Getting the Most Out of Accelerated Readerby Nicolle Hartz

Giving the STAR Reading assessment


34 questions (or less if student is giving consecutive incorrect answers)

Encourage students to try their best.

Questions are intended to be difficult.

Answer questions you know or think you know.

A small white clock will appear for about ten seconds before moving on to the next question. If you really don’t know an answer let the clock run out and take you to the next question.

Remind students this is an assessment that helps teachers know the reading levels for students.

Teach class how to log in.


Monitor students by walking around the room and looking at what question number they are on.

If a student is rushing, give a reminder to take time to read the questions.

If it continues, exit the STAR Reading assessment (password is ‘admin’) and have student take it again when you can monitor student more closely.


Let students know their scores and thank them for doing their best.

Setting Goals

➔Getting ThereIndependent Reading (orange box)> Record Books and Goals> Reading Practice Goals

➔Marking PeriodSelect Marking Period.

➔% CorrectAR is set to defaults at 85% correct on reading practice quizzes, but increase if needed.

➔Minutes of Daily Reading TimeThis is how many minutes you allow for guided reading in the classroom. You can leave it at the default (None) or select number of minutes and press ‘Update all students’.

➔Use AR CalculatorSet Goal Period, GE, and number of minutes of daily reading practice, then calculate. This will give you a point goal to set for each student.

➔FinishMeet with each student and let them know their goal and time frame.

Manipulating ZPD Range

➔Getting There Independent Reading (orange box)> Preferences> Book Levels

➔ReasonsClass reads a novel/book together, read aloud, struggling to pass quiz at lowest end of ZPD range

➔How to do itSimply drag bar to the GE (Grade Equivalent) you want student to be able to take a quiz

➔FinishRemember to press ‘Save Changes’

Reading Reports

●Getting ThereSTAR Reading > Reports> Diagnostic

●DiagnosticShows student’s reading level, scaled score, percentile ranking, grade equivalent, instructional reading level, and oral reading fluency. Common Core Reading Domain percentage scores in some standards

●GrowthStudents only show up on this report if they have taken the STAR more than one time. Used to compare the information from each time taking the STAR.

●Parent-EnglishA parent friendly report you can send home explaining student’s reading level. Also available in Spanish.

➔Getting ThereIndependent Reading (orange box)> Reports> Reading Practice

➔Diagnostic-ReadingHow students are progressing or struggling on quizzes.

➔Student RecordReport detailing how every student did on every quiz.

➔TOPSStudents can print a report to see how they are doing.

Tracking Progress

➔Getting ThereIndependent Reading (orange box)>Record Books and Goals>Reading Practice Quizzes

➔View QuizzesThis shows the date, title, and score of the last quiz taken for each student. Left click on student’s name to see history of quizzes.

Motivating Students

➔Class Chart Make a class chart that can be easily maintained (weekly, if possible).

➔Meet with Students Individually This places accountability on both student and teacher.

➔Celebrate Together Create an atmosphere where students cheer each other on when quizzes are passed and points are earned. Make reading certificates.


➔Getting There Independent Reading (orange box)>Record Books and Goals>Reading Practice Certifications

➔Set Goals for Certificate Click on Set Goal, then Save for each student.

➔Print CertificateIndependent Reading (orange box)>Reports>Reading Practice>Reading Certification Certificates>View Report