerk was asked to write to one of the allotments holders giving them 3 months to sort out their plot.

·  It was agreed that weed killer could be purchased for the paths and vacant allotment. The Parish Council would reimburse the cost at the next meeting.

·  A complaint had been made by a resident who had been suffering flooding from the allotments. SDDC had been out and cleared part of the ditch. However another part of the ditch between the allotments and the farmers field was very overgrown and in need of maintenance. – It was agreed that the Clerk would look into the ownership of this part of the ditch.

·  The Parish Council was asked if the barbed wire fencing at the allotments could be removed and better fencing installed with rabbit fencing as there was a current problem with rabbits eating the produce. It was reported that in the short term the rabbits could be culled and this matter would be discussed later.

Minute Number 680/14/B – Police Representatives Report

PCSO McMillan was present at the meeting and gave his report as follows:

·  He reported that crime generally in the area was up, however this was due to an event at Catton Park.

·  Crimes in Linton this month were:

o  Damage to a window on Main Street

o  Damage to a Green House on Main Street

o  ABH section 47 on Linton Heath.

o  Section 59 warning had been given to a local youth for riding his bike on the Linton Recreation Ground and in the woods.

·  It was reported that at the last Safer Neighbourhoods Meeting it had been agreed to prioritise speeding in the area. – Cllr McLaren asked if Linton Heath could be included in this.

Minute Number 680/14/C – District Council Representatives Report

Cllr Jones sent his apologies.

Cllr Wheeler gave his report as follows:

·  He explained that the District was very vulnerable to large planning applications at present due to the fact that the Local Development Plan was not yet in place. It is hoped that this will be submitted by 03.07.2014.

·  It was reported that £70k had been approved at the last Financial Committee Meeting for Solicitors and Lawyers to fight the Gladman Application off High Street.

Minute Number 680/14/D – County Council Representatives Report.

Cllr Lauro was present at the meeting and gave her report as follows:

·  Cllr Lauro gave the Councillors some YUK posters to install around the village.

·  She reported that the stage 2 consultation had commenced with regards to the mobile library bus. She explained that the service was currently being cut back and only 1 or 2 mobile libraries would be used and it would not be on as regular basis as now. Cllr Lauro said that she would keep the Parish Council informed of any progress in this matter going forwards.

·  She reported the good news that Linton may soon be getting a replacement bus shelter with sides on Main Street.

·  She reported that the street lighting on the junction of Main Street and Hillside Road had now been repaired and the white lines had been reinstated.

·  She reported that the speed activated sign on Linton Heath was now working and no fault had been found.

·  She explained that she always tried to comment on the lack of infrastructure for example school places when planning applications were received for further housing within the village for example the Gladman Application.

Cllr Powell asked if yellow lines could be installed on Linton Heath on the bad bend by the bungalows as cars were double parking in that area causing a hazard for other motorists. Cllr Lauro replied that she would look into this matter.

5.  Minute Number 681/14 - To confirm the Non Exempt Minutes of the following Meetings held on 13th May 2014

·  Annual Linton Parish Council Meeting

Resolved: The non-exempt minutes of the Annual Linton Parish Council Meeting held on 13th May 2014 having been circulated were accepted as a true record.

·  Monthly Linton Parish Council Meeting

Resolved: The non-exempt minutes of the Linton Parish Council Meeting held on 13th May 2014 having been circulated were accepted as a true record.

6.  Minute Number 682/14 - Committee Reports

The Parish Council Meeting has been designated to discuss the following matters only in more detail.

A)  Coton Park Recreation Ground Report

B)  Mowing of Badger Hollows

Cllr Denton reported that he had been asked by the Clerk to attend a Football Match at Badger Hollows Recreation Ground on Sunday 08.06.2014 to give out a trophy on behalf of Linton parish Council. He explained that it was a great match and he thoroughly enjoyed it.

Cllr Denton explained that the football team had needed to cut the football pitch themselves prior to the match taking place as SDDC had not been to cut it and it was too long to play.

Resolved: Cllr Tilley was given delegated powers to arrange a site meeting with Steve Sheppard at SDDC to discuss the issues with mowing etc at Badger Hollows. Cllr Tilley would report back at the next available Parish Council Meeting on the outcome of this meeting.

It was reported that there were areas at Badger Hollows which were prone to flooding especially on the half way line of the Football Pitch.

Cllr Tilley reported that the play equipment at Badger Hollows was now 10 years old and in need of repairs. He had spoken to the Clerk and the Clerk had advised that it would be a quicker process if the background work was completed prior to discussions in the Parish Council Meeting. Cllr Tilley had met with Wickstead on site and has asked for a price to repair the damaged play equipment and to clean it all up. Cllr Tilley will report the outcome at the next available Parish Council Meeting once the quote is received.

Cllr Tilley reported that the Parish Council were still holding almost £4k from the Coton Park Community Centre which is to be spent at Coton Park. Cllr Tilley suggested that this should be used to install a new piece of play equipment where the train was removed. Cllr Tilley had asked Wickstead for a price and would report the outcome at the next available Parish Council Meeting.

Resolved: Linton Parish Council gave Cllr Tilley delegated powers to continue with the above 2 matters to obtain prices for the next available Parish Council meeting.

Resolved: The Clerk to contact BT and request that the phone box at Coton Park be removed. This is due to the fact that it has not had a receiver for the last 2 years, the door is hanging off and it looks an eyesore.

C)  Linton FC – request to use Football Pitch Coton Park update

It was reported that the 2 groups now using the Football Pitch were sorting the details out between themselves as to who would be training when as agreed at the previous meeting. The Clerk would shortly be sending a contract to be signed and returned to the new group using the pitch.

B)  Facilities Report

i.  Installation of benches update – Linton Recreation Ground

Resolved: The Clerk to chase the contractor to install the benches as soon as possible.

ii. Refurbishment of bench outside the Post office update

iii.  Refurbishment to the Onyx sign update

Resolved: The Clerk to chase the contractors to obtain a price for this work.

iv.  Slide and Bank issues at Linton Recreation Ground update

Resolved: The Clerk to contact the installation contractors to arrange a site meeting with Cllr Denton to discuss away forwards to resolve this issue.

v. Approval to cull rabbits at the Linton Heath Allotments.

Resolved: Linton Parish Council agreed to have the rabbits culled in the short term.

Resolved: The Clerk to write to the contractor giving them permission to complete the work.

Resolve: The Police will be informed on the day the work is to take place in case of complaints.

Resolved: On the day the work is completed the Allotments will be closed off.

Resolved: The Clerk to see who owns the ditch.

Resolved: The Clerk to obtain prices for rabbit fencing and arrange for the contractors to meet with Mr Lindley on site if required.

C)  Footpath and Forestry Committee Report

Cllr Palmer gave her report as follows:

·  All definitive footpaths had received their first cut of the year. However due to the weather, they would require cutting again soon especially footpath number 10 by the pumping station.

·  The Orchard and Foxley entrance had also been cut back

Resolved: The Clerk to contact SDDC and request that the orchard is maintained extra this year. The Clerk to arrange for extra cuts.

·  Cllr Palmer reported that she maintained the Millennium Garden and with the Parish Councils permission would like to continue to do this.

Resolved: Linton Parish Council agreed for Cllr Palmer to continue to maintain the millennium garden as a volunteer under the Parish Councils Insurance Policy.

Resolved: The Clerk to contact the Woodland Trust to obtain contact details for their contractors that install rabbit fencing.

Resolved: The Clerk to contact the Woodland Trust and ask that they litter pick the car park area at Foxley Wood more regularly or, if more appropriate Linton Parish Council will complete the work if the Woodland Trust agree to contribute half hour per week at £6.31 per hour.

D)  Information from Councillors attending any other meetings

Cllr Powell had attended the last Safer Neighbourhoods and Area Forum Meeting.

7.  Minute Number 683/14 - Clerks Report

a)  Risk Assessment – update

The Clerk reported that she had a meeting arranged with John Watson from Watson and Watson Ltd at 10am on 10.06.2014.

b)  Dog Fouling issues around the village and Dog Control Orders

Resolved: It was agreed to add this matter to the agenda for September 2014.

Thanks were given to Cllr Denton and Cllr Tilley for installing the Dog Fouling Signs around the village.

c)  IT information

It was reported that the Facebook page for Linton Parish Council had been unsuccessful, it was agreed that this was a little disappointing.

d)  Meeting to be arranged with the Linton Village Action Group

Resolved: The Clerk to contact the Linton Village Action Group and arrange a meeting in Exempt with them at the Parish Council Meeting to be held in July 2014.

Resolved: The Clerk to inform Linton Village Action Group that SDDC had agreed at their last Financial Committee Meeting to £70k towards legal fees to fight the Gladman Application.

Resolved: The Clerk to complete the agenda as normal for Apologies and Public Speaking etc, but to close the rest of the meeting thereafter for Linton Parish Council and Linton Village Action Group to discuss the Gladman Application and taking this matter forward.

Resolved: If required the Parish Council agreed to hold a normal Parish Council Meeting in August 2014.

e)  Neighbourhood Planning - the formation of a Committee and agreement to employ a consultant

Resolved: To add this to the agenda for September 2014.

f)  Resident Complaint re Anti-Social behaviour on Linton Recreation Ground re new play equipment.

Resolved: The Clerk to respond to the letter received.

8.  Minute Number 684/14 - Derbyshire Association of Local Council’s

Resolved: Linton Parish Council noted the following information.

a)  Circular 09/2014

·  DALC Annual Executive Meeting & AGM

·  SLCC/DALC joint event “Clerks and RFOs Networking Lunch”

·  Local Government Pensions – LGPS

·  Clerk Induction Training

·  Playground Inspection Training – led by RoSPA Playsafety

·  Neighbourhood Planning

·  Parishes in bid to light up new community powers

·  Making Localism work

·  Statutory Sick Pay refund abolished from 6 April 2014