Bilingual Reading – Grade 1
Unit of Study:Reading is Comprehending(Leer es comprender)
Third Grading Period Weeks 1- 5CURRICULUM OVERVIEW
Big Idea / Unit Rationale“If we want kids to wind up with comprehension, we have to begin with comprehension. The current emphasis on word calling, automaticity, and fluency in the early grades is often at the expense of understanding.” (117).
Routman, R. (2003). Reading Essentials. Heinemann, Portsmouth, NH. / “Effective strategy instruction is about developing readers who actively and independently monitor and regulate their own comprehension.” (120)
“We need to teach our students to ask themselves, as they read: Does this make sense? Does this sound like language? Do I know what is happening in the text?” (125)
Routman, R. (2003). Reading Essentials. Heinemann, Portsmouth, NH.
TEKS / TEKS Specificity – Intended Outcome
Concepts / TEKS Grade 1 The student is expected to
- 1A determine the purpose for listening such as to get information, to solve problems, and to enjoy and appreciate
- 1B respond appropriately and courteously to directions and questions
- 1C participate in rhymes, songs, conversations, and discussions
- 1D listen critically to interpret and evaluate
- 1E(ii) listen responsively to stories and other texts read aloud, including selections from classic and contemporary works in Spanish
- 2A connect experiences and ideas with those of others through speaking and listening
- 3A(ii) choose and adapt spoken language appropriate to the audienc, purpose and occasion, including use of appropriate volume and rate
- 3B(ii) use verbal and nonverbal communication in effective ways when making announcements, giving directions, etc.
- 4B use vocabulary to describe clearly ideas, feelings, and experiences
- 5A recognize that print represents spoken language and conveys meaning
- 6A demonstrate the concept of word by dividing spoken sentences into individual words
- 6B identify, segment, and combine syllables within spoken words such as by clapping syllables and moving manipulatives to represent syllables in words
- 6C produce rhyming words and distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words
- 6D(ii) identify vowel and consonant sounds
- 6E blend sounds to make spoken words, including three and four phoneme words, through ways such as moving manipulatives to blend phonemes in a spoken word
- 6F segment one-syllable spoken words into individual phonemes, including three and four phoneme words, clearly producing beginning, medial, and final sounds
- 7Bunderstand that written words are composed of letters that represent sounds
- 7C(ii)learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of vowel-consonant patters to produce syllables to begin to read
- 7D(ii) learn and apply the most common letter-sound correspondences
Yo puedo…
- participar en rimas, canciones, conversaciones y discusiones (1C, 3Aii, 3Bii, 13B, 13C)
- escuchar por diferentes motivos (1A,1D, 1Eii, 13A)
- hacer conexiones personales con el texto, hacer conexiones entre textos y con el mundo real (2A, 12G, 13D, 16A)
- hacer y contestar preguntas (1B, 3C)
- aprender el vocabulario nuevo (4A, 4B)
- demostrar el concepto de una palabra al dividir oraciones habladas en palabras individuales (6A)
- dividir las palabras en sílabas y sonidos y unir los sonidos y las sílabas para formar palabras (6B, 6E, 6F)
- hacer parejas de palabras que riman y distinguir las palabras que riman y no riman (6C)
- identificar los sonidos de las vocales y consonantes (6Dii)
- entender que las palabras habladas están hechas de sonidos (7B)
- utilizar la correspondencia entre letras y sonidos para aprender a leer (7Cii, 7Dii)
- descifrar las palabras (7Eii, 7F, 7H, 8A, 11C)
- leer texto descifrable (7G)
- usar patrones ortográficos para leer las palabras (8B)
- utilizar claves estructurales (8Cii)
- identificar palabras multisilábicas usando patrones ortográficos (8D)
- utilizar las palabras irregulares de uso frecuente (8F)
- reconocer las palabras comunes con rapidez (8Gii)
- leer textos al nivel instruccional e independiente (9A, 9B, 9D)
- leer con fluidez (9C)
- leer libros de diferentes géneros y reconocer sus características (10A, 14D)
- utilizar organizadores gráficos para adquirir información (10B)
- discutir los significados de palabras (11A)
- leer las palabras nuevas y usarlas en las discusiones y la escritura (11B)
- usar el conocimiento previo para entender el texto (12A)
- 7E(ii) decode words using knowledge of all Spanish sounds, letters, and syllables, including consonants, vowels, blends, and stress
- 7F decode by using all letter-sound correspondences within regularly spelled words
- 7G use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable texts (engaging and coherent texts in which most of the words are comprised of an accumulating sequence of letter-sound correspondences being taught)
- 7H apply letter-sound knowledge to read decodable texts
- 8A decode by using all letter-sound correspondences within a word
- 8B use common spelling patterns to read words
- 8C(ii) use structural cues to recognize words such as compounds, base words, and inflections such as –mente, -ito, -ada…
- 8D identify multisyllabic words by using common syllable patterns
- 8F use knowledge of word order (syntax) and context to support word identification and confirm word meaning
- 8G(ii) develop automatic recognition of words that use specific spelling patterns…
- 9A read regularly in independent-level materials
- 9B read regularly in instructional-level materials that are challenging but manageable
- 9C read orally from familiar texts with fluency (accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing, and attention to punctuation)
- 9D self-select independent level reading such as by drawing on personal interest, by relying on knowledge of authors and different types of texts, and/or by estimating text difficulty
- 10A read fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for pleasure and/or information
- 10B use graphs, charts, signs, captions, and other informational texts to acquire information
- 11A discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary through meaningful/concrete experiences
- 11B develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud
- 11C identify words that name persons, places, or things and words that name actions
- 12A use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning and make sense of texts
- 12B establish purposes for reading and listening
- 12C retell or act out the order of important events in stories
- 12D monitor his/her own comprehension and act purposefully when comprehension breaks down using strategies
- 12E draw and discuss visual images based on text descriptions
- 12Fmake and explain inferences from texts such as determining important ideas and causes and effects, making predictions, and drawing conclusions
- 12G identify similarities and differences across texts such as in topics,
- establecer el propósito para la lectura (12B)
- volver a contar un cuento (12C)
- usar diferentes estrategias para comprender el texto (12D)
- visualizar el texto (12E)
- saber la idea principal del libro (12F)
- entender la estructura de un cuento (14B)
- distinguir entre texto de ficción e informativo, incluyendo fantasía y realidad (14C)
- reconocer las características de géneros diferentes (14D, 14E)
- distinguir entre los papeles de autor e ilustrador (14F)
- analizar los personajes (incluyendo sus rasgos, sentimientos, relaciones y cambios) (14G)
- identificar la importancia del escenario (14H)
- reconocer el trama o problema del cuento (14I)
- escribir en su mejor letra (17A)
- 13A listen to stories being read aloud
- 13B participate actively (react, speculate, join in, read along) when predictable and patterned selections are read aloud
- 13D connect ideas and themes across texts
- 13E describe how illustrations contribute to the text
- 14B understand simple story structure
- 14C distinguish fiction from nonfiction, including fact and fantasy
- 14D recognize the distinguishing features of familiar genres including stories, poems, and informational texts
- 14E understand literary forms by recognizing and distinguishing among such types of text as stories, poems and informational books
- 14F understand literary terms by distinguishing between the roles of the author and illustrator
- 14G analyze characters, including their traits, feelings, relationshiops, and changes
- 14H identify the importance of the setting to a story’s meaning
- 14I recognize the story problem(s) or plot
- 17A gain increasing control of penmanship
Evidence of Learning
- Anecdotal remarks from the Reader’s Notebook
- 85% of the students will score 80% or above on the selection assessments (comprehension and vocabulary).
- 85% of the students will score 80% or above on the spelling tests.
- 85% or students will read at a fluency rate of approximately 50 or more wpm.
Bilingual Reading – Grade 1
Unit of Study: Reading is Comprehending (Leer es comprender)
Third Grading Period Weeks 1- 5 CURRICULUM GUIDE
Essential Questions / Essential Pre-requisite Skills- Why is it important to categorize and classify information from a story?
- What do I need to know and understand about the characters of a story?
- How do I use context clues to help me understand the meaning of a word?
- How do I distinguish between fantasy and reality?
- develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing selections read aloud (8B)
- use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning and make sense of texts (9A)
- understand simple story structure (11B)
- distinguish fiction from nonfiction, including fact and fantasy (11C)
The Teaching Plan for Una máquina de trabajo and Las comunidades
Weeks 1 and 2 / Instructional Model/Teacher Directions
Daily Instructional Routines
30 Minutes
Phonemic Awareness/Phonics / Spelling / Vocabulary / Fluency
Lunes / pp. 100i-100j, 100k-100l
Fonética: Sílabas que, qui y Sílabas abiertas con j
- Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica
- Presentar el cartel
- Cantar la canción
- Relacionar el sonido y la letra
- Presentar las vocales
- Señalar las palabras
- Combinar sílabas
- Identificar palabras
- Descifrar y formar otras palabras
- Rutina
- Practicar la pronunciación
- Separen las letras
- Combinen las sílabas
Ortografía: Palabras con que/qui y con j
- Examen preliminar
- Emplear el patrón ortográfico
- Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente
- Presentar el vocabulario
- Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
- Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de fonética ¡A jugar! en voz alta
- Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética ¡A jugar! (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading)
Martes / p. 107c
Fonética: Sílabas que, qui y Sílabas abiertas con j
- Actividades de práctica
- Cartel de rimas de rimas y canciones de fonética
- Eres una sílaba
- Formar palabras
- Formar palabras
- Librito de fonética
Ortografía: Palabras con que/qui y con j
- Palabras que faltan
- Rutina: Práctica de ortografía
- Caligrafía: Qq
- Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente
- Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction)
- Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
- Leer el librito de fonética ¡A jugar! en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading)
Miércoles / p. 119a
Fonética: Sílabas que, qui y Sílabas abiertas con j
- Relación con el cuento
- Actividades de práctica
- Libro de palabras
- Superlibro
- Repaso: Sílabas ca, co, cu
Ortografía: Palabras con que/qui y con j
- Practicar la escritura
- Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants)
- Presentar el vocabulario
Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente /
- Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
- Leer el librito de fonética ¡A jugar! en parejas (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Paired Reading)
Jueves / p. 120a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con ll
- Repaso: Sílabas abiertas
- Atención a necesidades diversas
- Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities)
Ortografía: Palabras con que/qui y con j
- Práctica de ortografía en parejas
- Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction)
- Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
- Leer el librito de fonética ¡A jugar! en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading)
Viernes / p. 121
- Fonética: Sílabas que, qui y Sílabas abiertas con j
- Paquete de palabras
- Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words)
- Examen de ortografía
- Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction)
- Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
- Leer el librito de fonética ¡A jugar! en parejas (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Paired Reading)
Weekly Spelling Words / High Frequency Words / Vocabulary Words / Academic Vocabulary
- paquete
- queso
- quita
- abeja
- jinete
- ojo
- jugar
- que
- conejo
- máquina
- que
- ella
- jugar
- su
- casi
- aparatos
- coloridos
- jinete
- máquina
- tejido
- carreteras
- construyen
- mascotas
- protegen
- salud
- traen
- clasificar
- autor
- propósito del autor
Comprehension Focus Lessons
15 Minutes
Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place.
Day 1: Introduce Comprehension Skill with a Read Aloud – Classify
(Teacher Toolkit: Classify)
Focus: Identify the ways things are alike and different.
When modeling classifying, use an expository read aloud. Preview the text to look for good places to model. Mark stopping points where you will think aloud about how things are alike and different.
- Make predictions about the title or sections of the text.
- Explain that good readers think about how things are alike and how they are different when reading
- Read aloud the expository text. Stop two to three times to think aloud.
- After the read aloud, identify the subject and list how they were alike and different.
- Remind students that good readers think about ways things are alike and different when they are reading.
Días 2 - 5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana.
Día 2: p. 107e
- Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva
- Enseñar la destreza
- Demuestre
- Practicar
- Modelar la destreza de comprensión (clasificar) al leer el cuento Las comunidades, pp. 108-118 en voz alta.
- Práctica: Clasificar
- Volver al superlibro
- Repaso: Propósito del autor
- Examen de la selección: Cuaderno de práctica 1.3
- Parte I: Vocabulario, p. 61
- Parte 2: Comprensión, p. 62
Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations
35 Minutes
Note:The phonics story in the Scott Foresman basal and the leveled books will be used during small group guided reading instruction. Small group instruction is based on students’ needs. The teacher will meet with two groups daily (17 minutes per group).
- The teacher should spend 5-7 minutes on a skills lesson to address one of the 5 reading components (Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Comprehension, or Fluency). Following the brief skills lesson, students should apply their new learning to connected text.
- On Tuesday, 10 minutes of Small Group Guided Reading Instruction may be devoted to children needing additional assistance with handwriting. It is very important that the teacher model good handwriting skills during whole group instruction. The whole group focus lessons are listed in the Scott Foresman T.E. on day 2 under the heading Caligrafía. During Small Group Guided Reading Instruction, the teacher needs to make sure that the children are practicing correct letter formation. During both whole group and Small Group Guided Reading Instruction it is suggested that the children use lined handwriting paper (not loose leaf paper nor spiral notebooks).
- Go to for ideas on skills lessons.
- Work stations will occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. Each station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies taught during whole group instruction. Students will do two work station rotations each day. They will each station twice over the week.
- Studentswill visit the following five work stations:
- Listening Station (El taller de escuchar)
- Drama/Retelling Station (El taller de dramatización/volver a contar)
- Writing Station (El taller de escritura)
- Independent Reading Station (El taller de lectura independiente)
- Word Work Station (El taller de palabras)
- Go to the Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities.
Read Aloud
10 Minutes
- Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion.
- Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre.
- Ask students to make predictions.
- Model comments and reflections as you read.
- Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment.
- Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable.
- Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections.
- Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access.
Teacher Toolkit:
- Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities
- Fluency Speed Drills
- Ways to Teach Fluency packet
- Spelling Chants
- Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words
- Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction
- Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol. 3 – Juntos aprendemos, Páginas 100a-77e
- Stories: Una máquina de trabajoandLas comunidades
- Librito de fonética¡A jugar!
- SuperlibroCómo se hacen los ositos de peluche
- Cartel de rimas y canciones
- Audiocasete de la selección
- Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto
- Cuaderno de práctica
- La caja de los botones by Margarette Reid
- Trenes by Matt Doeden
- ¿Has visto estas aves? by Joanne Oppenheim
- Las ballenas y los delfines by J.I. Anderson
- Aeronaves asombrosos by Seymour Simon
The Teaching Plan for Rafi, el rey gigante and Zorro y Osa miran la luna
Week 3 / Instructional Model/Teacher Directions
Daily Instructional Routines
30 Minutes
Phonemic Awareness/Phonics / Spelling / Vocabulary / Fluency
Lunes / pp. 122i-122j, 122k-122l
Fonética: r fuerte – ra, re, ri, ro, ru ySílabas ge, gi
- Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica
- Presentar el cartel
- Cantar la canción
- Relacionar el sonido y la letra
- Presentar las vocales
- Señalar las palabras
- Combinar sílabas
- Identificar palabras
- Descifrar y formar otras palabras
- Rutina
- Practicar la pronunciación
- Separen las letras
- Combinen las sílabas
- Digan con más fuerza
Ortografía: Palabrascon r fuerte – ra, re, ri, ro, ru y Palabras con ge/gui
- Examen preliminar
- Emplear el patrón ortográfico
- Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente
- Presentar el vocabulario
- Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
- Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de fonética Genaro y Roberto en voz alta
- Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética Genaro y Roberto (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading)
Martes / p.127c
Fonética: r fuerte – ra, re, ri, ro, ru y Sílabas ge, gi
- Actividades de práctica
- Cartel de rimas de rimas y canciones de fonética
- Formar palabras
- Rutina
- Formar palabras
- Librito de fonética
Ortografía: Palabrascon r fuerte – ra, re, ri, ro, ru y Palabras con ge/gui
- Rompecabezas de ortografía
- Rutina: Práctica de ortografía
- Caligrafía: Uu
- Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente
- Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction)
- Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
- Leer el librito de fonética Genaro y Roberto en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading)