Our Mission

We are called to do justice, to show mercy, and to walk humbly with God; therefore,we welcome all people, we address injustice, we worship joyfully, and we serve our neighbors in need.

Justice – Mercy – Faithfulness

Micah 6:8

Pastor’s Note

Dear Friends:

Be it resolved….

The most common place I see this phrase is at the end of a retirement declaration, “Whereas….therefore, be it resolved….” Such a formal way of declaring that the hard work someone has completed is truly over. It is resolved, finished.

However, the future tense is what I hear at the end of December, “Will you make a new year’s resolution?” In other words, what am I resolved to do! New year resolutions are not about what is over and finished but rather about what we have decided in ourselves to accomplish in the coming year, or month, okay-- maybe days….really-- hours. We run off toward something new without treasuring the retirement of the past. This often means we unknowingly carry forward the more harmful aspects of the previous period. If resolutions are about choices, then resolving the past is an important piece we must not miss.

You’ve probably already made decisions about whether or not to try something new this year. As we enter the year of our Lord 2018, what do you want to leave behind, let go of, be done with? I encourage you to take time to make a list. If you need a starting place, try to begin with these lines and allow yourself the freedom of unstructured thought to complete the sentences.

“Whereas, from 2017, I am glad and celebrate…,”

“Whereas, from 2017, I am sad and need to say goodbye to…,”

“Whereas, from 2017, I am angry about and need to forgive…,”

“Whereas, from 2017, I was afraid of but faced and coped with….”

Then, review your musings, sit with them. What do you notice? What stands out? Finally, end with,

“Therefore, be it resolved, with gratitude to God, I greet 2018 with joy because…”

May the baggage you choose to carry into the new year be light. May it have room to accommodate the new experiences, wonderful and troublesome, that come your way. May you find that Christ walks beside you like a porter in the airport to carry the load with you. May you be filled with the Holy Spirit such that your strength and vulnerability both surprise you. May you see the wonder of your Creator’s love in every snowflake of winter, flower bud in spring, thunderclap of summer, and tree color of fall. May 2018 bring you the gift of Christ’s incarnation: hope, peace, joy, and love.

Happy New Year!

Rev Bev

Please Welcome

Rev. Sylvia Wilson will be our guest preacher on December 31, 2017. The Reverend Sylvia Wilson is an honorably retired member of Greater Atlanta Presbytery with a passion for mission and ministry. She’s volunteered at all levels of the denomination and had the honor of being a first time Commissioner to the 222nd General Assembly in Portland, OR.

Rev. Wilson views her ministerial career as “a series of intentional and unintentional interims”. In that capacity, she’s served congregations and colleges, established the Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) Program in Kenya and revived the PC(USA) Office of Collegiate Ministry in Louisville.

Sylvia earned a M.Div. from Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary at the ITC in Atlanta. Additionally, she’s pursued post graduate studies through McCormick Seminary and St. Paul School of Theology.

In 2003 Sylvia became Founding Director of WilsonAnthonY, Inc. (WAY), a non-profit educational corporation established to bring diverse peoples together in positive, productive, mutually rewarding relationships. She maintains her global connections by hosting dinners for international guests, organizing tours of metro Atlanta for international students and visitors, participating multicultural events and taking American groups to Eastern Africa.

Not surprisingly, the proud mother and grandmother loves to travel. She is currently “between assignments” -- preaching, teaching and assisting others as she waits for God to reveal her next local, national or international adventure.

Please notice this

The stated Session meeting of January 14 has been MOVED by the calling of a Session meeting to January 7, 2018 following the 11:00 a.m. worship service.

The Joy Gift offering will be taken on January 7, HOWEVER, if you desire your joy gift to be available to your 2017 taxes, please mark your offering in the memo line of your check or place in an envelope and designate it for the Joy Gift. We apologize for the inconvenience as the materials did not arrive prior to Christmas.

Justice Opportunities

Homeless Pantry

We are completely out of individual servings of prepared tuna and chicken salad, fruit cups, as well as sandwich bread and mayonnaise we use to make tuna salad sandwiches so if you could drop some off at the office that would be great! The church office will reopen after Christmas on January 3 at 9:30a.

With the cold weather we often get requests for hats, gloves, and coats, so if you have any extras laying around please feel free to drop them off at the church office.

Mission & Outreach

MLK Work Weekend at MDPC
by Catherine Foster of the Greater Atlanta Presbytery

This Martin Luther King Weekend, gather your Sunday school class and your youth group, your pew buddy and your small group to help renovate Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church as it becomes a new non-profit:Memorial Drive Ministries!

Presbyterians from across the metro Atlanta area will unite their efforts on Saturday, January 13th andMonday January 15th from 9am to 1pm.RSVP for your grouphere.

The Memorial Drive campus is home to five worshipping communities and seven non-profits that serve the diverse populations in the greater Clarkston community. We need your help to paint, organize, landscape, and prepare the campus to host existing groups and those whom God will call to this campus.

Check out Memorial Drive Ministries newwebsiteto learn more about the new non-profit ministry.


Celebrations and Concerns

Prayers for: James Bodie’s mother who is home and recuperating independently; David Lowery, recovering from liver transplant surgery;Cyndi Blackwelder,recuperating from surgery; Dea Adams; Kate Brunson; the people of Puerto Rico and California, all who are traveling.

Praise for:the Live Nativity scene and the many people touched by it, may it be a proclamation to the neighborhood and world; the many people who celebrated Christ’s birth with RSPC this Christmas Eve; Jim Wingate, Susan Wingate, Lizzy Wingate, Lisa Charlton, Chas Gowing, Mary Gowing, Jeff Dore, Mike Nugent, all the Guests: Chris, Courtney, Diane, Ed, and Ashton, Sandy McQueen, and Hiram Perez-Cordero—all of whom made the Christmas Eve service a wonderful retelling of our Savior’s birth in word and music.

Notice This: CBS46 ran a story on Christmas Eve about the Live Nativity and Ben Adair was interviewed extensively. He and Diane Guest are believed to be the only living participants who were in the very first event 64 years ago!

Faith Walk

Small Group Book Study

Strengthen your walk with God by joining a small group. We are reading the book, We Make the Road by Walking, by Brian McLaren. Each week we will read a chapter and then meet to discuss our insights and challenges. Each chapter is followed by a few questions that will help guide our discussion. These small groups are participant driven so no need to be an expert. All you need to bring is your own curiosity about Scripture, what God is doing in your life along your journey, and an openness to the Spirit’s activity in the lives of others.

You may join any group, at any time, simply come.If you have to miss the group you signed up for, you can always drop in on one of the others.

Notice This: nobook study groups this week. Groups resume on January 7, 2018

Bible Study—Every Tuesday and Thursday

The Lectionary Bible Reading Group is a group of readings that the entire church of Jesus Christ is offered so that we may study God’s word across the world together. Every Sunday churches in every denomination read and preach from this listing. Imagine that. To participate in a Lectionary Bible Study joins you to millions of disciples in every nation who are reading, listening, discussing, and praying the same Scriptures. This group meets every Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 8:30 in room 213.

If you don’t have a Bible, there are plenty available.

If you think, “I don’t know anything,” don’t hesitate—this group is not about being an expert. It is about simply reading and talking with friends, new and old. No expertise needed, only a willingness to share your impressions.

Word on The Street–Second Thursday of the month at RSPC –January 11

Word on the Street is a joint bible study led by Pastor Anyabwile Stephens from Radcliffe Presbyterian Church. On the second Thursday of the month, Rock Spring hosts the weekly bible study group. At 7pm in Rock Spring's fellowship hall, folks gather to share and reflect and to eat and fellowship. The bible study uses the book Experiencing God, and copies of the evening's lesson are available to all. All are welcome. The group meets at various (changing) other locations throughout the city on the other three Thursdays each month.

Rock Spring Rocks

What are Rock Spring Rocks?

Rocks have been painted with encouraging words as part of “Rock Spring Rocks”, a kindness ministry here at Rock Spring. These rocks have been hidden indoors throughout the Rock Spring church campus (though not in the preschool areas for safety reasons). When you find a rock you may keep it or you may re-hide it for someone else to find. These rocks are for all who participate in activities on the “campus” not just church members. If you feel inspired to share your rock finding experience post it on our Facebook page:

Rock Spring Rocks.


Church office Closed until 1/3

Legend: S=Sanctuary F=Fellowship Hall L=Loudermilk LB=Library M=Music Suite O=Ozmer Rm

G@TR=Gospel At the Rock bluegrass worship service

GPDC= God’s Power & Deliverance Church

Thursday, December 28

7:30p G@TR (L)

Friday, December 29

7:00p Robert Fleitz Meditation (L)

Saturday, December 30

9:30a-11:00a Zumba (L)

10:00a Al Fresco (O)

Sunday, December 31

11:00a Worship (S)

11:00a GPDC (L)

9:00p GPDC Watch night service (L)

Monday, January 1

7:00p ManKind Project (O)

7:30p Al-Anon (L)

Tuesday, January 2

7:00p Bible Reading Group (213)

7:30p Al Fresco (O)

Wednesday, January 3

Church Office Reopens

Rock Spring Presbyterian Church

1824 Piedmont Ave NE

Atlanta, GA 30324
