Guidelines for Group Reunions,
a/k/a Grouping
Look for those who want to be in small group. Be the initiator. The more you genuinely want to be with a group, the more you will be able to help each other grow. Members do not have to have been through a Via de Cristo weekend.
Be sure to use your green card. Cover the points of piety, study, and action by commenting on each one or take each section as a whole and share whatever you can that week. There are two different ways to handle the points under the three sections of the card. Each point may be commented on by each member before going to the next point; or each member may complete discussing all points before passing the floor to the next member. Whatever way is best for your group, be sure that you use the card.
Make this time a priority in your schedule. Be accountable. It shows that you care and are available to be Christ’s voice or Christ’s ear. You may not feel a strong need for the group that week, but the group may have a strong need of you.
Be interested in and committed to the spiritual growth of each member of your group. Pray for each other and use the group to minister to each other. God will give you a real love for one another.
Have a different leader each meeting to lead your time together with the prayer of the Holy Spirit, share a devotional reading to center your minds on Christ and quiet your hearts before the Lord. This is needful so that you will be open to what He has in store for you. The leader will also keep the time flowing along without too many side excursions.
You need to develop a climate for sharing. An important part of this climate is a spirit of trust. This takes time, patience and courage to establish. What is shared in a group is not something to be shared with others. Honor the confidences of your group. Don’t repeat things shared in your group with those outside the group. There must be a total trust that all said within the reunion group is held in strict confidence. Don’t let your group become a social gathering. Keep focused on using the card.
Remember Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered, I am there also”. It only takes two to start a group. It is also important not to let the group get too large, for everyone in the group needs to have the opportunity to share. Ideal size is 3-5 people.
It takes time for a group to feel comfortable with one another. If you are not comfortable with one group, find one that you do feel comfortable with before giving up on the idea of a group. Start on time; end on time. Keep the meetings to one hour. This will help the group to be successful.
Christ is counting on you!
Revised 2010