ALLIES ESSAY ~ English 10 Name: ______
We all have allies in our lives—people who help us achieve those goals we set for ourselves or that others have set for us. Some contribute more than others, of course. Write an essay in which you consider the importance of allies. (hint: Your answer to this question could be your thesis.) Use three examples to prove your claim: Of Mice and Men, a text of your choice (film or literature), and your personal experience.In your essay, identifycharacters in Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and another text who have (or lack) an ally and explain how that relationship (or lack of one) affected his/her life. Also identify one person who has been your biggest ally in one particular area—sports, school, performing arts, or some other area—or during a particular difficult period in your life. Describe what that person did and how they helped you. Provide examples and connect these examples to your main idea (claim in thesis).
Evidence of writing process:prewriting notes or outline, rough draft with revision, and final draft.
AREAS OF STRENGTH = AREAS OF WEAKNESS = Xrubric score: _____ / 9
ORIGINALITY of topic or treatment. The intended audience considers reading the piece worthwhile, because they are given new information that interests them or because they are entertained by the way the information is presented, or both.
Distinctive, appropriate, and consistent TONE and point of view.
A STYLE that is both correct and compelling.
--concrete language
--strong verbs
--absence of cliché, redundancy, wordiness, speculation, personal pronouns (in text paragraphs)
--variety of sentence lengths & structures
--correct grammar and usage, spelling, punctuation, capitalization
An intriguing TITLE that suggests the specific thesis or main idea.
An OPENING that hooks the reader and introduces the main idea(s).
A clear THESIS, or controlling idea, that is maintained throughout the piece. Every paragraph and every sentence directly or indirectly helps to support the thesis.
Specific EXAMPLES that prove or illustrate each idea. Examples go hand and hand with explanation. Good writing intertwines explanations and examples using the strategies listed below under EXPLANATION. Includes transitions and lead-ins which prevent the “quote from nowhere.” (Concrete Details! CDs)
A full, clear, well-reasoned EXPLANATION of each important idea. Among the strategies that can help to explain ideas fully are definition, division and classification, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, process analysis, narration, and description. (Commentaries! CMs)
Sensible PARAGRAPHING & topic sentences. Each paragraph discusses one idea; a new paragraph indicates a new idea. It is often useful to have a topic sentence that states clearly the paragraph's main idea and supports the thesis.
ORGANIZATION of ideas that is both logical and dramatic. Keep related ideas close together. Try to make your paper build in excitement.
Helpful TRANSITIONS between sentences, ideas, and paragraphs. A good transition clearly shows the connection between the previous idea and the upcoming idea. A new paragraph usually has a transition in its first sentence.
A satisfying CONCLUSION. A conclusion may restate or reinforce the thesis with fresh language or a metaphor or an example. It may echo a key image or phrase from earlier in the piece. It may even introduce a new idea for the reader to reflect on. Considers the “so what?” (further implications) of the topic.