Welcome to the World Wellness Group Community Acupuncture Pain Management Clinic. Acupuncture is widely recognized for pain management and is safewhen practiced by a registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner.
What to expect on your first visit
On your first acupuncture visit our acupuncturist will talk to you privately about your condition, how it started and your overall health. We may also do a physical examination, including checking parts of your body, feeling your wrist pulse and looking at your tongue. This information will be used to make a Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment plan.
Your acupuncture treatment plan will be discussed with you before we start. Generally a course of acupuncture consists of 1-2 treatments a week for 4-10 weeks depending on your pain condition.
A regular treatment consists of inserting fine needles into the skin at points on the arms below the elbows or legs, below the knees, or on the ears or head.Your acupuncture treatment will be given to you with you sitting and fully clothed in the same room as several other clients.The initial consultation will last about60 minutes. A follow up appointment will be similar, but with more focus on treatment. It will last about 30 to 45 minutes.
Acupuncture treatment
Patients can feel a number of sensations usually described as tingling, numbness, heaviness, or warmth in the area being needled or along an acupuncture channel. Some patients feel no sensation at all.Our practitioner is gentle. If you feel any discomfort, please let him know so he can make adjustments until you feel more comfortable. Side-effects of acupuncture are not common but may include:
- discomfort when the needle is inserted
- drowsiness, which can last for a few hours (so bear this in mind if you plan to drive home)
- dizziness
- fainting or feeling faint
- bruising or bleeding at the site of the needle
- a temporary worsening of your symptoms for up to 24 hours.
So that our practitioner can spend more time with you, you can either bring your completed registration form or have your Doctor or Case Manager email/fax it to us.
Email: or Fax: 3397 1358
You cannot be seen unless you have a completed registration form.