St. Stephen’s Church Annual Meeting

January 24, 2016

Meeting called to order with prayer at 12:08p.m.

Verification of a quorum: Definitely

Appointment of Clerk: Tracy Ormsbee

Minutes of the 2015 Annual Meeting. Motion to approve by Peter Nelson, second by Carole Merill-Mazurek. Motion carried.

Thanks to Chris Jones for putting report together.

Christian Education and Adult Education report: Always looking for teachers. See Miranda or Fr. James. Adult education – as submitted.

Community Service/Outreach report:We really have raised a lot of money for outreach in the past year. Says an awful lot about this congregation. Leaves an impression on new people coming. SICM looking for volunteers in food pantry. Hosted another blood drive. 22 people came. Impressed with facility. Another way to donate to the community and beyond.

The Choir Report:Doug and Susan: We have thoroughly enjoyed our work. Thank you to the choir. Anyone welcome to join.

Over the Hill Gang Report:They save church a lot of money.

Building and Grounds:Fr. James: At this moment the buildings are in good shape. It breaks my heart to report two of my favorite trees came down this week. Tried to save them. Foundation was close to the root system.

Foyer Groups Report:Gillian: Always open to new people joining us. A lot of fun and get to know each other much better in a private setting.

Episcopal Church Women Report:As submitted. Want to encourage all women to join ECW. We are change agents in our community and abroad. Luncheon this spring. Probably in May.

Website Report:Where new members find out about the church. Thank you to Chris.

Messenger Report: Thanks again to Chris

Communications Committee Report:As submitted

Fellowship Report:Thank you to Erin. Erin: Let’s keep doing it. Trying to have family night once a month. Open to ideas. We’ll make anything happen. Peter: suggest having Agape dinner once again. Fr. James: It’s really these kinds of things where community happens.

Bell Choir Report:Thank you for support for refurbishing of the bells. Thanks to bell choir members for dedication and coming every week. Thanks to Doug and Susan.

Acknowledgements: Fr. James: Thank you to Denise Crates, Deacon Pat, Retired Rector Denny Bennett

Priest’s Report:Overall, feeling in the congregation is good. Getting new families in all the time. A few things I didn’t put in the report: Agreement to go on sabbatical every 7 years. Didn’t take one in 2011 because in the middle of the building project. This summer will be on Sabbatical June, July and August. Will try to find priest to be here all three months. I will be here part of the time until school is out. When school is out, Lisa and I will go to our house in central Massachusetts. Will take classes. I will be taking a woodworking course as well in Maine. Back in September with the Parish Fair.

Parish Statistics: Sunday attendance is not going up. Down a little bit. Reason for that is we have a congregations that takes vacations in the summer time. We have new members and many are young families, which is unusual in Schenectady. Fewer pledges but the amount is greater. Support beginning to spread out and that’s a much healthier sign. Almost everyone increased their pledge from last year to this year. Sid: Don’t see a balance sheet for 2015 in this report. Vestry sees that every month. Can add it to the report.

Finances:Endowment wasn’t bad. This year hasn’t started out very well in terms of stocks but sure that will level off. Have used endowment money for a few things but for the most part try not to. Giving the diocese $5,000.

Budget: Bill Frank: Thanks members of the finance committee. We did increase the amount of anticipated income from the trust fund, but may not have to use all of it. We have a budget for pledge income. Very close. Usually we do have more in that line item coming in at the end of the year than in that line item. Did put in $5,000 for the Diocesan Assessment. Sid: Big deal was made of new building and savings in heating costs not reflected. Denise: Yes, we have saved.

Report of the Nominating Committee:Full slate of vestry members.

Candidates for Vestry and for Delegates to Diocesan Convention:Jim Syta, warden; Linda Emaelaf, 3 years; Liz Varno, 3 years; Mary Alexander, 3 years; Richey Woodzell, 1 year; Joe Palko, 1 year

Motion by Peter, second by Priscilla. Motion carried

Peter is perpetual delegate to Diocesan Convention.

Commissioning of Wardens and Vestry Members

Meeting was adjourned at12:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tracy Ormsbee
