Environmental Services Advisory Collects/Recycling/Public Information OutreachSubcommittee
Legal Action Report
April 4, 2013
Page 1
- Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by Wilson Hughes, ESAC Chair at 3:36 p.m. Those present and absent were:
Rachel MillerRepresentative, Ward 3
Yvonne Merrill Representative, Ward 1
Wilson Hughes(Chair)Representative, Ward 6
Margot GarciaRepresentative, City Manager’s Office
Kristin BroksasRepresentative, City Manager’s Office
Sandra FimbresRepresentative, City Manager’s Office
Eva MaciasRepresentative, City Manager’s Office
Staff Members Present:
PatTapiaES Administrator
Fran LaSalaES Environmental Manager
- Chair Report on Current Events
ChairHughes opened the meeting by mentioning this will be subcommittee member Margot Garcia’s last meeting and subcommittee member Kristin Broksas first Collection’s meeting.
- Director’s Report
No report provided.
- Collections
- Sunnyside Conversion
Pat Tapia explained the boundaries of the Sunnyside Conversion. He stated the area has been converted from alley service to curbside service. Mr. Tapia informed the subcommittee about a Sunnyside Home Association meeting he attended with the president of the association, Becky Quintero. He was there to see what the association thought about picking an area in Ward 1 and converting service to the alley, for both recycle and garbage. The pilot area would have 350 gallon containers in the alley.Curbside service would no longer be provided.
Pat updated the subcommittee members on CNG RFP. We have awarded the bid to WSM Architect. WSM has sent us a draft of the design for the CNG Facility and we have some questions for them regarding this draft. Originally, the project was to be completed by July 2014 however,we now feel we will have to extend that date back by two to three months.
- Public Outreach
- Landfill/MRF Tour
No information provided.
- Earth Day
Pat Tapia provided information about Earth Day which is on April 21, 2013. ES will have a booth for HHW and another booth for Recycling/Garbage and a CNG Truck out for display. Pat also reminded everyone about the RODEO that is taking place next Saturday, April 13, 2013 from 8:00 a.m. – noon at Los Reales Landfilland at the Police Training Academy.Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
- Recycling
- Current MRF Statistics
Fran LaSala gave an update to the subcommittee members on the current MRF statistics. Heprovideda graph showing the current MRF statistics.
Mr. LaSala gave an update on AZRC and SAEMS. He informedthe groupthat six new members joined the SAEMS and expressed we just have to expand the presence of the AZRC because AZRC is primarily out of Phoenix.
- Call to the Audience
- Set Date/Time and Future Agenda Items for Next Meeting (May 2, 2013 at 3:30)
- STAR Program – Leslie Ethan
- Adjournment –
Meeting was adjourned at 4:48 p.m.
ESAC Legal Action Report and Summary Minutes14/4/13