University of Hawaii Volunteer HI-5 Recycling Group Agreement
Participation in the University of Hawaii Volunteer HI-5 recycling program is open Registered Independent Organizations, and to UH staff and faculty implementing workplace recycling programs on campus. Groups interested in participating may complete and submit the attached group application form.
Groups will be selected to participate in the program based on:
- Their ability to service the recycling bins on a regular basis.
- Their ability to commit to servicing bins for at least a one year period.
- Their willingness to service campus areas that lack HI-5 recycling programs.
- Priority will be given to groups providing service for their own buildings/departments.
Groups Participating in HI-5 recycling will:
- Take responsibility for servicing recycling bins in a designated area for a minimum period of one year.
- Brief all participants and follow standard operating procedures for safety.
- Collect all recyclable material from the bins in their designated area and take it to an on campus mobile redemption center.
- Service bins weekly or as needed.
- Clean bins and replace liners each time they are serviced.
- Collect data on the quantity of material recycled and submit it via an on-line form each time recycling bins are serviced.
- Abide by all applicable policies for campus RIOs.
- Use proceeds from HI-5 redemption for their programs.
UH Recycles/Facilities will:
- Provide recycling bins, liners, gloves, first aid kits.
- Provide appropriate instructions and training for servicing the recycling bins.
- Replace damaged/missing bins.
- Arrange for the availability of on campus mobile redemption centers.
- Publicize HI-5 recycling efforts.
- Maintain records of cumulative recycling data for all groups.
This agreement will be reviewed and may be renewed annually. This agreement may be terminated at any time if a group does not abide by the terms of this agreement.
University of Hawaii Volunteer HI-5 Recycling Group Application
Name of Group:
Advisor/Responsible Person/Contact Person:
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
Secondary Contact Person:
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
Location requested for recycling:
Explain briefly why you and your group are interested in participating in the volunteer HI-5 recycling program:
I certify that the information provided on this form is true and accurate and any misrepresentation provided on this form may result in immediate termination from the volunteer HI-5 recycling program. If selected I/we will comply with all the requirements specified in the volunteer HI-5 recycling group agreement and acknowledge that the University may terminate my/our participation in the HI-5 recycling program at any time.
Advisor’s Signature Date