Asa G. Hilliard ES PTA

Date | time7/17/2015 3:00 PM | Meeting called to order byXana Hardeman

In Attendance

Xana Hardeman, Tijuana Jackson, Angela Kennedy

Approval of Minutes

The minutes were read from the August meeting and approved.


Points of Discussion


Mr. Box/donation

PTA meeting in August to elect new Treasurer and possibly add co-secretary to Executive Board so we can have a Recording and Corresponding Secretary.

Prospective Committees for next school year

  • Membership
  • Fundraising
  • Legislative/Education
  • Family Engagement
  • Hospitality
  • Reflections

Switch names on BJ’s card and get cards from previous board members Toya Clark and Bridgette Hardney.

Speak with Mr. Selmon and Mrs. Grainger-Smith to see who our school’s partners will be. Will those partners be shared with PTA or should we obtain partners that are exclusive to PTA?

Present school partners are RaceTrac and Sysco. Will check into Chick Fil A, Kroger, and WalMart.

Future executive board meetings will be held on Thursdays from 5 – 6 p.m. Hardeman will check into free conference calls for us to utilize as necessary. Next Executive Board meeting, August 4, 2015 in Kennedy’s classroom.

Executive Board expectations for communication which are to be typed up and given to ALL Executive Board members present and future.

  • When sending emails, cc everyone
  • Respond to emails or texts when received, at least to say you received it
  • When sending a text send group texts as opposed to texting each person individually so as to have all members be on one accord on all points.

Proposed Activities/Dates for the School Year

  1. Etiquette Class (Boys and Girls) – 1/14, 1/28, 2/11 from 3:00 – 4:00 Etiquette class will culminate with a brunch or dance (2/20/16) where they will be able to display their newly learned skills. Admission will be $5.00 per person, and we will decorate with ½ price decorations from Valentine’s Day sales.
  2. Just Dance – 11/13/15 – Admission is a canned food item that PTA will donate to the school. Refreshments will be sold inside by PTA.
  3. Fall Festival - Date TBA, must speak with Grainger-Smith
  4. Teacher Appreciation – May?
  5. Welcome (Teachers) – Sneak Peak, Screen on the Green movie right after Sneak Peak at 6:30, can sell popcorn and drinks or give if they purchase membership on that day. Hardeman not sure if we can spend money on that since budgeted monies are to be spent on teacher. From looking at line item in budget and per Treasurer’s meeting at conference, if line item doesn’t specifically state a name it could potentially still be used. We will confirm with Annie Gist as we don’t want to spend money incorrectly.
  6. Scavenger Hunt – Easter 3/25/16 – Donations of plastic eggs and bags of candy will be requested from parents and partners. PTA will sell food at this event.
  7. Around the World (Multicultural) Celebrations - Panda Express will provide food paid for by PTA

Proposed Fundraising Efforts

  1. Etiquette Brunch – Admission $5.00 per person for the meal. Meal not decided upon at this meeting.
  2. T-Shirts from Tshirtmanprinting.com, Kennedy got quotes

3.95 for 50 t-shirts=197.50 (we can get the same price for 60)

60 shirts will be sold for amounts as follows,

$10.00 for kids sizes Small, Medium, and Large

$12.00 for adults sizes Small, Medium, Large, and Extra Large

$13.00 for XXL/XXXL

60 shirts will be purchased in the following sizes/amounts, and will yield possible profit

40 ($10.00) S, M, L (students) = 400.00 profit

10 ($12.00) XL Adult shirts = 120.00 profit

10 ($13.00) XXL Adult shirts = 130.00 profit

650.00 – 197.50 (cost) = 452.50 profit X 2 = 905.00 possible profit

Once first batch of shirts sell, then another batch of same sizes will be purchased unless orders for specific sizes vary.

3Buckthreads.com (t-shirts) – quote needed if the tshirtman is not used

Dr. Darryl Felker/3D Printing – (T-shirts)

  1. Fall Festival –(10/16/15) Projected profit $2,000.00

DJ, Donated items from business partners, admission includes a raffle ticket for hot dogs, chips, and a drink. Popcorn, cotton candy, and icees will also be sold. All Event Rentals will be used to purchase items needed to store, or cook foods. Teacher/Grade level activities will be facilitated by the teachers and parent volunteers. May also be able to have a Cake Walk, Bouncing Houses, and Face Painting.

  1. Cookie Dough Fundraiser (Otis Spunkmeyer) – Projected profit $2,000.00

9/14/15 – 10/2/15, 2-3 weeks turnaround

  1. Chocolate – World’s Finest

Date – TBA, would like to have close to Valentine’s Day

  1. Just Dance – 11/13/15 Admission Canned food items

Requested items to ask Mrs. Grianger-Smith for are phone, computer, desk, filing cabinet, storage room with closet in the PTA office. Will also ask for PTA email address and a weekly newsletter spot.

Projected 22015-2016 PTA monthly meetings for the school year

August – to introduce PTA, elect new board members, vote on the budget

September – introduce next fundraiser


January – Panda Express

March – Elect new executive board members for 2016-2017 school year.

Advisory Committee

No advisory report was given.


The budget for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year was discussed, revised, and agreed upon. Budget will increase to $15,000 for 2015-2016.

Principal’s Report

No Principal’s Report was made

Committee Reports

Committee reports

  • None made


None made

Next Meeting

Date and time contingent upon Mrs. Grainger-Smith’s availability. Preferably next week.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

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