Growth is possible when pastor and people work together in a local church. Support ministry principle has been proven throughout scripture and history to be one of the most effective dynamic of any healthy and successful church.

There cannot be effective growth in the church if the pastor is left alone to do the work. Many workers don’t support encourage and assist the pastors to bring growth into that local church. They have not been taught how to support the pastor and strength the church. Many of them sit idle in the church doing nothing. Some of them are “look man”, who just sits down to look in the church. Many of the workers believe that pastor is the one called to do the work of the ministry

On the other hand, many ministries don’t know how to get the people involved in the ministry. They don’t know how to mobilize the people for the work. But, according to Eph. 4:12, the major work of the pastor is to equip the saint, so that the saint will do the work of the ministry.

AThe Reason Why

  1. Jesus did not do the work alone, he got the disciples involved
  2. The strength of the church is not measured by seating capacity, but by sending capacity
  3. The success of the pastor is measured by what the people can do even in his absence
  4. Every member is a deposit of the unique gifts of God
  5. It is better for people to work with the pastor than to work against him
  6. The success of every member depends on how committed he is in a local church Ps. 92:13-14; Matt. 6:33
  7. For growth, increase and expansion
  8. For community impact

BAuthority must flow from one source

  1. People must allow one pastor to lead
  2. The pastor must provide dynamic leadership. A role model
  3. Support him prayerfully
  4. Follow his God-given vision
  5. Encourage and motivate him
  6. Be obedient and teachable
  7. Deacons, elders and influential members must support and work with him
  8. Church officers must give him free hand to lead
  9. Advice and provide ideas and financial support

CExpectation from the people following

  1. Give to their pastor
  2. Be a true sheep
  3. Use gifts and graces for growth
  4. Work together to lift up the church
  5. Be available and teachable

DThings That Hinder Teamwork

  1. Ignorant
  2. Luke warmness and coldness of hear
  3. Lack of compassion and love
  4. Worldly minded and carnality
  5. Discouragement and tiredness
  6. Lack of personal development
  7. Blurred vision Is. 6:1
  8. Lack of goal setting
  9. Wrong information
  10. Demonic operations

E12 ways of Pastors can Encourage Team work

  1. Understand the vision
  2. Believe in your people – you can turn your people around
  3. Encourage your people, encourage your pastor
  4. Share the vision often with your people – believe in the vision of your pastor
  5. Trust and train
  6. Personal growth
  7. Be involved in the church
  8. Be committed to prayer and fasting
  9. Discover your gifts and use them
  10. Be a seed sower
  11. Patiently labour on
  12. Be diligent and hardworking Christian

Study Two


MK. 1:14-20

Follow me

I will make you

This is a vital issue; why must we train workers. Our success will be determined by how seriously we train workers to help us fulfill offer ministry. Moses, Elijah, David, Paul, Jesus was a success because they took this issue very seriously. Come ye after me – not some one else, but after me, I will make you.

Jesus calls the other disciples so as to train them to take over from him. Jesus was not just interest in followership – but to develop them up to fill the leadership gap.

Come after me and I – personal duty

‘I will’ personal determination

Make you – purposeful designed

He has a goal to make them fishers of men – productive destination

We have no right to criticize our worker until we can say we have done our best in training them. God has called us to lift them up

To look them over

To let them in

To line them up – equip them

To let them out – send

By doing these we eliminate three basic problems

  1. Misuse – untrained workers
  2. Disuse – failing to tap
  3. Abuse – over – load few
  4. Reason for training and developing workers
  5. Resources training and developing workers
  6. Result training and developing workers

1The Reason – why?

You worker will determine the level of your success. If you don’t train your choir, ushers, S.S. teachers, they will pull down what you have panted

Let’s learn from David I Sam.22:1-2

David found himself in the midst of useless of men; but he began to train this nobody to somebody. See the result of his training II Sam. 23:8-12

The different between Saul and David

Saul had enough men but not trained soldier. None was able to stand against Goliath. David had vagabonded and debtors he decide to train than and they became great warriors for him. Your members can become such as you train them.

2The growth potentials of your church is directly related to the potential of your workers

Jesus laid a good example, you know he trained the twelve and as at the time he left, the church never suffer Acts 2:41; 6:7; 9:31. A church cannot grow without until his workers grow within. Everything rises and falls on leadership.

3Trained and develop workers will help you to carry the load

You will go along way if there are those who will carry the load with you. No minister will suffer because his workers are trained. But you will suffer if your workers are not trained. If you don’t train you will drain. If you don’t train you will wear out.

Most ministers’ sunset at noon because of the stress involve in the ministry. The load become lighter see the example the battle between Israel and the Amalekites Ex. 17:11-12. You need Aaron and Hur in your ministry


The problem of Moses carrying on the work all alone. Until his unsaved in-law gave him a godly counsel to train others Ex. 18:13-28; you livelong when you train others.

4When you train others you multiply your own effectiveness Matt. 10:1

Jesus sent out his twelve and he could not be to all those places Matt.11:1 Jesus multiply his effectiveness

5Trained workers enhance the future of the church

If not for trained disciples the church would have stop after the death of Jesus Jn. 20:21 a church without trained workers have no future.

IIThe Resources to Train and Develop Worker

Three things we must do namely



  1. Evaluate
  2. Equip
  3. Empower



1In evaluating – 3 things to do

  1. We look in – evaluate self
  2. We look out – evaluate need
  3. We look around – evaluate access

Look in – evaluate yourself you must be interested to train eight testing question to answer

  1. Do I believe in people and see them as appreciable access – Jesus worked on Peter will he becomes an appreciable access
  2. Do I create an environment or people to be train and develop if people know that they would be train they would come?

If you confined a shark fish in a six feet container, he would survive and never be longer but throw the same shark to an ocean it could be long to 40 feet and above

  1. Do I pray for potential leader for God to send to me?
  2. Do I desire to raise others above my own level of leadership we fear to train people so as not to do better than us; see Jesus example Jn. 14:12
  3. Do spend time to develop people that have leadership potential Jesus spend more time training the twelve than the multitude
  4. Do I enjoy watching others getting credit for what I have taught them. When your apprentices do even better than you, are you threatened; are you happy?
  5. Do I train others to take my place in case I am transfer or relocated? Be honest to answer this. Can you confidently say you have someone to take place in case you are gone? There is no success. WITHOUT A SUCCESSOR

IILook out – evaluate your need which of the department is necessity to train people

IIILook around – there is something more than ability that is the ability to recognizing ability. Search for qualified men. They must pass six tests Acts 6:1-5

They must pass the A



  1. Influence test
  2. Relationship test
  3. Credibility test
  4. Spirituality test
  5. Administrative test
  6. Faith and faithfulness test



Now that the need arise we must still carefully prove them to pass this test for effective training

How to select workers Acts 6

Never pick a man with bad influence

Never pick a man who turns others off

Influence – honest – report

Relationship – among the brethren

Spirituality – full of the Holy Ghost


Faith – faithfulness – full of faith

How many workers to select – 20% of your member will do the job

Equipping them

Model – Jesus taught them by example





  1. Model – Jesus taught the disciples by example. Elijah never knew how much he did when he parted Jordan before Elisha
  2. Mentor – Mk. 3:14 Jesus ordained the twelve to be with him. To train, develop Acts 4:13 to mentor – we give them these school, tools, rules

Study Three


Luke 17:1-6; II Kings 4:1-7; Luke 1:37

We are living at a time when human needs exceed available resources. This is a common and prevailing situation in many homes, organizations, societies, churches, state and nations of the world. Thus the cry for rationalization from many quarters and the inability to satisfy man’s unlimited wants.

This situation has created a lot of tensions in many homes and multitudes are incapacitated and unable to handle their problems while many have found themselves limited and unable to admire den to limited and resources. Those who are conscious of the little that is available are also beset with the problem of procrastination. “I will do something when my resources unproved”, eventually they ended up doing nothing. They get frustrated and confused, murmuring, unhappy and dissatisfied with their conditions. In the process, they start warming themselves, accusing the government or shifting the blame on somebody else. The devil has succeeded in blending their eyes to the reality of what the scriptures teach that “LITTLE IS MUCH OF GOD IS IN IT”


God spoke the world into being by His word (only three words – let there be) Gen. 1:1-3

Moses parted the red sea with his rod Ex. 14:15,16,26-31

Only two angels destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah Gen. 19

Only one angel killed 185,000 II Kings 19:35-37

With a bottle of oil a widow became a millionaire II Kings 4:1-7

With 12 disciples the gospel was spread to the whole world

David was able to kill Goliath with a sling and five stones I Sam. 17:40

The mustard seed became a mighty tree Matt. 13:31-32

Samson was able to do exploit with the jawbone of an ass Jud. 15:14-15

Israel as a nation was able to subdue her desert land with what was available

With a net the disciples were able to draw multitude of fishes

The problem – when much is available little is maximized but when little is available much is admired and resources are well harnessed. Man’s problem is that he despises the days of small things. God kind of faith is needed to achieve much for Him with the little that is available.


This woman was blind to what she had until God through Prophet Elisha opened her eyes to the fact that she was not all that poor as she had painted her condition. She however took the following steps that bailed her out of her problem:

  1. She realized that she has a need or problem for which she had no solution. She did not deny the problem. Her problem was real
  2. She did not keep the problem to herself
  3. She sought for help
  4. She contacted the right person
  5. She was asked question to which she responded sincerely and correctly
  6. She was advised to go and borrow
  7. She was taught the secret of multiplication
  8. Her obedience yielded result
  9. She then had something to offer
  10. She entered into life of abundance

NOTE: A man who is unable to do the impossible with whatever is able will never be ale to do the possible when much is available. Remember “LITTLE IS MUCH IF GOD IS IN IT”





(ii)Develop a big vision

(iii)Do not exercise unbelief

(iv)Have confidence in yourself

(v)Be determined to achieve

(vi)Be courageous

(vii)Do not develop a wrong attitude

(viii)Use language of faith

(ix)Harness your resource



Study Four


Prov. 31:11-15,30-31

There is the need for a Christian woman to live a balanced life despite all pressures surrounding her daily. This brings her happiness and fulfillment. She needs to cope in her relationship with God husband, children and work.

Work hard on these relationships that none suffers for the other. Be organized and be a good manager of time Eph. 5:16. The topic will be considered under four sub-topics:



  1. Coping with God
  2. Coping with husband
  3. Coping with children
  4. Coping with work



1Coping with God

The secret of succeeding in every other area of your life is the type of relationship you have with God

Fear God and have a personal relationship with Him, be born again

Put Him first in all endeavours

Start each day with God. Have a regular quiet time

Develop your inner man through the study of the word

Do not forsake the assembling of others Heb. 10:25

Be involved in the Lord’s work

2Coping with husband

Accept his headship, submit to and obey him

Be faithful to and dependable Prov. 31:11-12

Take good care of the home and his food

Render conjugal duty constantly

3Coping with children

Children are the heritage of God and blessings to the home. They have entrusted into our home to train and build up in the Lord

Train them Prov. 22:5

Lead them to the Lord

Love them and spend quality time with them

Be a worthy example for them to emulate

Be a friend and a confidant to them

Your search for daily sustenance should not affect your children negatively. Remember you are going to give an account on them

4Coping with work Prov. 31:15-19

Be industrious

Be diligent in duty and business

Be hardworking

Don’t be lazy Prov. 31:27b

Do your work/business as unto the Lord


Like the virtuous woman in Prov. 31:15, wake up early each and plan your time daily and weekly striking a balance between the above relationships.

Happiness and fulfillment as a woman are not what you get by simple desire. They are products of handwork, self-sacrifice, commitment and effective prayer.


Study Five


It is quite clear that music cut across the entire known history of God from His past to His future, hence its’ importance cannot be over-emphasized. Cutting across the entire known history of God, music finds its’ way down into the activities of man and become inseparable from as a result of natural instinct. God’s past shows how much He appreciates music in:

(a)The creation of a being in whom the workmanship of his tabrets and of his pipes was prepared in him in day of his creation Ezek. 28:13m

(b)The foundation laying of the earth when “the morning stars (i.e. the angels) sang together” Job 38:4,7

(c)He has a trumpet of his own I Thess. 4:16c

(d)He can blow the trumpet Zech. 9:14

Genesis records the name of the 1st Musician as Jubal, the inventor of harp and flute Gen. 4:21, thus music find its’ way throughout the account of the Bible (but time won’t permit me to go into details of this). However, the great and wonderful works of the Great Psalmist of Israel can’t be overlooked in a topic like this. In his admiration and appreciation of music in the ministry, he organized a choir and orchestra of Levites for religious services headed by a skillful choir director called Chenaniah I Chron. 25:7-8, this choir members formed a distinct group of priests of 4,000 membership both of singers and instrumentalists, because of their skill I Chron. 15:16. Among these men were 288 skilled musicians, while others were considered students I Chron. 25:7-8.

The wonderful composition of the psalms and likely musical instruments is a revelation of what music was to David during this time II Chron. 7:6. From the beginning, Christianity has used music in worship:

  1. Jesus and His disciples sang Mark 14:26
  2. Paul told churches to sing hymns to praise God Eph. 5:18-20; Col. 3:18; I Cor. 14:15

Almost all words uttered in heaven as recorded in the book of Revelation seem musical in nature Rev. 4:8,10-11; 5:9-10,12,14; 7:11-12; 19:1-8. Heaven is a place of worship, worship and worship indeed and forevermore, hence music is inevitable. Take away music in the ministry, heaven will query you, because heaven is music, music is heaven.