An Overview of the Target-Setting in Schools
PROGRESSGCSE results and KS3 results received by the school.
Preparatory analysis is undertaken by relevant members of the SMT; assessment co-ordinator, heads of department. Comparisons are made with the previous three years. Trends and anomalies are identified. Provisional whole school target are considered.
Heads of department have an initial analysis review meeting with their team. The initial analysis is shared and results compared with any projections/ targets previously agreed using an agreed school pro forma. Comparisons are made with other departments and initial interpretations made There is then initial discussion of the implications of the analysis for further development of learning and teaching strategies. They then consider the current Year 10, 11, 12 cohorts. Using their own assessment data about the pupils, any value-added or qualitative information about the pupils, they make initial projections for their pupils. Any pupil who is considered to be potentially under performing is identified and a target set and recorded on an agreed school pro forma and returned to SMT.
SMT begin to share their views of the initial exam analysis and likely targets for Years 10, 11 and 12, again using the range of internal and external data available. Refer to any value-added and base-line data available (CATs, YELLIS, reading scores, mocks etc) and benchmarking data. Note: It is important that this discussion is with the whole of the SMT team as it is one of the ways of developing the expertise of the team. It is also important that all members of the team feel comfortable with the data because they will be supporting middle managers individually through this process.
Target-setting and exam analysis meeting between SMT line manager and individual Heads of Department, using the completed aide-memoire to focus the discussion. Targets set for Years 10, 11 and 12.
Summary of the subject analysis and the target grades are discussed further by SMT. The SMT aggregates departmental targets and considers whether the predicted subject grades will generate the number of % A* - Cs, A - Gs and average points score which the SMT believes the school should be achieving on the basis of its analysis.
An Overview of the Target-Setting in Schools
PROGRESSIf there are concerns about any department’s targets, HoD and relevant senior line manager discuss the targets and analysis process and ,if necessary, negotiate changes.
Principal presents targets to the Board of Governors. Targets are included in the School Development Plan and published.
Subject teams continue their analysis of the implications of the targets for the development of the learning and teaching. Department Action Plans are generated to support the achievement of the targets focusing on learning and teaching processes.
SMT trawl action plans for whole school implications. Anything which requires action on the part of SMT should be noted and included on the SDP.
Form teachers/tutors also have the predicted grades for their pupils. Form teachers maintain the overview of the pupil’ progress across the curriculum and provide support and mediation. There is a planned programme for the tutor to work with their tutees, individually, as a whole group or in small groups to support their pupils with their learning.
Year Head maintains an overview of the year group’s progress towards the targets.
A calendar for the whole year is produced showing the subject review dates, target-setting days, mocks etc.