College Planning Committee
Vice Presidents
Carey Roth
David Follosco
Paul Stansbury
Academic Senate
Eloise Crippens
Adrienne Foster
Patricia Siever
Norma Jacinto
Cathy Froloff
Fran Leonard
Yvonne Simone
AFT Chair
Elisabeth Jordan
AFT Classified Chair
Jo-Ann Haywood
SEIU Classified Chair
Abel Rodriguez
Classified Forum Chair
Tara Ward
Associated Students
Glenn Pamprin
LaVonne Hamilton
Jocelyn Towler
Joyce Sweeney
I Chung
Guests: Jacobs, B, Lemborn, U., Walton, G
College Planning Committee meets every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month.
Location: AT-A116 Time: 1:30pm / WestLos AngelesCollege
College Planning Committee Meeting
Monday, April 18, 2005 @ 1:30 p.m.


  1. Unit Plan Presentations:
Psychology Division: (Jeff Lee) A new vocational program is being establish under the name of Drug and Alcohol Studies
This is an approved instructional program for the state
A new instructional position is being requested via FIP.
Library and LearningResourceCenter - (Cathy Froloff)
Suffered from budget cuts and lack of materials
Reduction in Library Hours - Closed Fridays - Saturdays 9-3, now 9-4
Need full-time librarian
Budget $10-12,000 from $220,000 in the past; Exit door alarms lost
$18,000 worth of books
-Tutoring lost 100%
Science Division (John Connor)
90 hours of classes = 18.0 FTE on campus
Classes required for transfer
An increase need for a supply budget in the science division
Science Labs need to be fully equipped
The original Science building had an external ventilation system
and ventilation was turned into an internal circulations system to save
money. Recently, the Facility manager ordered equipment parts to
revamp the ventilation system. (Thanks to Mr. Hansan) - 70% of
faculty has a good reputation for teaching in the science division.
Clyde Titus – Business Division
Many students gain admission to a 4 year university and/or get a job
Need additional support for tutoring and lab assistance.
Increased demand for Real Estate Offerings
Expand certificate programs and third party testing instead of …?
Additional staff person instructional assistant to support lab facilities for
all disciplines;
4500 for upgrade CCNA tools and video for CISCO and Microsoft
additional computer lab for overhead projector
M/S/P that the committee use the same forms for prioritization this year.
All forms will be available at the May 2nd meeting. A review of forms will be conducted one-half hour before the meeting begins.
Stakeholders  Constituents  FPC CPC (Sign-Off)CCC
forwards to the
M/S/P: For clear communication of the Facility Planning Committee sign off and approval of projects.
Facility Planning Committee is a “sub committee” of the College Planning Committee. All college constituents are represented on the committee.
FPC – Recommendations to the College Planning committee
Stakeholders: Primary users of the building. The Vice President of Administration is responsible for all the coordination of stakeholders.
FPC Committee will email a draft of items to be signed off before meeting takes place.
Note: All members of the College Planning Committee should be fully participating on the Facility Planning Committee.
The next meeting of the Facility Planning Committee will take place on April 27, 2005.
Student Learning Outcomes
Critical Thinking / Aesthetics / Civic Responsibility / Communication / Self Awareness/Interpersonal
Ethics / Diversity / Quantitative Reasoning / Technological Awareness

April 18 2005 MINUTES