MIS 370Spring 2012
html1HTML Assignment 1Page 1 of 3
For your first html assignment, you are to complete Tutorial 6, Case 4– Millennium Computersin your Microsoft Office XP text. The case is on page HTML 406. You are expected to complete Tutorials5 & 6 in preparation for this assignment.
Modifications to text assignment:
Your webpage must be created using a plain text editor like Notepad.
Step 1
Name your HTML file using the standard course filename conventions.
You do not need to use style sheets but you can if you want to.
Include your name in an author meta tag. If you work in a group you should have a separate author meta tag for each group member.
Step 2
You do not need to include an image on your page but you can if you want to.
You do not need to include any styles on your page but you can if you want to.
Step 3
You MUST use an HTML table to position the submit button and reset button across the bottom of your form. You may use other HTML table to control the layout of your form.
Instead of using a Contact-Me button use a Contact-Me check box.
Use the following “variable names” in this assignment. These are the names that the cgi script will be looking for:
fname = customer first name
lname = customer last name
street= customer street address
city= customer city
state= customer state
zip= customer zipcode
phone = customer phone number
pSpeed = processor speed
mem= amount of ram memory
hd = hard drive size
monitor = monitor size
dvd = DVD burner
LAN= LAN card
mCard= Media card reader
warranty= warranty checkbox
contactme= contact-me checkbox
comments= additional information or comments
Create your form so your entries are posted to the following web server and cgi script by using the following open FORM tag:
form name="order form" method=POST action="
(Note - the above tag must be a single line in your html pageIMPORTANT)
(Note – the above tag replaces the tag described in the last bullet point in step 3)
Step 4
You do not need to create a style for your form but you can if you want to.
Step 5
You do not need to test your web page on a variety of browsers but you can if you want to.
The new from tag will post your form information to a web server when you press the submit button. The web server will return a page to your browser with a summary of the information that you have submitted on your form. You may use this feature to test your form. The summary information also indicated the exact names that the web server is looking for.
In order to save paper you are NOT required to generate any printed output for this assignment. You will only be turning the files associated with your web page.
You will be turning in a zipped archive of your webpage and associated files. To create this archive, do the following:
-create a directory named for the assignment using the standard naming conventions (e.g. if I were turning in the assignment I would name the directory html1-LatimerJB)
-copy all of the files associated with the assignment into the directory
-use the Windows “Send To” utility to create a zipped archive of the directory and its contents
Each group is required to create an original HTML file. If, while completing the assignment, you corrupt or lose your HTML file you are expected to recreate the entire assignment. You are not allowed to copy any part of an HTML file created by another student or group.
Terms of the assignment:
-This is a group project.
- Minimum group size is 1.
- Maximum group size is 3.
-You will turn a single correctly named zip file containing the following:
- Yourcorrectly namedHTML webpage
- All associated files
- Due via email on the assignment due date
-Your web page must be created using a plain text editor(e.g. Notepad). Use of an html editor such as Dreamweaver, Frontpage, Word, etc. is not allowed.
-The assignment prefix is html1
-Your zip file must be sent to me as an email attachment.
-The subject line on the email message must be: html1 submission
-The assignment is due by Sunday, 01/22, by 11:59pm.
-A days-cubed late penalty will be applied for each day the assignment is late.