Area / Actions / Achieved / ActionQ12 Housing / 1. Supply information on help/advice for all householders re : insulation, alarms, low energy bults etc.. Print in The Crier / Yes / Ongoing
2. Regular review of strategic plans and new developments / Yes / Ongoing
Health / 1. Mobile telephone masts – monitor and make appropriate observations and objections on the planning process. To monitor health issues plus both local and national press / Yes / Ongoing
2. Services for the elderly, housebound and disabled to be advertised in The Crier / Yes / Ongoing
3. Investigate possibility of providing a Village Health Centre / No / No further action to be taken. Provision currently available in Water Orton.
Q14, 17, 18
Recycling / 1. Advise households avout various size refuse and compost bins / Yes / Ongoing
2. Education local school children about litter / Yes / Ongoing
3. Provide a polite no litter sign outside Post Office/shop / No / Liaise with Post Office once the refurbishment has finished
4. Consider areas requesting more litter bins / Ongoing / Ongoing
Communication / 1. Supply information of the work of MP’s, CountyCouncillors, Borough Councillors, Parish Councillors and MEP’s through The Crier / Yes / No action
Retail / 1. Advertise mobile deliveries in The Crier / Ongoing / Ongoing
2. Support village retailers where appropriate / Ongoing / Ongoing
Employment / 1. Contact local businesses and newspapers to advertise local employment opportunities. / Done / No action
Q37,38,39,40, 41 Travel / 1. Investigate provision of better transport links / Done / Improved bus service, access to trains
2. Advise public on current transport services in The Crier / Done / Ongoing
Recreation / 1. Diary of meetings of all village organisations to be published in The Crier / Done / Ongoing
2. Extend playground facilities on playing fields / Done / Ongoing
3. Provide a 5 a side football pitch on playing fields / Ongoing / Ongoing
4. Investigate the siting and provision of a Youth Shelter / No / No longer required
5. Investigate providing a Youth Club / No / St Nicholas Church is considering
6. Investigate provision for bowls and badminton / No / No volunteers for a Committee therefore not achievable
7. Start 2 daytime Tai Chi Classes / Yes / Provided 2, but now only 1 class running
8. Investigate providing brownies, guides, cubs, scouts etc… / Yes / Advert placed in Crier – no volunteers
Q45, 48, 53
Environment and Street Scene / 1. Maintenance of verges, footpaths and road, drains, hedges, gutters, trees, lamp posters and litter / Yes / Ongoing
2. Plant more trees and flowers / Yes / Ongoing
3. Replace modern lamp posts on Coleshill Road with more traditional ones / No / Ongoing
4. Investigate the making and funding of a special ‘Curdworth’ sign / Yes / Nearly completed
5. Business frontages and landscaping improvements / Ongoing / Ongoing
6. Study of any extra required street lighting / Yes / No further lighting required
7. Study of disabled access to all village facilities / Yes / Access improved to Village Hall and Church Hall
8. Investigation into obtaining the ‘Beehvie’ green for a village open space / Yes / Registered as a Village Green
9. Monitor refuse bins left permanently on house frontages / Yes / Ongoing
10. Maintenance of ‘The Spinney’ / Yes / Ongoing, subject to NWBC Maintenance
11. Landscaping and screening of Industrial Estate / Yes / Ongoing through planning process
Traffic / 1. Provision of traffic lights at Coleshill Road/Kingsbury Road junction / Ongoing / Annual traffic meetings
2. Parking on pavement / Yes / Ongoing polite notices in Crier
3. Regularly monitor traffic speed and volume, road maintenance and marking / Yes / Ongoing with regular meetings
4. Increase dropped kerbs etc for disabled and pushchairs after identifying problem areas / No / Need to road road plan and identify problem areas
Q68, 69, 70
Emergency Services / 1. Liaise with police over their response times and actions / Yes / Ongoing – good regular contact with police
2. Monitor anti-social behaviour / Yes / Ongoing
3. Regularly update the Curdworth Emergency Plan / Yes / Ongoing with WCC
Religion / 1. Pass all relevant information on to Parochial Church Council including lack of disabled access to Church and Church Hall / Yes / Completed