RSD 1102:
Course Name:Introduction to Bible 1 (Old Testament)
Lecturers:Dr. Hillary Kiiza (Coordinator)
Dr. Gerald Banura
Dr. Paddy Musana
Rev. Dominic Ntamuhereza
Course Description:
The course aims at introducing the student to the scientific study of the Old Testament. It introduces the meaning, categorization and content of the Bible and methods of biblical study and interpretation, revelation and authority of the Bible, which qualify it as Holy Scripture. Special attention is given to the Old Testament scriptural categories as the Pentateuch, the Prophets, Writings and the Apocrypha.
Course Outline:
a)The Bible it’s meaning and message
c)Inspiration, Revelation, authority of the Bible
d)Methods of study and interpretation
a)Meaning, Content
a)Myths, (Gen 1-11)
b)Significance of the stories in Gen. 1-2,3
c)Patriarch and Matriarchs Gen. 12-50
a)Israel in Egypt (Ex. 1-14)
b)The Exodus event and the Passover (Ex. 12-20)
c)The Covenant (Ex.19)
d)Sacrifice and Law (Lev. 1-20)
e)Entry and Conquest of Canaan. (Jo0s, Judges)
f)The establishment of the Monarchy (1 Sam, 2 Sam 1-12)
g)Triumph and trouble David and Solomon. (2 Sam 13-24, Kings 1-3)
h)The division of the Kingdom (Kings 4-12)
a)Conditions in the 8th Century (1 & 2 Chronicles)
b)The Nature of Prophecy.: Characteristics, Classification
c)The general prophets’ message (Amos, Hosea, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah)
a)Wisdom in the Ancient Near East
b)Wisdom in Israel
c)Sources of Wisdom
d)Wisdom Books
References/Reading list
1. Alexander, Pat (Ed.): The Lion Encyclopedia of the Bible,
Lion Pub, Tring, 1978
2. Alexander, David: The Lion Handbook of the Bible:
Lion Pub. Tring, 1973
3. Allen, Clifton J. (Ed): The Broadman Bible Commentary
Broadman Press, Nashville, 1953, 12 volumes
4. Anderson, B.W: The Living World of the Old Testament,
Longman’s Green & Co., London, 1957
5. Alter, Robert and Kermod: The literary guide to the bible,
The belknap press of Harvard univ.
Press ,Cambridge,1987.
6.Bright, John: A History of Israel: The Westminister Press,
7. Bruce ,F.F: The canon of Scripture:Intervarsity press,
Downer,s Grove,111,1988.
8.Butrick, George A. The Interpreter’s Bible: Abingdon press,
NewYork, 1953, 12 vols. (249-262)
9.Dodd,C.H: A General Introduction to the Bible,
NewYork,1953,12 Vols.(249-262)
10.P.Joseph: Archaeology and Bible History, Wheaton,
Van Kampen Press,1950.
11.Geiser,L.Norman & William E. NixA General Introduction to the bible,
Chicago, Moody press, 1968.
12.Halley,H.Henry;Halley,s Bible Handbook, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Zondervan Press, 1965.
13. Kerry, Page H:A Nation in the marketing: Conversation press Nashvilla,
14.Nowinckel, Sigmund:The Old Testament As Word of God: Abingdon press ,
NewYork, 1960.
15.North Martin:The Laws in The Pentateuch & Other studies,
Oliver & Boyd, London, 1966.
16.Pfeifer, Robert H:Introduction To The Old Testament: Adam and Charles
Balck, London, 1966.
17.Von Rad, Gerhard:Old Testament Theology; Oliver & Boyd,
Blinburgh,1962,2 Vol.
18.Westerman, Claus (Ed).Essays on Old Testament interpretation:
CMS Press Ltd., London, 1963.
19.King West, James:Introduction to the Old Testament.
20.E. Black, Matthews, (Ed)Peake’s Commentary on the Bible:
Thomas Nelson Pub, Nashvilla, 1962.
A few up-date, special studies of the Bible are available on IDA reserve section in the Library. At present, you may read there: the Literary guide to the Bible: Alter and Kermode.
The Book of God: Josipovici
The Women of genesis, Jeansonne.