HHS Computer Lab
1. No use of any e-mail whether it be reading or sending or receiving;
2. No downloading whatsoever;
3. No unauthorized web sites meaning sites that are obscene, abusive, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging, or illegal and if a student is accidentally linked to such a site it must be reported immediately to their instructor or computer lab instructor, Students may not use sites that offer links to sites that are obscene, abusive, sexually oriented etc.;
4. Students are not allowed to access internet with another persons ID/password;
5. Students are not allowed to go to chat rooms;
6. Use of internet is for education purposes only and no access to games;
7. Students will not send or post messages;
8. Students will follow copyright rules for multimedia:
- 10% or 3 minutes, whichever is less, of a motion media clip;
- 10% or 30 seconds, whichever is less, of a musical work, whether audio or audiovisual;
- No more than 5 images of a single artist or photographer;
- 10% or 1000 words, whichever is less, of text materials;
9. Students must record and acknowledge all public domain work (meaning free to use without permission). In order to cite an internet source students will do the following:
Author’s name (if known) last name first. Title of the page (underlined if it is a full work, or in quotations if it is an article or part of a larger work). Date of publication. Publisher. Date you last visited the site. URL in brackets < >. Alphabetize your list and indent all data after the first line of each entry. See simple example below:
CIA World Fact Book. 1999. Central Intelligence Agency. 3 Aug. 1999.
10. Students will respect the rights of copyright owners. If a student wishes to reproduce a work that is protected by a copyright they must request permission from the copyright owner. If given permission to use that work the student must maintain a copy of the permission.
11. It is illegal to copy software;
12. Students are not to access Internet unless given permission by their instructor.
If a student does not abide by these rules then this student can lose their access to Internet for the remainder of the year.