September 2014

Kenton County School District

Gifted/Talented Program

Formal Identification Guidelines

KRS 157.224 commits the state of Kentucky to a comprehensive educational program for its exceptional school-aged children.

Students who are identified as possessing demonstrated or potential ability to perform

at an exceptionally high level in the following areas will receive services in individual schools.

A. General Intellectual Ability B. Specific Academic Aptitude

C.  Creativity D. Leadership

D.  Visual and Performing Arts

Kenton County has approved the following guidelines for formal gifted identification.

A.  General Intellectual Ability – (Possessing either demonstrated or potential ability to perform at an exceptionally high level in general intellectual ability and possessing a consistently outstanding mental capacity as compared to children of one’s own age, experience, or environment.)

4th Grade Identification (Assessment given in spring of 3rd grade)

1.  Formal identification begins in the 4th grade school year.

2.  Score of 124 or higher on the group administered CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) given in Spring to all 3rd grade.

3.  The Otis-Lennon School Ability Test will be administered to students with parent/guardian permission in the spring of 3rd grade if the student received a score of 124 or higher on the CogAT Test.

4.  The combined score of the Cognitive Abilities Test and the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test must equal 252 or higher for placement. Neither test can have a score less than 124.

5.  Teacher recommendation and/or parent/guardian nomination.

Grade 4-8 Identification (Assessment given in fall or spring for grades 4-8)

1.  Teacher recommendation and/or parent, student, peer nomination.

2.  Student must have a score of 124 or higher on the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test administered to students with parent/guardian permission.

3.  Student will be given the CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) as the next level of assessment. Student must have a score of 124 or higher on the CogAT administered to students with parent/guardian permission.

4.  The combined score of the Cognitive Abilities Test and the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test must equal 252 or higher for placement. Neither test can have a score less than 124.

5.  7th and 8th Grade Only. A Score of 21-25 on the EXPLORE assessment can be use with a score of 128 or higher on the OLSAT or the CogAT assessment for formal identification.

Grades 9-12 Identification (EXPLORE, PLAN, ACT Assessment given during KDE timeline)

1.  Teacher recommendation and/or parent, student, peer nomination.

2.  A composite score of 25-32 on the 10th grade PLAN Assessment; A composite score of 30-36 on the ACT Assessment.


School Based G/T committee is presented student scores and data for final approval and service delivery options. (The Elementary/Middle School Project ASCENT Pullout Program is one service option for students identified as gifted in general intellectual ability.)

Formal Gifted Identification Guidelines September 2014

B.  Creativity – (Possessing either potential or demonstrated ability to perform at an exceptionally high level in creative thinking and divergent approaches to conventional tasks as evidenced by innovative or creative reasoning, advanced insight and imagination, and solving problems in unique ways.)

1.  Recommendation form/characteristics checklist is completed by a teacher, parent/guardian or student.

2.  SIGS (Scale for Identifying Gifted Students) is completed by a teacher.

3.  Williams Test of Divergent Thinking administered by GT Resource Teachers. Students who receive a minimum score of 100 in grades 4-6; 107 in grades 7-9; and 115 in grades 10-12 or higher on the test are recommended for identification.

4.  School Based G/T committee is presented student scores and data for final identification and service delivery options.

C.  Leadership – (Possessing either potential or demonstrated ability to perform at an exceptionally high level in social skills and interpersonal qualities such as poise, effective oral and written expression, managerial ability, and the ability, or vision, to set goals and organize others to successfully reach those goals.)

Names of candidates will be collected from teachers, students, parents/guardians, and/or community members.

·  The Leadership Jot Down Sheet or Leadership Characteristics Checklist is completed with a score in the range of 75% or above.

·  The Student Resume Form is completed by the student.

·  At least one other measure must be used to identify for potential identification in the gifted area of leadership. Measures can include the following: *SIGS – Scale for Identifying Gifted Students in leadership *sociometric test *Roets Self Rating Scale for Leadership with a student score in the range of 45 or below for elementary students and 40 or below for middle and high school students, *Confidential recommendation form completed by teacher or person working with the student and observing leadership skills.

·  School Based G/T committee is presented student scores and data for final identification and service delivery options.

D.  Visual and Performing Arts – (Possessing either potential or demonstrated ability to perform at an exceptionally high level in visual or performing arts and demonstrating the potential for outstanding aesthetic production, accomplishment, or creativity in areas such as art, dance, music, drama.)

Elementary students in grades four and five are monitored for potential and may be identified gifted through the following process. 1. Exceptional performance as evidenced by an organized group audition process. 2. Arts related teacher or professional artist confidential recommendation form. 3. Student Resume Form.

Middle school students, grades six, seven and eight will be formally identified gifted through the following process. 1. An audition process monitored by the Middle School Gifted Arts Resource Teacher or exceptional performance as evidenced by an organized group audition process. 2. Arts related teacher or professional artist confidential recommendation form. 3. Student Resume Form.

High School students can be identified through the middle school process above with the district

VPA/GiftedSpecialist monitoring the audition process.

·  School Based G/T Committee is presented student evidence for final identification and service delivery options.

Formal Gifted Identification Guidelines September 2014

E. Specific Academic Aptitude – (Possessing either demonstrated or potential ability to perform at an exceptionally high level in specific areas significantly beyond the age, experience or environment of one’s chronological peers.)

Identification in all specific academic areas is determined in the fall of each school year

after Spring K-PREP assessment is released in the Fall and Fall assessments below are completed.

Grades 4 – 12 Language Arts (Reading and/or Language), Math, Science and Social Studies

1.  9th stanine (minimum 96%) composite test score on one of the following. Spring Stanford 10 for Science (Grade 4 and 7) or Social Studies (Grade 5 and 8), Fall MAP (Measure of Assessment Progress) - Grades 3 through 10 - (Reading, English, Math), Fall EXPLORE – Grades 7 and 8 - (Reading, English, Math, Science), Fall PLAN – Grade 10 - (Reading, English, Math, Science), Fall ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) – (Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies), Spring ACT – Grade 11 - (Reading, English, Math, Science), or other norm referenced test plus two teacher recommendations/checklists of indicators are required.

Or two composite test scores with a minimum 96% and one teacher recommendation/checklist of indicators is required.

2.  The Stanford 10 in math and reading is not a composite test score for grades 3 through 8. If a student is not identified gifted through MAP testing and the student receives a 96% or above on the Spring Stanford 10 Reading and/or Math test, the student can be tested for potential identification using the ITBS Reading and/or Math composite test in grades 4, 5, and 6. Students in grades 7 and 8 are administered the EXPLORE Test and will be evaluated for GT identification using the EXPLORE Test.

3.  School Based G/T committee is presented student scores and data for final approval and service delivery options.

Grades 4 and 6 – Science only

1.  Two Teachers recommendation/checklists of indicators are required.

2.  Recommended students in grades 4 and 6 will be administered the ITBS in Science. The student must have a score of 96% or higher and the required recommendation/checklist forms for formal identification.

3.  School Based G/T committee is presented student scores and data for final approval and service delivery options.

Grades 4, 5, 7, and 8 Social Studies only

1.  Two recommendation/checklist of indicators forms are required from Social Studies teachers at different grade levels or one Social Studies and one Reading teacher from the same grade level. 5th grade and 8th grade Spring Stanford 10 Social Studies test is a composite norm referenced score that will be used for identification in the fall for grades 6 and 9 students.

2.  Recommended students in grades 4, 5, 7 and 8 will be given the ITBS in Social Studies. The student must have a score of 96% or higher and the required recommendation/checklist forms for formal identification.

3.  School Based G/T committee is presented student scores and data for final approval and service delivery options

Grades 9-12 Social Studies **

1.  25-32 score on 10th grade PLAN English and Reading Assessments; 32-36 score on 11th grade ACT English and Reading Assessments.

2.  Two recommendation/checklist of indicators forms from Social Studies teachers at different grade levels or one Social Studies and one Reading teacher from the same grade level.

3.  School Based G/T committee is presented student scores and data for final approval and service delivery options.

Formal Gifted Identification Guidelines September 2014

Specific Academic Aptitude Identification Assessments
9th Stanine (Minimum 96% composite) on one of the following:
Specific Area / Grade of Assessment / Test
English / 4th - 10th / Fall MAP
English / 7th-8th / Fall EXPLORE
English / 10th / Fall PLAN
English / 11th / Spring ACT
Reading / 4th -10th / Fall MAP
Reading / 7th-8th / Fall EXPLORE
Reading / 10th / Fall PLAN
Reading / 11th / Spring ACT
Math / 4th -10th / Fall MAP
Math / 7th - 8th / Fall EXPLORE
Math / 10th / Fall PLAN
Math / 11th / Spring ACT
Science / 4th and 7th / Spring Stanford 10
Science / 4th and 6th / Fall ITBS
Science / 7th - 8th / Fall EXPLORE
Science / 10th / Fall PLAN
Science / 11th / Spring ACT
Social Studies / 5th and 8th / Spring Stanford 10
Social Studies / 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th / Fall ITBS
Social Studies / Newly Identified 9-12 / 22-25 score on 10th Grade PLAN (English and Reading), 32-36 score on 11th Grade ACT (English and Reading Assessments)