14 March 2006

District Council of Robe

Development Assessment Panel

Minutes of the District Council of Robe Development Assessment Panel Meeting held on 14th March 2005 commencing at 5.00pm.

PRESENTMayor PDarr, CrsPWilkin, M Dening-Wasson, F Boylan, J Mathews, M Denton and D Loxton


ATTENDANCEDevelopment Officer; D Crafter and Acting CEO;D Beaton


OF MINUTESCrWilkin moved that the Minutes of the Development Assessment Panel Meeting held on 14th February 2006 be taken as read andconfirmed (D76/2006)

Seconded CrLoxtonCarried


APPROVALSCr Denton moved that the Delegated Approval Report be accepted (D77/2006).

Seconded CrWilkinCarried




Application No:822/D031/05


Location:Lot 100, Section 13, Barrowmans Drive


Proposal:Land Division

Zone:Residential Zone

Cr Loxton moved thatDevelopment Application 822/D031/05 by JM Dale for Land Division at Lot 100, Section 13, Barrowmans Road, Robe be granted Provisional Development Plan Consent subject to the following conditions:-

Development Assessment Commission Conditions:

1.The financial and augmentation requirements of the SA Water Corporation shall be met for the provision of water supply and sewerage services (SA Water 09195/03).

The internal drains shall be altered to the satisfaction of the SA Water Corporation.

The necessary easements shall be granted to the SA Water Corporation free of cost.

2.Payment of $1985 shall be made into Planning and Development Fund (1 allotment @ $1985.00/allotment). Cheques shall be made payable and marked “Not Negotiable” to the Development Assessment Commission and payment made at Level 5, 136 North Terrace, Adelaide, or sent to GPO Box 1815, Adelaide, or via the internet

3.Plans shall be in accordance with the requirements for plans under the Real Property Act (Land Division) Regulations 1982.

Development Plan Conditions:

1.Where land is subdivided into individual allotments or units the Developer at his/her cost will pay to Council upon approval of land division a levy of $2200.00 for each newly created allotment or unit that needs access to the existing STEDS Scheme. Such payment to be made before Council can issue approval for the issue of title.

2That the developer shall provide, at their expense, a separate connection point to the District Council of Robe Septic Tank Effluent System with an inspection opening raised to the surface level for each newly created allotment. Plans to be submitted and approved to Council before work commences. (D78/2006)

Seconded Cr DentonCarried



Application No:822/D030/05

Owner:E McIntyre & R Shipard

Location:Lot 100, Section 194, Dennis Avenue, Robe

Development Proposal:Land Division

Zone:Residential and Coastal Zones

Development Application No. 822/D030/05 by E McIntyre and R Shipard be deferred to April’s DAP Meeting to seek further information from Council’s Planning Consultant.



Application No:822/D001/06


Location:Lot 84, 5 Sturt Street, Robe

Development Proposal:Land Division

Zone:Historic (Conservation) Zone Residential Policy Area

Cr Denton moved that Development Application 822/D001/06 by MG Fimmell for land division at Lot 84, 5 Sturt Street, Robe granted Provisional Development Plan Consent subject to the following conditions:-

Development Assessment Commission Conditions

1.The financial, easement and internal drain requirements for water and sewerage services of the SA Water Corporation, if any, being met.

2.Payment of $1985 into Planning and Development Fund (1 allotment @ $1985/allotment). Cheques to be marked ”Not Negotiable” and made payable to the Development Assessment Commission and payment made at Level 5, 136 North Terrace, Adelaide, or sent to GPO Box 1815, Adelaide, 5001, or via the internet at

Development Plan Conditions

1.Where land is subdivided into individual allotments or units the Developer at his/her cost will pay to Council upon approval of land division a levy of $2200.00 for each newly created allotment or unit that needs access to the existing STEDS Scheme. Such payment to be made before Council can issue approval for the issue of title.

2.That the developer shall provide, at their expense, a separate connection point to the District Council of Robe Septic Tank Effluent System with an inspection opening raised to the surface level for each newly created allotment. Plans to be submitted and approved to Council before work commences. (D79/2006)

Seconded CrWilkinCarried



Application No:822/20/06

Owner:T & MDawson

Location:Lot 8, 2 Victoria Street, Robe

Development Proposal:Vary the number of carparks at the Restaurant

Zone:Historic (Conservation) Zone, Town Centre Policy Area

Cr Denton moved thatthis application and previous applications that relate to this development be referred to Council’s Lawyers to seek a legal opinion and advice in relation to the number of carparking spaces. (D80/2006)

Seconded CrLoxtonCarried

Development Officer’s

Report1.BW Constable - Development Application No. 822/D022/05

Cr Denton moved that the Development Assessment Panel notify the Environment, Resources and Development Court of their decision to support the amended plan Ref no: G019105 for 2 allotments for the proposed land division by BW Constable at Lot 2, Section 287, Beacon Hill Road, Robe. (D81/2006)

Seconded CrWilkinCarried

CrBoylan entered the meeting at 5.15pm.

2.Uniting Church, Davenport Street, Robe


3.Letter, WWPurton


4.Well at Historic Cemetery

CrLoxton moved thatthe District Council of Robe meet with MrsSnook and committee re the cemetery and that the District Council of Robe purchase the suitable headstones to meet the required guidelines. MrsSnook and committee to locate headstones after purchase. (D82/2006)

Seconded CrMathewsCarried

Meeting closed at 5.40pm.

Confirmed 11th April 2006


Presiding Member