Language Arts Grading and Class Expectations

Seventh Grade Teachers – Mrs. Blatt (), Ms. Faulks (), and Mrs. Parker ()

Classroom Procedures...

1. Enter the classroom quietly and go directly to your seat.

2. Clear your desks of everything but your Language Arts binder, pencils and other materials (as needed).

3. Copy and complete bellwork in your composition book. Copy the objective and get prepared to start the class period.

• Binder...

You will need a 1” or 1.5” 3 ring binder and a set of dividers. All papers should be dated and kept in chronological order in the appropriate section. Graded papers will be kept in the notebook as well. Label your dividers:

1. Classwork 2. Notes 3. Homework 4. Graded Papers

• Supplies...

Number 2 pencils, 1” or 1.5” notebook and dividers, language composition book, pencils or crayons. NO PENS

Conduct Grades...

Appling Middle School uses a school-wide discipline plan called “WHAT”. The four basic rules are:

Work to the best of your ability.

Have what you need to succeed.

Act as a responsible student.

Treat people, property, and time with respect.

Conduct Grades are assigned in accordance with the “WHAT” Slips program...

E= 0-1 Slips G=2 Slips S= 3-4 Slips N=5 Slips U= 6+ Slips

When we Are Going Over Material...

1. Keep desk clear and organized.

2. Eyes on the teacher or your own paper. No talking while the teacher is talking. No talking when another student is giving the answer to a question or speaking. Focus on the lesson.

3. Listen to the explanation. Make an honest effort to understand. Raise your hand and wait to be called upon to ask or answer a question. Don’t shout out answers.

4. Ask sensible questions.

When You Are Working Independently...

1. Begin working on your assignment as soon as you receive it.

2. No talking. Raise your hand to ask a question.

3. Keep your work area neat and clean. Do not write on desks or leave graded papers/homework at your desk.

4. If you finish early, occupy yourself. Read a book or work on another lesson.

• Test Time...

1. Clear your desk of everything except 2 sheets of paper, test, and pencils.

2. Do not write on test. Head your notebook paper with your full name, class period, date, and test title.

3. Do your own work.

4. Remain quiet until all tests have been collected.

5. If it is an open note test, only your notes may be used.

6. Remember test time is not the time to learn how to do the material. Be prepared. Ask questions before the test.

Special Circumstances...

1. When an announcement is made on the intercom, be still and listen so everyone can hear. The teacher will dismiss the class, not the intercom.

2. When guests come to the classroom, remain quiet and complete any assignment that is posted. Use GOOD manners.

• Absences...


2. Check the teacher’s intranet page for the assignments that you have missed or check the homework chart/ board. Update notes from a friend. Turn in makeup work to your teacher. Make sure that you have included your name, date, and the page number of your makeup assignment.

• Assemblies...

1. Put books and materials away.

2. Without talking, walk single file to the cafeteria or gym. Do not break in line to sit with a friend.

3. After the program, return to the classroom. Go directly to your seat and resume working.

• Homework...

All assigned work must be ready at the beginning of class. It must be completed in pencil. Strategies taught in class must be used when completing assignments.

We have read the classroom procedures and rules and agree to abide by them. Please sign and return by Wednesday, 10 August 2016.


Date Student Signature


Parent Signature