Project Closeout Report
Project Name / Medicare Crossover / Date / 10/21/2008Executive Sponsor / Carolyn Ingram, Medical Assistance Division Director / Lead Agency / Human Services Department
Project Manager / Liz Shaw, Information Technology Division / Agency Code / 630
Project Description (Provide a brief description and purpose for this project)
This Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS) enhancement will allow for the pricing and adjudication of all Medicare Crossover claims submitted to the Prescription Drug Claims System (PDCS), via both Point of Sale (POS) and batch Region C Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carrier (DMERC). This program will be treated as a Coordination of Benefits (COB) program with Medicare listed as another type of insurance in the client’s eligibility and Third Party Liability (TPL) information from the MMIS.
New benefit plans and plan assignment logic will be defined for clients who are dually eligible for Medicare Part B and Medicaid. The Medicare Crossover plan will have very specific pricing and drug coverage for all Medicare Crossover and DMERC claims.
This enhancement will allow New Mexico Medicaid to process Crossover claims more efficiently and accurately. It will also allow New Mexico Medicaid to more clearly identify Medicare Crossover claims.
Schedule and Budget
Planned Start Date / June 1, 2007 / Actual Start Date / August 1, 2007
Planned End Date / November 2007 / Actual End Date / May 2008
Planned Cost: (Budget) / $140,951 / Actual Cost: (Total) / $140,951
- Professional Services
- Professional Services
- Hardware
- Hardware
- Software
- Software
- Network
- Network
- Other
- Other
Appropriation History (Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)
Fiscal Year
/ Amount / Funding Source(s)2008 / $14,095 / State Funds: Laws of 2007, Chapter 28, Section 7, Subsection 20on page 253of the General Appropriation Act (HB2)
2008 / $126,856 / Federal Funds: Department of Health and Human Services; Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Grant # 0805NM5028
Scope Verification
/ Yes / No /Explanation/Notes
Were the project objectives (expected outcomes)accomplished? / XWereallDeliverables submitted and accepted? / X
Did the IV&V vendor verify that all deliverables met the requirements? / X
Have allcontracts been closed? / X
Have all final payments been made (i.e., invoices paid) / X / Final payment made in August 2008
Has adequate knowledge transfer been completed? / X
Transition to Operations: (Describe agency plan to migrate project solution to production. Include DoIT impact if different than previous report)
Project solution was migrated into Production on May 5, 2008. There is no impact to DoIT.
Yes / No /
Are there recurring maintenance/operational costsfor the product/service? / X / $ per YearAre there any recommended enhancements or updates? / X / (Attach comments)
Funding source for maintenance/operational costs? (Describe)
Business Performance Measures (Complete for all phases)
Phases / Completion Date / Goals/Objectives / Amount / Results
/ 08/2007 /- Requirements Analysis Document
- High Level Project Plan
- Project Management Plan
/ 09/2007 /- Detailed Project Work Plan
- Detailed System Design Document
Implementation: / 10/2007
12/2007 /
- System Test Execution
- User Acceptance Test Execution
- IV&V Reports
Closeout: / 04/2008
10/2008 /
- Project documentation
- Final IV&V reports
- Close-out report
$5,344 / All of the goals and objectives for the Close-out Phase were completed
Lessons Learned
Key success factors:
- Existing successful relationship between the development vendor (ACS) and HSD
- Deep experience
- Frequent communication between ACS and HSD during system development, implementation, and roll-out
- Better alignment of Federal approvals with project certification schedule so that steps can be done in parallel rather than in serial
IT System Analysis
On this document, or as an attachment, provide a summary response, including changes, to the following IT infrastructure topics relating to this project:- Describe or estimate this project’s impact on the Enterprise/DoIT infrastructure.
- Hardware – no impact
- Network (Include Diagram)– no impact
- Software / Applications – no impact, as the MMIS software is hosted on an ACS mainframe
- Where is this system hosted?
- If not hosted at DoITDataCenter what is your strategy to host at DoITDataCenter: (When, Why?)
- DoIT Migration Collaboration - none needed
- Summarize your collaboration with DoIT on moving this project from initialization through close (full production). Identify points of contact, dates of discussions, and results
- Provide Application Architecture Schematic – Not applicable, as no architecture changes to the existing MMIS were required
Business Continuity Strategy
On this document, or as an attachment, provide a summary response, including changes,of your business Continuity Strategy.- Emergency and Disaster Management – no changes needed to the existing ACS Disaster Recovery plan, as the Medicare Crossover software changes were incorporated into the existing MMIS software
- Business Resumption – no changes needed, as stated above
- Operational Recovery Planning – no changes needed, as stated above
Security Strategy (Application and Data Security Process, Plan, or Standard)
The New Mexico OmniCaid MMIS Security supports security group and user administration and password maintenance. The Security administrator may assign users to a number of different groups that have specific access to windows and information throughout the MMIS. The administrator can also modify the access for a group or user.
The MMIS uses mainframe security. ACS's mainframe security is ACF2, which is an industry leader in mainframe security.
The MMIS also meets HIPAA security standards.
Project Sign Off
The signatures below certify that this project has been completedin accordance to the specifiedbudget, schedule, scope, and achieved the intended outcome.
Stakeholders / Name: Signature / Date
Executive Sponsor
(or Designee)
Lead Agency Head
(or Designee)
Project Manager
This is a controlled document; this version supersedes all other versions.
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