Beaver Lake Nature and Garden Club
Welcome to the Beaver Lake Nature and Garden Club, established in 1979. The group is open to the Beaver Lake community and residents in the surrounding areas.
We meet on the second Thursday of each month, April through October, on the upper floor of the Beaver Lake Clubhouse. Each month we have a speaker come and share their expertise on nature and gardening topics. If you have any interest at all in Mother Nature, there are probably several speakers you would enjoy listening to.
Meetings this year will begin on April 10, 2008 at 7:00 in the Beaver Lake Clubhouse. We are looking forward to seeing all our dedicated members at that first meeting, and maybe some new members. If you are interested in gardening or in learning more about the wildlife that lives all around the lake, come and join us. Bring a friend or neighbor and join us for a pleasant evening.
The current schedule of speakers is as follows:
Date / Topic / SpeakerApr 10, 2008 / Daylilies / Tom and Mary Keast
Hemerocallis Society
May 8, 2008 /
Bird watching at the BLA Nature Preserve
Bring your binoculars /
Ruth Green
Jun 12, 2008 /
Frogs and amphibians
Dennis Ferraro
UNL Herpetologist
Jul 10, 2008 /
Perennials /
Phyllis Randal
Oakcrest Gardens
Aug 14, 2008 /
Growing Roses /
Don Swanson
Omaha Rose Society
Sep 11, 2008 /
Oct 9, 2008 / Pot Luck Dinner (6:30 PM)
If you are interested in joining the Beaver Lake Nature and Garden Club, dues are $5.00 for the year. You can join us by:
1. Filling out our Membership form (listed under Current Documents below)
2. Using our electronic Membership Form
3. Come and join us at the next meeting
Hope to see everyone at the next meeting.
Connie Soukup