1. What advantage was obtained by implementing the List interfece before declaring the Stack class?

Ans:The implementation of the Stack interfaces could then use (or inherit from) an implementation of the List interface. For example, in the LinkedLisStack implementation of the Stackinterface, the only field was a LinkedList object, and the LinkedList class implements the List interface.

  1. Suppose we define:

Quene<Integer> gueue = new LinkedList<Integer>();

Show what the LinkedListobject(referenced by) queue will look like after each of the following messages is sent

  1. Queue.add (2000)
  2. Queue.add(1215)
  3. Queue.add(1035)
  4. Queue.add(2117)
  5. Queue.remove();
  6. Queue.add(1999)
  7. Queue.remove();

a.Ans:Queue.add (2000)

queuelist header previous element next

The element field in each entry is of type reference to Integer. For simplicity, we pretend that the element field is of type int.

b.Queue.add (1215);

queuelist header previous element next

c.Queue.add (1035);

queuelist header previous element next

d.Queue.add (2117);

queuelist header previous element next


queuelist header previous element next

f.Queue.add (1999);

queuelist header previous element next


queuelist header previous element next

  1. Re-do Ecercise 2. parts a through g, for a stack instead of a queue. Start with

Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>();



b.stack.push (1215);

stack list header previous element next

c.stack.push (1035);

stacklist header previous element next

d.stack.push (2117);

stacklist header previous element next


stacklist header previous element next

f.stack.push (1999);

stacklist header previous element next


stacklist header previous element next

  1. Suppose that elements “a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e” are pushed, in that order, onto an initially empty stack, which is then popped four times, and as each element is popped, it is enqueued into an initially empty queue. If one element is then dequeued from the queue, what is the next element to be dequeued?

Ans: The next element to be dequeued is “d”.

  1. Translate the following expressions into postfix notation:
  1. x + y * z
  2. (x + y) * z
  3. x – y – z * (a + b)
  4. (a + b) * c – (d + e * f/((g/h + i – j)* k))/r

Test your answers by running the InfixtoPostfix.

Ans: a. x y z * +

b.x y + z *

c.x y – z a b + * –

d. a b + c * d e f * g h / i + j - k * / + r / -

Translate each of the expressions in Exercise 5 into prefix notation.


  1. + x * y z

b.* + x y z

c.- - x y * z + a b

d.- * + a b c / + d / * e f * - + / g h i j k r

  1. Declare and test the PureStack class with a LinkedList field.

Hint:Each of the definitions is a one-liner


Define the LinkedListPureStack class implementation of the PureStack interface. Test your implementation with a driver.

Hint: Each of the definitions is a one-liner.


public classLinkedListPureStack<E> implementsPureStack<E>


protectedLinkedList<E> list;


* Initializes this LinkedListPureStack object to have no

* elements.




list = newLinkedList<E>();

} // default constructor


* Initializes this LinkedListPureStack object to contain a

* shallow copy of otherStack.


* @paramotherStack - a LinkedListPureStack from which

* the calling object will be initialized.


publicLinkedListPureStack (

LinkedListPureStack<E> otherStack)


list = newLinkedList<E> (otherStack.list);

} // default constructor


* Returns the number of elements in this

* LinkedListPureStackobject.


* @return an int containing the number of elements in the

* LinkedListPureStack.


publicint size()



} // method size


* Returns true if this LinkedListPureStack object has no

* elements. Otherwise, returns false.


* @return a boolean indicating if the LinkedListPureStack is

* empty or not.






} // method isEmpty


* Inserts element at the top of this LinkedListPureStack

* object.


* @param element a reference of type E to be pushed on

* theLinkedListPureStack.


public void push (E element)


list.addFirst (element);

} // method push


* Removes (and returns)the element that was at the top of

* this non-empty LinkedListPureStack object just before this

* method was called.


* @return the element that was removed from the top of this

* LinkedListPureStack.

* @throws NoSuchElementException – if this LinkedListPureStack

* object is empty.



public E pop()



} // method pop


* The element at the top of this non-empty

* LinkedListPureStack object has been returned.


* @return the element that is the top element of the

* LinkedListPureStack.

* @throws NoSuchElementException – if this LinkedListPureStack

* object is empty.



public E peek()


returnlist.getFirst( );

} // method peek

} // LinkedListPureStack class

// in a separate file:

import java.io.*;


public classLinkedListPureStackDriver


protected Scanner fileScanner;




final String IN_FILE_PROMPT =

"\n\nPlease enter the path for the input file: ";

final String OUT_FILE_PROMPT =

"\n\nPlease enter the path for the output file: ";

Scanner keyboardScanner = new Scanner (System.in);

String inFilePath,


booleanpathsOK = false;

while (!pathsOK)




System.out.print (IN_FILE_PROMPT);

inFilePath =


fileScanner = new Scanner (new File (inFilePath));



outFilePath =


fileWriter = newPrintWriter

(newFileWriter (outFilePath));

pathsOK = true;

} // try

catch (IOException e)


System.out.println (e);

} // catch I/O exception

} // while


} // method openFiles

protected voidprintStack (LinkedListPureStack<String> stack)



"\n\nHere is the LinkedListPureStack: ";

LinkedListPureStack<String> tempStack =

newLinkedListPureStack<String> (stack);



while (!tempStack.isEmpty())

fileWriter.println (tempStack.pop());

} // method printStack

public voidtestLinkedListPureStackMethods()


final String LINE_MESSAGE = "\nThe line is\n";

final String CONSTRUCTOR =



= "The default constructor has been called.";


"The copy constructor has been called.";

final String SIZE = "size";

final String SIZE_MESSAGE = "The size is ";

final String IS_EMPTY = "isEmpty";

final String IS_EMPTY_MESSAGE =

"That the LinkedListPureStack is empty is ";

final String PEEK = "peek";

final String PEEK_MESSAGE = "The top element is ";

final String PUSH = "push";

final String PUSH_MESSAGE =

"The element pushed is ";

final String POP = "pop";

final String POP_MESSAGE =

"The element popped is ";

final String BAD_METHOD =

"The line entered does not represent a legal method.";

Scanner lineScanner;

String line,



LinkedListPureStack<String> stack = null,


while (fileScanner.hasNext())




line = fileScanner.nextLine();

fileWriter.println (LINE_MESSAGE + line);

lineScanner = new Scanner (line);

method = lineScanner.nextLine();

if (method.equals (CONSTRUCTOR))


if (lineScanner.hasNext())


// ignore other token; create dummy stack



otherStack = new


otherStack.push ("yes");

otherStack.push ("no");

otherStack.push ("maybe");

stack = newLinkedListPureStack


} // if more tokens





stack = newLinkedListPureStack<String>();

} // default constructor

} // constructor

else if (method.equals (SIZE))


fileWriter.println (SIZE_MESSAGE +


} // size method

else if (method.equals (IS_EMPTY))



(IS_EMPTY_MESSAGE + stack.isEmpty());

} // isEmpty method

else if (method.equals (PUSH))


argument = tokens.nextToken();

fileWriter.println (PUSH_MESSAGE +


tack.push (argument);

} // push method

else if (method.equals (POP))


fileWriter.println (POP_MESSAGE +


// pop method

else if (method.equals (PEEK))

fileWriter.println (PEEK_MESSAGE +


} // peek method


fileWriter.println (BAD_METHOD);

printStack (stack);

} // try

catch (Exception e)


fileWriter.println (e + "\n\n");

} // catch Exception

} // while

} // method testLinkedListPureStackMethods

} // class LinkedListPureStackDriver

// in a separate file:

import java.io.*;

public classLinkedListPureStackDriverMain


public static void main (String[ ] args)


PrintWriter writer = null;



LinkedListPureStackDriver driver =


writer = driver.openFiles();


} // try




} // finally

} // method main

} // class LinkedListPureStackDriverMain

  1. Declare and test the PureStack class with a ArrayList field

Hint:For the sake of efficiency, the top of the stack should be at index size() – 1.


Define an implementation of the PureStack class based on an ArrayList. Hint: In the ArrayListPureStack class, the top of the stack is at index size() – 1.


public classArrayListPureStack<E> implements PureStack<E>


protectedArrayList<E> list;


* Initializes this ArrayListPureStack object to have no elements.




list = newArrayList<E>();

} // default constructor


* Initializes this ArrayListPureStack object to contain a shallow

* copy of otherStack.


* @paramotherStack - a ArrayListPureStack from which the

* calling object will be initialized.


publicArrayListPureStack(ArrayListPureStack<E> otherStack)


list = newArrayList<E> (otherStack.list);

} // default constructor


* Returns the number of elements in this ArrayListPureStack

* object.


* @return an int containing the number of elements in the

* ArrayListPureStack.



publicint size()



} // method size


* Returns true if this ArrayListPureStack object has no elements.

* Otherwise, returns false.


* @return a boolean indicating if the ArrayListPureStack is empty

* or not.






} // method isEmpty


* Inserts element at the top of this ArrayListPureStack object.

* The averageTime(n) is constant and worstTime(n)is O(n).


* @param element a reference of type E to be pushed on the

* ArrayListPureStack.


public void push (E element)


list.add (element);

} // method push


* Removes (and returns) the element that was at the top of this

* non-emptyArrayListPureStack object just before this method was

* called.


* @return the element that was removed from the top of this

* ArrayListPureStack.


* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException – if this ArrayListPureStack

* object is empty.



public E pop()


returnlist.remove (list.size() - 1);

} // method pop


* The element at the top of this non-empty ArrayListPureStack

* object has been returned.


* @return the element that is the top element of the

* ArrayListPureStack.


* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException – if this ArrayListPureStack

* object is empty.



public E peek()


returnlist.get (list.size() - 1);

} // method peek

} // ArrayListPureStack class