(JOB 42) [1] Then Job answered the LORD: [2] "I know that Thou canst do all things, and that no purpose of Thine can be thwarted. [3] `Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?' Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand,things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. [4] `Hear, and I will speak; I will question you, and you declare to me.'[5] I had heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees thee; [6] therefore I despise myself,and repent in dust and ashes."
(JOB 3) [1] After this Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth.
(JOB 6) [8] "O that I might have my request, and that God would grant my desire; [9] that it would please God to crush me, that he would let loose his hand and cut me off! [10] This would be my consolation; I would even exult in pain unsparing; for I have not denied the words of the Holy One.
(BILDAD TO JOB) (JOB 8) [3] Does God pervert justice? Or does the Almighty pervert the right? [4] If your children have sinned against him, he has delivered them into the power of their transgression.
(JOB TO FRIENDS) (JOB 9) [32] For he is not a man, as I am, that I might answer him, that we should come to trial together. [33] There is no umpire between us, who might lay his hand upon us both.
(JOB TO FRIENDS) (JOB 12) [7] "But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you; [8] or the plants of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. [9] Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this?
(JOB TO FRIENDS) (JOB 13) [4] As for you, you whitewash with lies; worthless physicians are you all. [5] Oh that you would keep silent, and it would be your wisdom!
(JOB TO FRIENDS) (JOB 14) [4] Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? There is not one.
(JOB TO FRIENDS) (JOB 17) [1] My spirit is broken, my days are extinct, the grave is ready for me. [2] Surely there are mockers about me, and my eye dwells on their provocation. [3] Lay down a pledge for me with Thyself; who is there that will give surety for me?
(JOB TO FRIENDS) (JOB 19) [2] "How long will you torment me, and break me in pieces with words? [3] These ten times you have cast reproach upon me; are you not ashamed to wrong me? [4] And even if it be true that I have erred, my error remains with myself.
(JOB TO FRIENDS) (JOB 19) [6] know then that God has put me in the wrong, and closed his net about me. [7] Behold, I cry out, `Violence!' but I am not answered; I call aloud, but there is no justice. [8] He has walled up my way, so that I cannot pass, and he has set darkness upon my paths. [9] He has stripped from me my glory, and taken the crown from my head.
(JOB TO FRIENDS) (JOB 21) [7] Why do the wicked live, reach old age, and grow mighty in power?
(ELIPHAZ TO JOB) (JOB 22) [21] "Agree with God, and be at peace; thereby good will come to you.
(JOB TO FRIENDS) (JOB 24) [1] "Why are not times of judgment kept by the Almighty, and why do those who know him never see his days? [2] Men remove landmarks; they seize flocks and pasture them. [3] They drive away the ass of the fatherless; they take the widow's ox for a pledge. [4] They thrust the poor off the road; the poor of the earth all hide themselves.
(JOB TO FRIENDS) (JOB 27) [3] as long as my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils; [4] my lips will not speak falsehood, and my tongue will not utter deceit. [5] Far be it from me to say that you are right; till I die I will not put away my integrity from me.
(JOB TO GOD AND FRIENDS) (JOB 29) [1] And Job again took up his discourse, and said: [2] "Oh, that I were as in the months of old, as in the days when God watched over me; [3] when his lamp shone upon my head, and by his light I walked through darkness; [4] as I was in my autumn days, when the friendship of God was upon my tent; [5] when the Almighty was yet with me, when my children were about me; [6] when my steps were washed with milk, and the rock poured out for me streams of oil! [7] When I went out to the gate of the city, when I prepared my seat in the square, [8] the young men saw me and withdrew, and the aged rose and stood; [9] the princes refrained from talking, and laid their hand on their mouth; [10] the voice of the nobles was hushed,and their tongue cleaved to the roof of their mouth. [11] When the ear heard, it called me blessed, and when the eye saw, it approved; [12] because I delivered the poor who cried, and the fatherless who had none to help him.
(JOB 38) [1] Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind: [2] "Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? [3] Gird up your loins like a man, I will question you, and you shall declare to me. [4] "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. [5] Who determined its measurements -- surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? [6] On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, [7] when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? [8] "Or who shut in the sea with doors, when it burst forth from the womb; [9] when I made clouds its garment, and thick darkness its swaddling band, [10] and prescribed bounds for it, and set bars and doors, [11] and said, `Thus far shall you come, and no farther, and here shall your proud waves be stayed'