SCCC Technology Plan
- Modified 4/27/04 – Technology Administrators,
- Accepted by Strategic Planning Council 4/06)
- Status being reviewed by Computer Council Planning Subcommittee Fall ‘06
A list of the goals and objectives of the technology plan adopted by the Computing Council last semester follows. Included in the left column are the individuals, departments, committees, subcommittees and/or college office able to address each item. Their task is to prioritize and identify a timetable for their items.
The individuals or groups identified and the abbreviation used within are listed below in order of appearance. To review an individual’s or group’s items, use the “Find” feature in Word (ctrl + F), entering the name or abbreviation where listed.
- Computing Council Training Subcommittee (Training Sub)
- Departments within the Office of Computer and Information Systems (CIS)
- Computer Center
- Desktop Services
- Networking and Telecommunications (Net & Telecom)
- Campus Educational Technology Units (ETUs)
- Campus Teaching and Learning Centers (TLCs)
- Academic Affairs
- Technology Administrators (Tech Admins)
- Department Chairs
- Human Resources
- Student Affairs
- Registrar
- College Facilities (Facilities)
- Distance Education Committee (DE Committee)
- Computing Council Student Technology Fee Subcommittee (STF Sub)
- Computing Council Standards Subcommittee (Standards Sub)
- Computing Council Planning Subcommittee (Planning Sub)
- College Associate Dean of Instructional Technology (Associate Dean of IT)
- College Accessibility Officer
- Campus Student Services
- Continuing Education
- Library
- Computing Council Policy Subcommittee (Policy Sub)
- Homepage Committee
- ERP Steering Committee
- ID Card Committtee
Goal 1: All employees shall achieve a basic working knowledge of electronic communication and software applications (computer literacy), and significant numbers of employees will attain a sophisticated (proficient) level of knowledge.
Training Sub / 1.The Computer Council’s Training Subcommittee shall take on the leadership for training at the college, establishing needs, publicizing opportunities and collaborating with the various college groups involved in training.
Timeline / ***AME Training: Training conducted over the summer. The program is currently in limbo awaiting the new Executive Director of HR. CE is available to design and offer fee-based training to individual departments /
2 years /- Committee membership shall be reviewed periodically to be assured it contains adequate representation from the college technical service areas, training providers, and the groups where training needs are identified.
Every Year /
- The committee shall establish training goals to include the topics to be covered, competencies expected, the number of individuals to be trained and the time frame for the training.
Every Semester /
- Information on the college’s training activity shall be collected on a regular basis to include the programs offered, the training objectives covered and the number of individuals trained.
Annual /
- This information is to be used to show the economic benefit of individual training efforts.
Ongoing /
- The subcommittee shall explore the possibility of developing a training portal, initially to report on training results and later to function as a place where the individuals could go to see a schedule of completed and upcoming activity.
Yearly plan /
- The subcommittee shall investigate alternative methods of institutionalizing the delivery of technology training programs.
Delete /
- The college’s training efforts should include all of the items that follow.
CIS, ETUs w/TLCs & Training Sub / 2.Presentations shall be made at departmental meetings and/or special sessions upon the roll-out of all major new systems and then follow-up sessions will be scheduled after usage begins. These sessions should be coordinated by the departments owning the system and the technical department supporting the system, and handled through the groups supporting the college’s training efforts.
Timeline / Comments
Annual and ongoing budget
All the time /
- Results shall be tracked to identify who has been trained and to what level, and to prescribe additional sessions as needed.
*** In Banner?
- The college will provide appropriate funding and resources to support training initiatives.
- New system implementation or major upgrades will include a training plan and timetable.
/ Training should be included in the actual budgets for all new systems and part of all systems.
Academic Affairs, Tech Admins / 3.Supervisors shall recommend technology development plans as part of periodic evaluations.
Timeline / Comments
Annually reviewed /
- Supervisors shall include an assessment of technology knowledge and future needs on evaluations for the individuals reporting to them.
- A list of competencies for both faculty and staff shall be compiled and maintained. The list with recommendations shall be posted on the training portal.
w/ Training Sub /
- Feedback from supervisors on their efforts is to be collected and reviewed by the Training Subcommittee and future needs identified.
Academic Affairs, Tech Admins / 4.Technology knowledge (e.g., web page design and publishing, web browsing, file management, e-mail) shall be included among the hiring criteria.
w/ Training Sub
Annual /
- An annual poll shall be conducted to assess needs and competency in key areas and these will be used to identify upcoming literacy recommendations.
Academic Affairs, Tech Admins / 5.Individuals with demonstrated skills in technology should be encouraged to share their knowledge with others.
w/ ETUs and Department Chairs /
- Campus ETUs, academic chairs and the associate deans will develop a list of individuals available to mentor others in technology.
CIS, ETUs, TLCs / 6.A more formal help system is to be evaluated to determine its role in assisting individuals in the use of technology.
- Areas within the Office of Computer Information Systems and the campus ETU will investigate the development of help services.
- Opportunities for more formal help sessions will be made available through the campus TLC's.
- Help and training efforts will be coordinated to reinforce each other.
Training Sub / 7.Technology staff will be retrained in the latest techniques, methods and strategies.
- Annual training courses for technical staff, arranged in consultation with the PAs workgroup and their supervisors, have been successful and shall continue. Schedules and results are to be reported to the Training Subcommittee for inclusion in the training portal.
For the current year, P. Basileo and P. DiGregorio will develop a proposal to bring to the CCC in December. Likely training timeframe: Jan. 2007. R. Manning would like Project training for the Instructional Tech area / 2 weeks per year, budgeted for a minimum of 25 people
HR, Training Sub, CIS, ETUs / 8.New faculty orientation should outline the training available.
Each Semester /
- New faculty orientation sessions, coordinated through Human Resources, shall include a presentation from a Training Subcommittee representative.
***TLC should be involved in the orientation training. The Training Subcommittee will review the optimal components of the presentation annually, before adjournment for the summer.
- Sessions shall have the support of the Campus Dean's office and shall be mandatory as a condition of employment.
w/ Tech Admins, /
- The development and maintenance of a technology brochure, which includes information on the services and training opportunities available at the college, shall continue and be distributed at the orientation sessions.
*** In addition to technology brochure, create PDF of brochure, post on appropriate Web site and maintain links on each campus Web site. Include this information during orientation. – It is on the website / This will be reviewed and updated annually.
Goal 2: The delivery of services to students will be improved by use of emerging technologies.
CIS, Computer Center, Student Affairs, Academic Affairs / 1.Continue the development of the recently implemented electronic portal, which allows students to perform transactions, access records, communicate with faculty and peers, and obtain information about events and organizations.
- Continue to solicit college community recommendations for future features and to normalize office participation in managing content within the portal.
- Expand the capabilities for faculty and student communication by implementing such tools as email list serves, discussion boards and on-line chat.
Computer Center, Registrar / 2.Prepare for the electronic transmission of transcripts to schools to which students are transferring and from schools of prior attendance, when standards and safeguards are in place.
- Investigate the implementation of a transcript pilot with an appropriate four-year institution to determine the benefit to our students and the cost- effectiveness of the approach.
CIS, Student Affairs / 3.Enhance student access to information, services, and personal records through the continued development of comprehensive, interactive web sites in all Student Affairs areas.
- Plan and implement, as appropriate, a virtual student services' site that seeks to provide students with an on-line equivalent for the services currently only available in person. This will provide for both Distance Education students, who are never on campus, and campus-based students who prefer an on-line alternative.
- Initial sites should include:
1.On-line, inter-active counseling and advising.
2.On-line assistance both for using web-based services and for dealing with problems encountered while attempting to transact business online.
Computer Center & Registrar / 4.Develop a system for all students to register over the web.
w/ Net & Telecom /
- Maintain service viability and thereby maintain the current progress through the continued acquisition of adequate Internet bandwidth and back-end systems necessary to support the number of system users and their expectations for current technology.
- Implement a means to allow developmental students and students on probation to register on-line from a list of approved courses which have been identified for them through the proper channels.
CIS & Student Affairs / 5.Evaluate the availability, functionality and effectiveness of the current kiosks.
- The current use of the kiosks shall be reviewed to determine their future role at the college to include:
1.Reviewing their target population and the appropriateness of their use in reaching this population.
2.Determining their usage. For existing students, a poll shall be conducted to determine the kiosks' existing value and students' expectations for future use.
The College Student Affairs group met and reviewed the role of the Kiosks on Campus and determined that they are rarely used. They recommend that they be removed.
***As an alternate, possible provide a way for messages to be displayed to the on-campus community
Goal 3: Learning outcomes shall be enhanced as a result of the use of technology.
ETUs, Tech Admins / 1.Continue to monitor computing laboratories to be assured appropriate levels of access are available with respect to the number and capabilities of PCs/ workstations, size and skill of support staff and hours of operation.
- Campus ETUs and Technology Administrators will develop and utilize a standard reporting method to track utilization in each lab.
- Campus ETUs and Technology Administrators shall periodically review the trends in facilities use and update lab missions as needed.
- Adequate budgetary support will be provided to accomplish the missions of each center.
Training Sub /
- Adequate training, particularly for part-time staff, will be provided in order that students will have access to appropriate resources whenever the labs are open.
Tech Admins, Facilities, CIS / 2.All building renovations shall include the installation of advanced presentation technology such as a proxima type projector in the ceiling and shall include the means for delivering multi-media presentations. Every classroom should be equipped with these capabilities, and each campus should have a media server for instructors to retrieve instructional material for in-class use.
- Construction of smart classrooms has progressed well, thanks in part to the availability of Title III funds. With the Title III grant ending, the college shall pick up construction responsibility to maintain the momentum of this initiative.
*** This should also include a way for faculty to connect their laptops.
*** With the new podium, we have set up a very easy way for the faculty to attach laptops using a simple 4-button switch.
- Responsibility for installing and maintaining these facilities has not been clearly defined. The campus technology administrators shall review maintenance capabilities and recommend responsibilities for current and new facilities on their campuses.
- The demand for and the capabilities of media servers shall be evaluated.
- Advances in technology seem to point to the need for wireless smart data projectors to be used with faculty laptops. The college shall evaluate this technology and, if appropriate, institute a pilot of the concept.
Tech Admins, Academic Affairs / 3.Faculty will be encouraged and supported in plans for the effective incorporation of electronically enhanced pedagogy into their courses.
- The College Associate Deans will encourage and coordinate the incorporation of electronically enhanced pedagogy within the curricula in their area.
*** Best for whom? Support staff, yes. Faculty, no / Consultation with Tech. Admins.
- An annual review of plans will be coordinated by the Campus Technology Administrator. Ideally this will coincide with campus budget development.
DE Committee / 4.The Distance Education Committee shall continue to evaluate whether students need prior knowledge skills and abilities to prosper in distance learning classes and, if so, determine how the acquisition of this knowledge may be accomplished.
- The DE Committee will continue to make use of the pre-test recently developed as a way to give students an idea of the requirements for taking Distance Education classes and to evaluate the preparedness of students for DE courses.
5.The DE Committee shall identify and work toward achieving enrollment targets for the various populations taking DE courses.