Lecture Contract
1. Subject : English For Teaching (Bahasa Inggris Profesi)
2. Code/ Credit Value : KFI612201/ 2 (0-2)
3. Period : Even Semester, Academic Year 2015/2016
4. Schedule : Thursday, 09:30 – 11.10 / 13:00 – 14:40
5. Lecturer : Wayan Suana, S.Pd., M.Si.
Drs. I Wayan Distrik, M.Si.
6. Brief Description:
This course aims to develop english communication skills required by students to teach physics in english language for senior high school in their future professional careers.
7. Standard of Competence:
After completing the course, you should be able to do the following.
a. Comprehend physics materials in english language
b. Teach physics by using english language clearly and effectively for senior and junior high school
c. Organize lesson plan in english language for physics of senior high school
No / Basic Competence / Ref. / Method / Time (min) / Media(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6)
1 / Contract
Be familiar with classroom expressions for teaching and classroom vocabularies / b,c,d / Group discussion, Listening / 2 x 50’ / Podcast, handout
2 / Understand vocabularies about the concepts of measurement of length and measurement, explain them clearly and effectively in english / b,c,d / Group discussion, presentation / 2 x 50’ / Handout, ppt, video
3 / Understand vocabularies about the concepts of measurement of mass, and explain it clearly and effectively in english / b,c,d / Group discussion, presentation / 2 x 50’ / Handout, ppt, video
4 / Understand vocabularies about the concepts of vector quantity, and explain it clearly and effectively in English / b,c,d / Group discussion, presentation / 2 x 50’ / Handout, ppt, video
5 / Understand vocabularies about the concepts of linear motion, and explain them clearly and effectively in English / b,c,d / Group discussion, presentation / 2 x 50’ / Handout, ppt, video
6 / Understand vocabularies about the concepts of circular motion, and explain it effectively in English / b,c,d / Group discussion, presentation / 2 x 50’ / Handout, ppt, video
7 / Mid Test
8 / Understand vocabularies about the concepts of elasticity, and explain it effectively in english / b,c,d / Group discussion, presentation / 2 x 50’ / Handout, ppt, video
9 / Understand vocabularies about the concepts of fluid, and explain them clearly and effectively in english / b,c,d / Group discussion, presentation / 2 x 50’ / Handout, ppt, video
10 / Understand vocabularies about the concepts of heat and temperature, and explain it clearly and effectively in english / b,c,d / Group discussion, presentation / 2 x 50’ / Handout, ppt, video
11 / Understand vocabularies about the concepts of waves, and explain it clearly and effectively in english / b,c,d / Group discussion, presentation / 2 x 50’ / Handout, ppt, video
12 / Understand vocabularies about the concepts of electric circuits, and explain it clearly and effectively in english / b,c,d / Group discussion, presentation / 2 x 50’ / Handout, ppt, video
13 / Plan and organize lesson plan, and deliver effective physics teaching in English / b,c,d / Group discussion, teaching practice / 2 x 50’ / video,
14 / Final Test
8. Reference
a. http://www.effortlessenglish.org
b. Cutnell, John D & Kenneth W Johnson. 2013. Physics (9th Edition). USA: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
c. Sunardi & Etsa Indra Irawan. 2006. Fisika Bilingual. Bandung: Yrama Widya.
d. Internet resources
9. Prerequisite : English (Bahasa Inggris)
10. Examination Prerequirement
Minimum attendance 80%, otherwise final test = 0
11. Assessment Criteria
No / Component / %1 / Tasks (resume and presentation) / 30
3 / Mid Test / 10
4 / Final Test / 10
5 / Tutorial Activity / 20
6 / Attendance+activity / 15
7 / MOOC Task* / 15
Total / 100
Link: https://www.coursera.org/learn/teaching-english
Bandar Lampung, March 5th, 2016
Student Representative Responsible Lecturer,
Wayan Suana, S.Pd., M.Si.
NIP 19851231 200812 1 001