The Richardson Sportsman’s Club is offering a scholarship of up to $1000.00 to an individual or individuals who are looking to further their careers in a field of Wildlife Conservation and Natural Resources. This scholarship is available to persons attending schools in the Clayton, Clear Lake and Turtle Lake school districts. Dead line for applications will be May 1st. The Richardson Sportsman Club will appoint a committee which will review applications and select a winner or winners.Letters of Recommendations from Teachers will be accepted.
1.Scholarship check will be made payable to the Educational Institute during first semester payment.
2.Richardson Sportsman’s Club reserves the right to divide scholarship if multiple candidates exist
Student Information
Last Name: / First Name: / Middle Name:Home Address:
City: / Zip: / Phone: ( )
Current Age: / Date of Birth:
School Affirmation
Review this completed form with your school and obtain a school representative signature.
As a school representative for ______, I ______affirm that the applicant is attending above said school and that the information provided on this form is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
School Representative Signature: ______Date: ______
Applicant Affirmation
By applying for this scholarship, I fully realize my responsibility to pursue my higher education and will make every effort to do so. I affirm that the information provided on this form and all supporting documents, to the best of my knowledge, are true and accurate.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Complete all information on this page. Type, computer print, or neatly hand print with black ink.
Use 12 point or larger font size. (This sentence is 12 point.) Smaller size will not be accepted.
All information must be able to be verified or it will not be accepted.
You cannot substitute this form with your own. If you have problems, ask for help. Substitutes will not be accepted. Remember that you are being evaluated and neatness does count.
Scholastic Information
CGPA: / Maximumpossible GPA: / Rank in
Senior Class: / Number in
Senior Class: / Year of
If you are taking or took accelerated classes, list subject and year:
Higher Education Schools Applied to:
Major or Program: / Degree: / Length (1,2,4 year):
Answer the essay question below.
Tell everything you feel is important but be concise. Your answers must fit inside the box in 12-point character size.
Write about your educational choice and why you have chosen this field.
Participation and Community Service
Answer the essay question below. Tell everything you feel is important but be concise.
Your answers must fit inside the box (remember the 12 point character size).
Explain the most important contribution you gave to your school, or community?
Scholarship Application Form – Page # 1 December 1, 2009