JANUARY 13, 2016; 6:30PM







Supervisor Legault called the organizational meeting to order at 6:36PM and welcomed David Moulton the Board

Supervisor Legault read the organizational agenda for 2016as follows:

That Patrick Carroll be appointed Deputy Supervisor authorized to sign checks, pay warrants and payroll-

That Patrick Carroll be appointed to the Auditing Committee-

That David Moulton be appointed to the Safety & Building Committee-

That Dan O’Keefe be appointed to the Recreation Committee-

That Dan O’Keefe be appointed to the Water District Committee-

That Larry Legault be appointed as Water Superintendent-

That Dan O’Keefe & Gail Schneider be appointed to the Sale of Surplus Land Committee-

That David Moulton be appointed to the Highway Committee-

That Larry Legault and Gail Schneider be appointed to the Local Government Task Force Committee-

That Gail Schneider be appointed as liaison with the Louisville Volunteer Fire Department-

That David Moulton be appointed liaison with the Massena Volunteer Rescue Squad-

That Thomas Carroll Jr. be appointed to the St. Lawrence RiverValleyRedevelopmentAgency-

That Gene Conte be appointed to the Shoreline Stabilization Board-

That Joanne Cameron be appointed as Registrar of Vital Statistics for the year at a salary of $2,275.00 and Lisa Orosz as Deputy Registrar for the year at a salary of $0.00-

That Lisa Orosz be appointed as the Deputy Town Clerk for the year at a salary of $0.00.-

That Larry Legault be appointed as Budget Officer for the year at a salary of $3,000.00-

That Anthony McManaman be appointed as Code Enforcement Officer for the year at a salary of $11,220.00-

That Carol Pulley be appointed as Historian for the year at a salary of $1,050.00.

That Eric Gustafson be appointed as Town Attorney on a per call basis-

That Lorraine Salamon be appointed Acting Assessor at a salary of $20,500.00 for the year-

That Rosanne Bender be appointed as Dog Control Officer for the year at $16.15 per call plus $0.50 per mile-

That Lisa Orosz be appointed as Water Accounts Clerk for the year at a salary of $13.80 per hour with an average of30 hours per week-

That Michele Stone be appointed as Clerk for the Code Enforcement Officer, Board of Appeals, and Planning Board at a rate of $13.80 per hour with an average of 20 hours per week for the year-

That Joanne Cameron be appointed as Deputy Tax Collector for the year 2016 at a salary of $0.00-

That Joanne Cameron be paid $13.80 per hour for duties involving Supervisor’s, Water District#1, #2 and #3 work for the year-

That Office Clerks Lisa Orosz and Michele Stone receive 2 weeks paid vacation for the year-

That Christina Barber be appointed as Justice Court Clerk at a salary of $13,150.00 for the year-

That Michael Kerr and Jeff Laba be appointed Constable for the year at $11.30 per hour and $0.50 per mile-

That Todd Aldous be appointed as Accounting Clerk for the year at a salary of $2,150.00-

That Dewey LaValley be appointed as Supervisor of Recreation and Maintenance for the year at a salary $30,000.00 to be given 2 weeks vacation, same legal holidays as town employees, no sick days, no personal days and work week consisting of 40 hours with hours to be set as he sees fit-

That John Beattie be appointed as Recreation Maintenance worker will be paid $32,340.00 according to his contract for the year-

That Winter Recreation Employees (part –time help at the Community Center during the ice season) be paid $11.00 per hour for the year-

That Part-Time help at the Community Center not during the ice season will be paid $9.75 per hour for the year-

That John Beattie will be paid $3.640.00 for maintenance work in Water District #1 for the year-

That John Beattie will be paid $3,640.00 for maintenance work in Water District #2 for the year-

That John Beattie will be paid $3,640.00 for maintenance work in Water District #3 for the year-

That Joyce Vice will be appointed as Custodian to clean the Town Municipal Building at a rate of $120.00 per week for the year-

That Highway Superintendent Vern Fenlong be authorized to pay full-time Highway employee’s wages according to the Teamsters Union Contract for the year-

That Ken Pike be appointed Deputy Highway Superintendent at a salary of $0.00 for the year-

That Highway Superintendent Vern Fenlong is being authorized to pay part-time highway employees (not plowing) $11.00 per hour. Temporary employees plowing snow will be paid $18.59 per hour with no benefits for the year-

That Highway Superintendent Vern Fenlong is authorized to make purchases of tools, equipment and implements without prior approval from the Town Board, not to exceed $1,500.00 per each purchase-

That Highway Superintendent Vern Fenlong be authorized to make purchases of topsoil as needed not to exceed $5,000.00 per purchase-

That Highway Superintendent Vern Fenlong is authorized to assist St. Lawrence County and any Town in St. Lawrence County by using town equipment in helping out with Town or County work-

That the Town of Louisville has a hold harmless for the St. Lawrence County Highway Department-

WHEREAS, the Town of Louisville is desirous of St. Lawrence County Department of Highways providing shared services such as paving, shoulder work, signage, road stripping, blasting and other routine maintenance activities to the Town, and

WHEREAS, both the Town of Louisville and the County of St. Lawrence are desirous of promoting partnering efforts for the safety of the traveling public in St. Lawrence County, and

WHEREAS, in this joint cooperative endeavor, the Town of Louisville and the County of St. Lawrence to be reimbursed for their expenditures, and

WHEREAS, the Town is aware that the County may incur liability in the providing of the services and wishes to indemnify the County in this regard,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Louisville hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the County of St. Lawrence from and against liability, loss, damage, claim or action resulting from the work performed by St. Lawrence County Department of Highways. The Town of Louisville does not indemnify and harmless the County for any liability, loss, damage, claim or action with arises during the actual performance of services by the St. Lawrence County Department of Highways. Said St. Lawrence County Department of Highways and the County of St. Lawrence assumes the liability for losses, damages and claims for the actual performance of the work, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following request for General Liability (GL) coverage is as follows:

General Liability Insurance on an “Occurrence” basis, with the following limits: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence, $3,000,000 General Aggregate, $1,000,000 Products Aggregate, $1,000,000 Personal Injury, $50,000 Fire Damage Legal Liability, $5,000 Medical Payment Expense,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that St. Lawrence County shall be an additional insured on the GL policy, via ISO endorsement CG2026.

That the Town purchase number 2 fuel oil, diesel fuel and gasoline under New York State contract-

That all Town Officials be allowed to attend any schools held for the purpose of better government at the expense of the Town with Town Board approval for the year-

That NBT Bank, Chase Bank, Key Bank, Community Bank and First Niagara Bank be named depositors for Town funds for the year-

That Supervisor Legault is authorized to deposit surplus funds into insured certificate deposits at Community Bank, Chase Bank, Key Bank, NBT Bank and First Niagara Bank-

That the Town of Louisville permanent asset cost be set at $500.00-

That mileage for all Town officials be set at $0.50 per mile for the use of personal autos for town duties-

That all elected officials be paid weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually at their request for the year-

That monthly Town Board meetings be set for the second Wednesday of the each month at 7:00 pm at the Louisville Town Office, public comment sessions will be limited to 10 minutes per person, per meeting for the year-

That the Massena Courier-Observer be the official newspaper for the town public notices for the year -

That Wilfredo Perez be appointed as Town Veterinarian for the year-

That the Board of Assessment and Review members be paid $175.00 per year and the Chairman of the Board be paid $200.00 per year and $0.50 per mile for the use of their personal auto for the year-

That the accounts for the Town Clerk and the Town Justice be reviewed monthly for the year-

That all other Town Accounts be audited annually –

That all existing Town Policies have been reviewed and adopted for the year-

That bids will be taken for any purchase over $20,000.00 for the year-

That three quotes are required for any purchase between $5,000.00 and $20,000.00 for the year-

That the Town Clerk be allowed to pay utility, postage and freight bills throughout the month as due. The paid invoices will be reviewed at the next regular Town Board meeting as part of the abstract-

That the salaries for the town elected officials for the year 2016 will be: Supervisor: $27,000.00 Highway Superintendent: $52,850.00 Town Clerk: $26,370.00 Tax Collector: $ 5,725.00 Town Justice: $ 9,480.00 each Town Council Members: $ 2,870.00 each

That Highway rates for work to be performed by Highway Department for the year 2016-Superintendent as per the NYS rate Machine Operator as per the NYS rate Equipment $55.00 per hour Sand $ 9.00 per yard Topsoil $18.00 per yard #2 Stone at cost Crusher run at cost These rates will be used for re-billing all work performed by the Highway Department for capital projects, property cleanups, water department hook-ups, etc.

Paid holidays for Town Employees who are not under Teamsters Contract-

January 1 New Year’s Day

February 15 President’s Day

March 25 Good Friday

May 30 Memorial Day

July 4 Independence Day

September5 Labor Day

October 10

November 8 Election Day

November 11Veteran’s Day

November 24 Thanksgiving Day

December 23 Christmas Eve

December 26 Christmas

Moved by Councilman O’Keefe, seconded by Councilwoman Schneider and duly carried to accept the organizational agenda for the year 2016.

Supervisor Legault called the public hearing concerning the updating of the local water law to order at 7:00pm.

This meeting has been called to make the following three updates to the local water law:

  1. Section 290-10A: add the definition of an improved lot as follows:
  2. Section 290-17A: 5% penalty will go into effect 10 days after the due date and will be charged on the current bill
  3. Section 290-18B: amount outstanding for relevy must exceed $10.00

Moved by Councilwoman Schneider, seconded by Councilman O’Keefe and duly carried to update the local water law with the three updates and include the updated law in its entirety to the minutes as follows:

Town of Louisville


The Town Board recognizes that the future health, safety and prosperity of its residents and businesses depend upon an adequate supply of clean, potable water and the establishment and ongoing maintenance of an effective water system owned and maintained by the Town of Louisville.Such can only be assured through careful, vigilant regulation and a local law which provides the mechanisms and safeguards to prudently manage, conserve and distribute this valuable but limited resource and assures the funding necessary to achieve these goals.

While it is the desire of the Town to provide such water to all who have reasonable need for the same and are willing to abide by the conditions of service and pay the necessary charges, all users of the system, present and future, should be aware of the following limitations, which the Board deems to be reasonable and necessary.

A. The first priority is to assure a fair and equitable distribution of water, with adequate pressure to all residents and businesses of the Town, with due regard to the fact that there must be a sufficient reserve within the Town water system to provide for growth and development, adequate fire protection, other emergencies, droughts and the unexpected.

B. All of the users of the system must recognize that the Town may, in its discretion, interrupt and/or withhold service to everyone using the system, from time to time, for emergency and maintenance purposes, and/or that the water supply or pressure may be discontinued, delayed, diminished and/or interrupted due to water shortages for whatever reason.

C. The Town has never been, is not and cannot be guarantor of adequate water service sufficient to meet the desires of everyone, and those who choose to use the system accept that risk. The Town does, however, assure the users of its system that it will, as it has in the past, do its best to properly maintain its system to the best of its ability and with the health, safety and well-being of the user in mind, but subject to the conditions expressed herein.

D. The Town has deemed it necessary to impose the following charges and/or metering requirements but notes that the same are subject to change as necessary, simply because the Town cannot provide the service its users require and deserve unless it is provided with the funds to do so.

E. The user must also recognize that the Town can only establish taps, make connections, perform maintenance and repairs and the like as promptly as labor, materials and budgetary constraints permit.

F. Any and all current or future users accept continued or future service subject to the above basic purposes and limitations and the terms described herein, as their use of the Town water supply constitutes a contractual relationship whereby the user, in return for a supply of water, agrees to the policy, purposes, regulations and penalties set forth herein, agrees to pay the rates established and also agrees to allow the Town employees or assignees access to the user’s property for the purposes hereinafter mentioned.

General Provisions

-290-1. Regulations to be part of contract; compliance required; approved meter required.

A. The following laws, rules, and regulations established by the Town Board of the Town of Louisville, or as amended or modified, are made a part of any and all agreements or contracts with each consumer, taker or user of water furnished, directly or indirectly, from the mains of said Town. The following definitions shall apply all Articles of this local law:

1. Town — shall mean the Town of Louisville.
2. Town Board — shall mean the Town Board of the Town of Louisville.
3. Superintendent — shall mean the Town Water Plant Superintendent appointed by the Board, or his/her duly appointed employee, contractor, agent, or assignee.

B. Each and every resident of the Town Water District(s), consumer, user or taker of water from Town water systems shall be bound by, and shall be considered to have agreed to, the rules, regulations, requirements, conditions and schedules of water rates and other charges herein or amended or modified by the Town Board as a condition precedent to the rights of service from said water system. Further, all such rules and regulations apply to residents of the Water District(s) of the Town.

C. All premises using the Town water supply must use a meter approved by the Town and owned by the Town. The Superintendent is a duly authorized representative of the Town with regard to the Town and the Town water district system’s operation and maintenance.

- 290-2. Permanent and temporary connections.

A. Permanent connections.

1. Parties desirous of connecting to the water system of the Town shall make application for permission to the Town Clerk or designee, on a form acceptable to the Superintendent, and which shall be accompanied by the application fee prescribed pursuant to this local law and/or the other valid requirements of the Town Board. After completion of the application and full payment of any fees, the Town Clerk shall promptly transmit the same to the Superintendent. It shall be in the discretion of the Superintendent, to fix and determine the charges for this service, in accord with current labor and material costs.
2. No person or persons shall make connection to the mains of the water system of the Town, except the duly authorized representatives of the Town.

3. The installation of a service pipe from the curb box to the meter shall be to the satisfaction of the Superintendent. The curb stop shall remain closed and shall not be opened by anyone other than the Superintendent.

4. All materials, the method, manner and location of same and the general arrangement and progress of the work shall conform to the specifications contained in the regulations of the New York State Department of Health and shall also conform to the standards and specifications of the original construction of the water district in which the premises is located. In the event of a conflict between the two, the Department of Health Regulations shall control.