Introduction: Design is an innovative process. Yet, sometimes, in everyday life, we don’t question why things look the way they do. We see examples of aesthetics vs. functionality in many designs. In this lesson students research varied aspects of car design, and create a new design for the exterior body of a car.
Title: An Exploration of Automotive Design
Grade Level: 9-12
Subject Areas: Language Arts, Visual Arts, Technology
McRel Standards
Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process
Level IV[Grade 9-12]
1. Prewriting: Uses a variety of prewriting strategies (e.g., develops a focus, plans a sequence of ideas, uses structured overviews, uses speed writing, creates diagrams)
5.Uses strategies to address writing to different audiences (e.g., includes explanations and definitions according to the audience's background, age, or knowledge of the topic, adjusts formality of style, considers interests of potential readers)
Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts
Level IV[Grade 9-12]
1.Uses reading skills and strategies to understand a variety of informational texts (e.g., textbooks, biographical sketches, letters, diaries, directions, procedures, magazines, essays, primary source historical documents, editorials, news stories, periodicals, catalogs, job-related materials, schedules, speeches, memoranda, public documents, maps)
Standard 4.
Gathers and uses information for research purposes
Level IV[Grade 9-12]
2.Uses a variety of print and electronic sources to gather information for research topics (e.g., news sources such as magazines, radio, television, newspapers; government publications; microfiche; telephone information services; databases; field studies; speeches; technical documents; periodicals; Internet)
Listening & Speaking
Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes
LevelIV (Grades 9-12)
3.Uses a variety of strategies to enhance listening comprehension (e.g., focuses attention on message, monitors message for clarity and understanding, asks relevant questions, provides verbal and nonverbal feedback, notes cues such as change of pace or particular words that indicate a new point is about to be made; uses abbreviation system to record information quickly; selects and organizes essential information)
4.Adjusts message wording and delivery to particular audiences and for particular purposes (e.g., to defend a position, to entertain, to inform, to persuade)
5.Makes formal presentations to the class (e.g., includes definitions for clarity; supports main ideas using anecdotes, examples, statistics, analogies, and other evidence; uses visual aids or technology, such as transparencies, slides, electronic media; cites information sources)
8.Responds to questions and feedback about own presentations (e.g., clarifies and defends ideas, expands on a topic, uses logical arguments, modifies organization, evaluates effectiveness, sets goals for future presentations)
Working With Others
Contributes to the overall effort of a group
Thinking & Reasoning
Applies basic trouble-shooting and problem-solving techniques
Visual Arts: Artistic Expression & Communication
Standard 1.
Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes related to the visual arts
Level IV [Grade 9-12]
Benchmark 1.
Applies media, techniques, and processes with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that one’s intentions are carried out in artworks
Understands the nature of technological design
LevelIV (Grades 9-12)
5.Knows that since there is no such thing as a perfect design, trade-offs of one criterion for another must occur to find an optimized solution
Learning Objectives:
Students will do the following:
- conduct Internet research
- respond to writing prompts
- analyze, evaluate and synthesize information from multiple sources
- participate in class discussion
- create a design for a car exterior
- evaluate group work
- create a presentation
“My Car My Way” handout
Computer with Internet access
Building Background
Engineers vs. Stylists
The purpose of this activity is to provide students with an opportunity to explore the tension between function and aesthetics.
1. Read the following quotation from “Tough Guys and Pretty Boys: The Cultural Antagonisms of Engineering and Aesthetics in Automotive History” aloud to your class:
“Throughout the history of twentieth-century America, there has been an ongoing conflict between the car as an efficient tool and the car as a carrier of cultural dreams and values.”
2. As a class, read the following article that describes the conflict between those who think that cars should serve a functional purpose and those who think cars should serve an aesthetic purpose.
3. Ask each student to respond in writing to the following prompts:
- What do you think a car represents to most people?
- Do you think car designers should focus on being efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly or do you think car designers should focus on creating a symbol of power, individuality, and freedom? Why?
- Are there car designs that combine both purposes?
4. Visit the following websites that advertise cars. Ask the students what aspect of a car’s function they think each website emphasizes.
Lead a class discussion based on students’ responses.
Steps for Learning
Collaborative Inquiry
The purpose of this activity is to allow students to explore a collection of innovative new designs in concept cars.
1. Divide the class into small groups, and tell them to browse the following websites that contain a wide variety of car designs and processes:
Tell each group to respond to the following prompts based on what they learned in their research:
- What surprised you the most?
- List five new things you learned.
- What designs were your favorites?
- Why are new cars designed?
- What was the most innovative design?
- What did you learn about the design process?
- As your browsed through this information, what did you
encounter that would like to learn more about?
2. Ask each group to share its responses with the entire class.
3. Tell the students that they will have a chance to design how a car looks on the outside. Provide each small group with the “My Car My Way” handout.
As you learned in your research, car design is a complex process.
This is your task:
- Cars on the road today seem to be all the same. How can you make a car look unique?
You must create an exterior design for a car that is unique and creative, and that sends a message to the world. You may think cars are bad for the environment, or you may dream of driving a sports car. Use words, use decals, use shapes, use images, use photographs… think outside the box!
STEP ONE: Identify the Problem
Why do cars all seem to have a similar look? Brainstorm ideas and
record them in the space below.
STEP TWO: Analyze the elements you will need to solve the problem.
This list contains some questions you may want to consider. Be
- Do you want to use shapes and patterns to change the ways cars look?
- Do you want to use cars to send a message about your social and political beliefs?
- Do you want a sporty, fun looking car?
- Do you want to use images and drawings on your car?
- What colors will you use in your design?
Record your ideas about how to add features to the outside of your
STEP THREE: Create your design. Write a paragraph describing your design, and draw your car in the space below.
STEP FOUR: Evaluate your design. Share your design plan with
another small group. Ask for feedback and discuss how you might
make changes and improvements to your design.
- What did the other group think of your design?
- Did you agree or disagree with their feedback?
- What did you change after you received feedback on your design plan?
STEP FIVE: Communicate. Share your design plan with the entire class.
4. Provide time for each small group to present its work to
the class.
5. Discuss the different elements of each group presentation, and how
each group expressed its thoughts through design.
Create a class rubric with your students that will help them understand the effectiveness of their design process. Use the following guidelines to help create the rubric.
-How effective was your brainstorming in generating ideas?
Excellent GoodAdequatePoor
-Rate how effectively you analyzed the information you used to identify your problem.
Excellent GoodAdequatePoor
-Rate the effectiveness of your solution.
Excellent GoodAdequatePoor
-Rate how clearly you communicated the problem you wanted to solve.
Excellent GoodAdequatePoor
-Rate how clearly you communicated your solution.
Excellent GoodAdequatePoor
-Rate your effectiveness as problem solvers.
Excellent GoodAdequatePoor
Rate your creativity.
Excellent GoodAdequatePoor
Enrichment/Extension Activities
Independent Inquiry
1. Tell your students to visit Car Design Online at Ask them to
work in small groups and research one of the following areas of car design:
- Aerodynamics
- Ergonomics
- Modeling
- Sketching
2. Ask each group to share what it has learned with the entire class.
Teacher Reflection: