Game Management Authority Act 2014
No. 24 of 2014
table of provisions
Part 1—Preliminary
Part 2—Game Management Authority
Division 1—Establishment, powers and functions
5Objectives of the Authority
7Powers of the Authority
8Exercise of powers
Division 2—Members of the Authority
10Members of the Authority
11Conditions of appointment of members
12Validity of acts or decisions
13Proceedings of the Authority
14Pecuniary interests of members
15Improper use of information
16Disclosure of information
Division 3—Chief executive officer and staff of the Authority
17Chief executive officer
Division 4—Financial and Administrative
20Annual report
21Annual business plan
Part 3—Enforcement and Legal Proceedings
22Appointment of authorised officers
23Appointment of persons to perform certain functions of authorised officers
24Application of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987
to authorised officers
25Application of Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987
to the Authority
Part 4—General
Division 1—Regulations
Division 2—Transitional provision
27Authorised officers appointed under the Conservation,
Forests and Lands Act 1987 employed by the Authority
Part 5—Amendment of Other Acts and Repeal
Division 1—Wildlife Act 1975
29Repeal of section 11
30Wildlife licences
31Game licences
32Secretary may refuse to grant licences in certain cases
33Duration of licence
34Mandatory cancellation of licences
35New section 25AB inserted
25ABMandatory cancellation of certain licences by Game Management Authority
36Power of Secretary to suspend licence
37New section 25BA inserted
25BAPower of Game Management Authority to suspend certain licences
38Making submissions on suspension
39Power of Secretary to cancel a licence
40New section 25DA inserted
25DAPower of the Game Management Authority to cancel certain licences
41Authorisation to take etc. wildlife
42Suspension of authorisation
43Making submissions on suspension
44Cancellation of authorisation
45Wildlife Management Co-operative Areas
46Offence for certain persons to enter on or remain in specified hunting area
47Offence to approach a person who is hunting
48Variation and revocation of banning notice
49Disclosure of information for enforcement purposes
50Retention notices
51Statements of the Secretary as evidence
52Applications for authorities to conduct controlled operations
53Determination of applications
54Matters to be taken into account
55Form of authority
56When can an authority be varied?
57Application for variation of authority
58Determination of application to vary authority
59Form of variation of authority
60Cancellation of authorities
61Notification requirements
62Principal law enforcement officers' reports
63New Section 74OA inserted
74OAGame Management Authority's reports
64Annual report by Victorian Inspectorate
65Keeping documents connected with authorised operations
66General register
67New section 74RA inserted
74RAGeneral Register of the Game Management Authority
68Inspection of records by Victorian Inspectorate
69New section 74SA inserted
74SAInspection of Game Management Authority records
by the Victorian Inspectorate
70No delegations
71Evidence of authorities
72Emergency closure notices
73Review of decisions
75New sections 98 to 105 inserted
98Transitional provision for wildlife licences in respect
of specified birds—Game Management Authority
Act 2014
99Transitional provision for wildlife licence
applications—Game Management Authority
Act 2014
100Transitional provision for game licences—Game Management Authority Act 2014
101Transitional provision for game licence applications—Game Management Authority Act 2014
102Transitional provision, mandatory cancellation of licence—Game Management Authority Act 2014
103Transitional provision, submissions on suspension
of licence—Game Management Authority Act 2014
104Transitional provision, power to cancel licence—
Game Management Authority Act 2014
105Transitional provision, review of decisions—Game Management Authority Act 2014
76New Schedule inserted
SCHEDULE—Specified Birds
Division 2—Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987
78Secretary to be body corporate
79Secretary to be subject to control
80Appointment of authorised officers
Division 3—Public Administration Act 2004
81Persons with functions of public service body Head
Division 4—Surveillance Devices Act 1999
83Section 25 substituted
25Application of Division
Division 5—Repeal of amending Part
84Repeal of amending Part
Game Management Authority Act 2014[†]
No. 24 of 2014
[Assented to 8 April 2014]
Game Management Authority Act 2014
No. 24 of 2014
Game Management Authority Act 2014
No. 24 of 2014
The Parliament of Victoriaenacts:
Part 5—Amendment of Other Acts and Repeal
Game Management Authority Act 2014
No. 24 of 2014
Part 1—Preliminary
The main purposes of this Act are—
(a)to establish the Game Management Authority; and
(b)to make amendments to the Wildlife Act 1975 to enable the Game Management Authority to perform or exercise regulatory functions or powers under that Act; and
(c)to make consequential and miscellaneous amendments to the Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987, the Wildlife Act 1975 and other Acts.
s. 2
(1)Subject to subsection (2), this Act comes into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed.
(2)If a provision of this Act does not come into operation before 1 July 2014, it comes into operation on that day.
In this Act—
authorised officer means a person appointed as an authorised officer under section 22;
Authority means the Game Management Authority established under Part 2;
Chairperson means the Chairperson of the Authority;
game has the same meaning as it has in the Wildlife Act 1975;
game hunting includes pursuing, trailing, stalking, searching for, driving out, taking or destroying game;
game licence has the same meaning as it has in the Wildlife Act 1975;
protected wildlife has the same meaning as it has in the Wildlife Act 1975;
public land means the following—
(a)land under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 including land under the Alpine Resorts Act 1983;
(b)land in any park within the meaning of the National Parks Act 1975;
(c)reserved forest within the meaning of the Forests Act 1958;
(d)unreserved Crown land under the Land Act 1958;
s. 3
(e)land in any State Wildlife Reserve or Nature Reserve, within the meaning of the Wildlife Act 1975;
public land manager means a person or body responsible for the management of public land;
relevant law has the same meaning as it has in the Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987;
threatened wildlife means protected wildlife that is specified in any list made under section 10(1) of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988;
wildlife has the same meaning as it has in the Wildlife Act 1975.
Part 2—Game Management Authority
Division 1—Establishment, powers and functions
s. 4
(1)There is established a body called the Game Management Authority.
(2)The Authority—
(a)is a body corporate with perpetual succession; and
(b)has an official seal; and
(c)may sue and be sued; and
(d)may acquire, hold and dispose of real and personal property; and
(e)may do and suffer all acts and things that a body corporate may by law do and suffer.
(3)All courts must take judicial notice of the seal of the Authority affixed to a document and, until the contrary is proved, must presume that it was duly affixed.
(4)The official seal of the Authority must be kept in such custody as the Authority directs and must not be used except as authorised by the Authority.
5Objectives of the Authority
The objectives of the Authority are—
(a)to promote sustainability and responsibility in game hunting in Victoria; and
(b)to perform its functions as set out in section 6 and exercise its powers in such a manner as it considers best achieves those functions.
s. 6
The functions of the Authority are—
(a)to perform the regulatory, investigative and disciplinary functions conferred on the Authority by or under this Act or any relevant law; and
(b)to administer the scheme for issuing game licences under the Wildlife Act 1975 in relation to hunting, taking or destroying game; and
(c)to promote and monitor compliance with this Act or any relevant law in relation to game hunting; and
(d)to investigate compliance with this Act and any relevant law in relation to game hunting; and
(e)to develop operational plans and procedures addressing—
(i)the sustainable hunting of game animals; and
(ii)the humane treatment of animals that are hunted or used in hunting; and
(iii)strategies to minimise any negative impact on non-game wildlife, including protected and threatened wildlife; and
(iv)the conservation of wildlife habitats; and
(f)to work with public land managers to improve the management of public land and facilities on public land where hunting is permitted; and
(g)to promote sustainability and responsibility in game hunting; and
(h)to monitor, conduct research and analyse the environmental, social and economic impacts of game hunting and game management; and
(i) to make recommendations to relevant Ministers in relation to—
(i)game hunting and game management; and
(ii)the control of pest animals; and
(iii)declaring public land open or closed to game hunting, open and closed seasons and bag limits; and
(iv)the management of public and private land as it relates to game and their habitat.
7Powers of the Authority
s. 7
For the purpose of performing its functions, the Authority—
(a)has such powers as are conferred on it by this Act or any other Act; and
(b)may do all other things necessary or convenient to be done for or in connection with, or as incidental to, the achievement of its objectives or the performance of its functions.
8Exercise of powers
(1)The Authority must exercise its powers and perform its functions under this Act or any other Act subject to any written directions given by the Minister.
(2)If the Authority is given a written direction under subsection (1), the Authority must publish the direction in its annual report.
s. 9
The Authority may, by instrument under its official seal, delegate any function or power of the Authority, other than this power of delegation, to—
(a)an employee of the Authority; or
(b)any person who is employed under Part 3 of the Public Administration Act 2004.
Division 2—Members of the Authority
10Members of the Authority
(1)The Authority is to consist of not less than 5 members and not more than 9 members.
(2)Members of the Authority are appointed by the Minister including—
(a)one member who is to be appointed as the Chairperson; and
(b)one member who is to be appointed as the Deputy Chairperson.
(3)In appointing a member under subsection (2), the Minister must—
(a)appoint a person who, in the opinion of the Minister, has the skills, experience or knowledge that will assist the Authority to carry out its functions and achieve its objectives; and
(b)attempt to ensure that collectively the members of the Authority have skills, experience or knowledge relating to—
(i)legal practice; and
(ii)finance or accounting; and
(iii)wildlife biology or ecology; and
(iv)animal welfare; and
(v)public administration; and
(vi)communications; and
(vii)Aboriginal culture and identity as they relate to game hunting and game management; and
(viii)private land management as it relates to agriculture; and
(ix)public land management; and
(x)game hunting; and
(xi)game and wildlife management, including pest animal management.
11Conditions of appointment of members
s. 11
(1)A member—
(a)holds office for the period specified in the instrument of appointment, which must be a period of not more than 3 years; and
(b)holds office on the terms and conditions determined by the Minister; and
(c)may be reappointed; and
(d)may resign from office by delivering a signed letter of resignation to the Minister; and
(e)in respect of the office of member, is subject to the Public Administration Act 2004 (other than Part 3 of that Act).
(2)The office of a member becomes vacant if the member—
(a)becomes insolvent under administration; or
(b)is found guilty of an indictable offence; or
(c)is absent from 2 consecutive meetings of the Authority without the approval of the Authority; or
(d)retires, resigns or dies.
(3)The Minister may remove a member from office if the member—
(a)becomes incapable of performing his or her duties; or
(b)is negligent in the performance of those duties; or
(c)engages in improper conduct; or
(d)fails to declare a pecuniary interest as required by section 14; or
s. 11
(e)is found guilty of an offence against this Act, the Wildlife Act 1975 or regulations made under the Wildlife Act 1975.
(4)A member who is not an employee in the public service is entitled to the remuneration and allowances (if any) fixed by the Minister.
(5)An instrument of appointment may specify other terms and conditions of employment not inconsistent with this Act.
(6)If the office of a member becomes vacant before the end of the term of the office, the Minister may appoint in accordance with section 10 a person to fill the vacancy and to hold office, subject to this Act, for the remainder of the term.
(7)If the vacancy occurs within 6 months of the end of the term of the office, the office may be left vacant for the remainder of the term.
12Validity of acts or decisions
s. 12
An act or decision of the Authority is not invalid by reason only of—
(a)any vacancy in the office of a member; or
(b)any defect or irregularity in or in connection with the appointment of a member.
13Proceedings of the Authority
(1)Four members of whom at least one must be either the Chairperson or the Deputy Chairperson constitutes a quorum.
(2)A question arising at a meeting of the Authority must be determined by a majority of votes of members present and voting on the question.
(3)If voting is equal, the person presiding has a casting, as well as a deliberative, vote.
(4)The person presiding at a meeting must ensure that minutes of the meeting are kept.
(5)Subject to this Act, the Authority may regulate its own proceedings.
14Pecuniary interests of members
(1)A member who has a pecuniary interest in a matter being considered or about to be considered by the Authority must as soon as practical after the relevant facts have come to the member's knowledge declare the nature of that interest at a meeting of the Authority.
Penalty:60 penalty units.
(2)Subsection (1) does not apply in the case of a member engaged in game hunting, game management or wildlife management if the interest is no greater than that of any other person so engaged.
(3)The Chairperson of a meeting at which a declaration is made under this section must cause a record of the declaration to be made in the minutes of the meeting.
(4)Unless the Authority otherwise resolves, a member who has made a declaration under subsection (1) must not be present during any deliberation with respect to, or vote on, the matter in respect of which the declaration is made.
Penalty:60 penalty units.
15Improper use of information
s. 15
A person who is, or has been, a member, officer or employee of the Authority must not make improper use of any information acquired in the course of his or her duties to obtain directly or indirectly any pecuniary or other advantage for himself or herself or for any other person.
Penalty:60 penalty units.
16Disclosure of information
(1)A person who is, or has been, a member, officer or employee of the Authority or an authorised officer must not disclose any information obtained during the course of the person's duties except as authorised under this section.
Penalty:50 penalty units.
(2)A person referred to in subsection (1) is authorised and may disclose information obtained in the course of his or her duties—
(a)if the person reasonably believes that the disclosure is necessary—
(i)for or in connection with the administration of this Act or any relevant law; or
(ii)to assist a relevant person or an authorised officer to exercise a power or perform a duty or function, under this Act or any relevant law; or
(b)in the following circumstances—
(i)for the purposes of any legal proceedings arising out of this Act, or any relevant law, or of any report of such proceedings;
(ii)for the purposes of any other legal proceedings;
(iii)to a court or tribunal in the course of legal proceedings;
s. 16
(iv)pursuant to an order of a court or tribunal;
(v)to the extent reasonably required for any other law enforcement purposes;
(vi)with the written authority of the Authority;
(vii)with the written authority of the person to whom the information relates.
(3)In this section—
relevant person means—
(a)the Authority; or
(b)the Secretary to the Department of Environment and Primary Industries; or
(c) a person authorised by the Authority to take proceedings under section 96(1) of the Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987; or
(d) the Director of Public Prosecutions; or
(e) a member of the police force.
Division 3—Chief executive officer and staff of the Authority
17Chief executive officer
s. 17
(1)Subject to subsection (2), the Chairperson must employ a chief executive officer of the Authority.
(2)The chief executive officer is to be employed—
(a)under Part 3 of the Public Administration Act 2004; and
(b)subject to terms and conditions that are approved by the Minister (on the recommendation of the members of the Authority) and specified in the instrument of appointment.
(1)There may be employed under Part 3 of the Public Administration Act 2004 any persons that are necessary for the purposes of performing the functions of the Authority.
(2)The Authority may enter into agreements or arrangements for the use of the services of any staff of a Department, statutory authority or other public body.
Division 4—Financial and Administrative
(1)The Authority must establish and keep a Game Management Authority Account.
(2)The Authority must pay all money received by it into the account, including income from the investments of the account.
(3)Out of the account, the Authority must pay—
(a)the expenses incurred by it in carrying out its functions, powers and duties; and
(b)any other expenses incurred in the administration of this Act.
20Annual report
s. 20
(1)On or before 30 September each year the Authority must submit to the Minister a report of its operations for the year ending on 30 June that year.
(2)The report must also contain any information relating to the Authority's objectives or functions specifically requested by the Minister.
(3)The Minister must cause each annual report submitted to him or her under this section to be laid before each House of Parliament within 7 sitting days after receiving it.
21Annual business plan
(1)Each year the Authority must submit to the Minister for approval, on or before the date required by the Minister, a draft business plan that sets out—
(a)its objectives and priorities for the next 3 financial years; and
(b)financial projections for that period; and
(c)its budget for the next financial year; and
(d)what it intends to do over the next financial year; and
(e)any other matters that the Minister requires in writing.
(2)After amending its draft business plan in any way required by the Minister, the Authority must submit a final business plan to the Minister for approval on or before the date required by the Minister.
(3)The Authority must not depart significantly from its budget without first obtaining the approval of the Minister.
(4)The Authority must have regard to its current business plan in carrying out its functions.
(5)The Authority must ensure that a copy of its current business plan is—
(a)available for inspection by members of the public at its principal place of business whenever that place is open to the public; and
s. 21
(b)published on the Internet.
Part 3—Enforcement and Legal Proceedings
22Appointment of authorised officers
s. 22
(1)The Authority may appoint as authorised officers—
(a)any specified employee or a specified class of employees employed by the Authority; or