Transnational Co-operation Activities
Organisation:Address: / Land:
First and last name:
Telephone number: / E-mail:
I represent the sector
(tick the field) / primary and secundary education
vocational education
higher education
adult education
I want to participate in / Seminar (title)
Place / country
My motivation to participate in this seminar is:
Mijn relation to the theme of the seminar is:
What information would you like gain on the seminar?
What information would you like to share on the seminar?
I have submitted a project proposal / I’m involved in a Erasmus+ project (before) / yes / I have submitted a proposal but is wasn’t approved
KA1: Mobility project
KA2: Strategic partnership
other, nl.:
(in case of involvement, was/is the project succesful?):
Send motivation form
Please send your motivation form asap to the contact person of the Dutch NA Erasmus+ Education & Training.
Elvira Arkesteijn: /
Contact person CINOP for VET/ae
Siegfried Willems: / TCA Erasmus+ mbo-ve