Career & Technology Education Center
Humble I.S.D.
Principles of Law Syllabus
(Reference copy available on Teacher website)
Return Initialed Syllabus to class byWed. 08/26/2015
I’d like to take a minute to welcome you to Principles of Law. The class will be hands-on, interactive and fun. We will participate in discussions, perform real-world exercises and examine different case studies. We will be exploring the following topics during our course:
- History and development of Criminal Law, Law Enforcement, Court Roles, Processes and Procedures, Corrections, Private Security, Fire Protection Services, Interagency Collaboration, Personal and Work Related Health, Safety, and Ethics, Explore High School and Beyond.
Since this is a level course, 50% of your overall grade will be summative assessments (tests, projects and certain labs) and 50% of the grade will be formative assessments (notebook grades, homework, daily grades). There will be a minimum of 2 graded assignments per week with at least one Summative assessment per 3 week grading period.
Student Initials:______Guardian Initials:______
You can reassess on ONE test per nine weeks period. In order to reassess, all missing assignments must be completed and the student must attend at least one tutoring session prior to the reassessment. Students will only have one week after receiving their test grade to come in for tutoring and the reassessment. Students will be required to complete a reassessment form prior to reassessment. Additionally, the final summative grade will be an average of the original test grade and the reassessment grade. As such, it will be more important for students than ever before to attend tutoring prior to original assessments to maintain a high grade for the class.
Student Initials:______Guardian Initials:______
Late Work Policy
We will follow the school policy on late work. Students turning their assignments in on time will be awarded the maximum possible credit. Here is the school policy on late work:
One day late – maximum grade of 80%
Two days late – maximum grade of 60%
Three days late – maximum grade of 40%
Four days late – maximum grade of 20%
You will not be allowed to get credit for work turned in more than four days late.
Student Initials:______Guardian Initials:______
Extra Credit Work
Students are expected to complete all assignments on time and to the best of their ability. Extra Credit assignments will not be given unless the following conditions have been met and will be completely up to the teachers’ discretion.
- All assignments were submitted on or before the due date with 100% completion (not correctness).
- The student has attended at least 1 tutoring session to receive additional assistance with the material.
- The student does not have excessive absences or tardies for this class.
- Students who create a classroom disruption on a regular basis will not be eligible for extra credit.
- Extra Credit assignments must be requested at least one week prior to the end of a grading period.
Student Initials:______Guardian Initials:______
Electronic Devices
Our classroom will normally be a RED zone(Absolutely NO personal electronic devices). I will announce verbally and visually when the classroom is in a green zone. During test days, the class will be a RED zone even after the student has finished his/her test. Electronic devices on testing days will result in a referral and a zero on the test. All violations will be handled with Disciplinary Consequences as deemed appropriate by the teacher.
Student Initials:______Guardian Initials:______
Class Expectations
In order for us to reach our goals, we all need to follow classroom expectations. These allow all students in the class the opportunity to learn and succeed.
- Follow all school policies (no cell phones, no food or drink, wear your ID, follow dress code).
- Stay awake and participate. You’ll have difficulty being successful if you’re asleep during class!
- Do not damage, destroy or misuse someone else’s property.
- Keep backpacks and purses off desks and laps.( In cabinets during lab exercises)
- Perform at your 100% best.
Student Initials:______Guardian Initials:______
Please try to be in class as much as possible. Being absent might mean you miss an incredible guest speaker, an interesting lab, an important discussion or some hands-on activities. I do know that absences will happen. It is your responsibility to get any missing work before or after class on the day you return to school. I will not delay the learning of the entire class to discuss missed assignments during instruction.
Student Initials:______Guardian Initials:______
Please be on time to class. You will not be able to enter the room once the bell has rung and the door has been closed. An extra minute has been built in to the bell schedule at the CATE Center to allow you sufficient time to walk from Humble High School. You will report to the nearest administrative office (CATE Front Office) to check in and receive your Tardy slip.
Student Initials:______Guardian Initials:______
Interactive Notebooks
Deadline to bring to class for credit: August 26th,2015. We will be using interactive notebooks in class this year beginning on the deadline above. You will need a one subject spiral notebook specifically for this class. All of your class work will be put into the notebook. It is important to note that notebooks must be kept up-to-date. There will be notebook checks for each unit to ensure each student is keeping up with their work for this class.
Student Initials:______Guardian Initials:______
Tutoring Schedule
I am available Tuesdays after school for tutoring from 3:00-4:15 p.m. by appointment.If you do not notify me that you will be attending I may not be available during this time.I will be available on Thursday mornings by appointment only. The time will vary depending on my meeting schedule so times must be agreed upon beforehand for Thursday morning. If you have any questions and cannot come to tutoring, use the following contact information to get in touch with me.
Phone number: 281-641-7975
E-mail address:
Student Initials:______Guardian Initials:______
Home Access Center
Before the start of each school year, the district asks the guardian of returning students to update their student’s information using the Annual Student Update Online Registration Module in the Home Access Center (HAC). This required process ensures that the district has current guardian and emergency contact information, vital medical information, and permission preferences on file for all returning students. The process also provides the district with anticipated enrollment that assists with preparations for the start of the new school year.
To open the Annual Student Update Online Registration Module:
- Log into your Home Access Center (HAC) account
- Click on the Registration button
- Choose the Update Registration tab
- Click on the Newlink to open this year's form
Home Access is where you will view your students’ grades and update your email address to ensure you receive all vital emails from your students’ teachers and administrators. Please use a valid email address that you check frequently. I will periodically send out blanket emails to advise of large upcoming projects/tests or classroom issues that affect the class as a whole.
Student Initials:______Guardian Initials:______
Please read carefully and initial, along with your parents, the attached consent form regarding academic integrity. Plagiarism and/or cheating will not be tolerated. There are severe consequences for those involved with academic dishonesty.
Academic Integrity Consent Statement
Course: Principles of Law
Teacher: Mrs. Kira Hassler Newsom
Term: 2015-2016
DIRECTIONS: (1) Read through this statement carefully. (2) Ask questions if there is anything you do not understand. (3) Return it to your teacher.
I have heard the teacher's discussion of plagiarism, and I understand that I must use research conventions to cite and clearly mark other people's ideas and words within my paper/ assignments. I understand that plagiarism is an act of intellectual dishonesty. I understand it is academically unethical and unacceptable to do any of the following acts:
- To submit an assignment written in whole or in part by another student as if it were my own.
- To download an essay from the internet, then quote or paraphrase from it, in whole or in part, without acknowledging the original source.
- To restate a clever phrase verbatim from another writer (students) without acknowledging the source.
- To paraphrase part of another writer's (students) work without acknowledging the source.
- To reproduce the substance of another writer's (students) argument without acknowledging the source.
- To take work originally done for one instructor's assignment and re-submit it to another teacher.
- To cheat on tests or quizzes through the use of crib sheets, hidden notes, viewing another student's paper, revealing the answers on my own paper to another student, through verbal or textual communication, sign language, or other means of storing and communicating information, including electronic devices, recording devices, cellular telephones, headsets, and portable computers.
- To copy another student's homework and submit the work as if it were the product of my own labor.
I understand that the consequences for committing any of the previous acts of academic dishonesty can include a failing grade for the assignment or quiz with no opportunity for make-up, failure in the class as a whole, and possible removal from the Forensic Science course in extreme/repeat offenses. I understand that my enrollment in this course will help me develop skills necessary for college-level and career focused writing. Therefore, I will not plagiarize or cheat.
Student Initials:______Guardian Initials:______