October, 2003




The Club shall be called the Sorrento Tennis Club Inc, being located on the Percy Doyle Reserve, Warwick Road, Duncraig, in the State of Western Australia.


The Club has the power to do all such things as are necessary, incidental or conductive to the attainment of the objects of the Club, including the power to borrow, raise money or to hold property, etc.


2.1To foster the game of tennis.

2.2To promote good fellowship amongst Club members.

2.3To build, purchase, lease or hire, or to make arrangements with local government authorities or other bodies for the building, purchasing, leasing or hiring of suitable properties for the purposes of the Club.

2.4To maintain the facilities for the use of members.

2.5To arrange finance for the purposes of carrying on the business of the Club and its activities.

2.6To make such arrangements considered necessary and reasonable for the utilisation of its assets for the proper carrying out of these objects.

2(a)Non Profit

The income and property of the Club should be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Club. No portion of the income or property shall be paid, transferred or distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the Club, provided that nothing shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration to any officer or employee of the Club or to any person other than a member in return for services rendered to the Club.


An auditor shall be appointed by the members of the Club at the Annual General Meeting. The Club accounts shall be audited and presented to members at the Annual General Meeting.


The Club may affiliate with the Western Australian Lawn Tennis Association (Inc) and such other associations as may be deemed desirable.

4Club Year

The Club year shall be from the first day of July to the Thirtieth day of June the following year.


The Annual General Meeting of the Tennis Club shall be held on a date to be decided at the May meeting of the Tennis Club Executive Committee.

Special meetings shall be called by the Manager whenever directed by the President or Committee or upon receiving a requisition signed by at least ten (10) ordinary members of the Club setting out the objects of the meeting. At all Special General Meetings no business shall be transacted other than that specified in the notice calling such meetings.

Written notice of the Annual General Meeting and any Special General Meeting shall be delivered to all members of the Club at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the meeting.


Every member except Provisional, Junior or Honorary members shall be entitled to vote at the Annual and Special General Meetings of the Club.


At the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting, 5% of members entitled to vote at such meetings shall constitute a quorum.

At any meetings of the Executive Committee, four (4) committee members shall constitute a quorum.

At any meeting of a Sub-committee, 50% of members of a Sub-committee shall constitute a quorum.

8Executive Officers

The Officers of the Club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Captain, Ladies Captain, Junior Director and a Social Director.

Note: The Club Manager/Administrator and Coach shall be advisers to the Executive without a vote.

9Duties of Officers


The President shall preside at all General Meetings of the Club and see that business is conducted in a proper manner.

The President shall attend and preside at all Executive Committee Meetings of the Club and shall be an ex officio member of all Committees.

At all General and Executive meetings the President shall have a casting vote only.

9.1(a) Vice President

The Vice President shall assist the President at all times and, in the absence of the President, shall assume the duties of the President.


The Secretary shall assist the President with conduct of the Executive Committee Meetings and prepare and distribute the minutes.

9.3 Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the Club, keeping a set of books and make recommendations to the Executive.


The Captain shall be responsible for the overall playing of tennis at the Club but specifically responsible for adult men.

9.5Ladies Captain

The Ladies Captain shall be responsible for all facets of the ladies section, including but not limited to, grading and selection of the ladies teams, and be advised by the Captain.

9.6Junior Director

The Junior Captain shall be responsible for all facets of the Junior section, including but not limited to, grading and selection of junior teams, and be advised by the Captain.

9.7Social Director

The Social Director shall be responsible for social activities and fundraising of the Club.

10Nomination and Election of Officers

All members over the age of 18 years shall be entitled to hold office. All members shall be elected by ballot, or if only one nomination for a position is received, by show of hands at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations may be made either in writing or from the floor of the Meeting. The person nominated must be present at the meeting or have given written consent to this nomination. Newly elected officers shall take office immediately after the close of the meeting at which they are elected. All officers shall hold office for twelve months and are eligible to stand for re-election.

11Executive Committee

11.1The Executive Committee of the Club shall comprise the officers of the Club as referred to in Clause 8 of these rules.

11.2The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in every month (except January) on a day to be fixed at the first meeting after selection.

11.3Any member of the Executive Committee or any committee who absents himself or herself from three consecutive meetings of such Executive Committee or committee without reasonable excuse shall be deemed to have resigned therefrom and the Committee may appoint another member to the vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term for which the previous member was elected.

11.4A vote of no confidence in a particular officer passed at a General Meeting of the Club by a two-third majority of members present and entitled to vote shall automatically remove that member from office. The vacant office may be filled in the same manner as set out in sub-clause 11.3 of these rules.


12.1The following committees shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting:

(a)Finance Committee - consisting of the Treasurer and Manager/Administrator.

(b)Building and Grounds Committee - consisting of the Vice President, and one to three members chosen by the Vice President.

(c)Captain’s Committee - consisting of the Club Captain and at least four (4) members.

(d)Ladies Captain’s Committee - consisting of the Ladies Captain, and at least four (4) other members.

(e)Junior Director’s Committee - consisting of the Junior Director and at least four (4) other members.

(f)Social Committee - consisting of the Social Director and at least four (4) other members.

12.2These Committees may appoint sub-committees to carry out the duties of the respective committees provided each sub-committee is chaired by a Committee member.

13Duties of Committees

13.1Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall be responsible for the day to day financial affairs of the Club and shall make such reports and recommendations to the Executive Committee as deemed necessary from time to time.

13.2Building and Grounds Committee

The Building and Grounds Committee shall be responsible for the management of the maintenance of buildings, courts and equipment within the confines of the complex and shall make such reports and recommendations to the Executive Committee as deemed necessary from time to time.

13.3Captain’s Committee

The Captain’s Committee shall organise, conduct and supervise play at weekends and nights for the senior membership and be responsible for the grading and selection of teams for the ladies. The Captain is an ex officio member of the Committee.

13.4Ladies Captain’s Committee

The Ladies Captain’s Committee shall organise, conduct and supervise midweek ladies play and be responsible for the grading and selection of teams for the ladies. The Captain is an ex officio member of the Committee.

13.5Junior Director’s Committee

The Junior Director shall organise, conduct and supervise junior play and be responsible for all matters pertaining to junior play including grading and selection of junior teams. The Captain is an ex officio member of the Committee.

13.6Social Director’s Committee

The Social Committee shall organise and conduct the entertainment and fundraising programs of the Club and be responsible for the efficient running of the bar and catering, subject to events being confirmed by the Executive Committee.

14The Manager/Administrator

The Executive Committee shall engage the services of a competent manager/administrator to carry out the directions of the Executive in all areas other than the playing of tennis. The Manager/Administrator shall be responsible for the smooth running of the administration of the Club and attend all Executive Meetings, handle correspondence, engage workers and promote the Club. The Manager/Administrator shall have no vote at the Executive Committee meetings.


A prospective member must be nominated by two members on the prescribed form with payment of the prescribed fees, such nomination being subject to a recommendation by the relevant Captains Committee prior to it being accepted or rejected at the discretion of the Executive Committee at its ordinary monthly meeting.

The names and addresses of persons proposed as members of the Club, other than Honorary members, are to be displayed in a conspicuous place on the Club premises for a period of not less than seven (7) days prior to their election, and an interval of not less than fourteen (14) days must elapse between the nomination and the election of Ordinary Members.

15(B)Playing Members

(i)Senior players are those members who have attained an acceptable standard of play as accepted by either Captains Committee.

(ii)Junior players are those members under the age of eighteen (18) years who have attained an acceptable standard of play as accepted by the Junior Director’s Committee.

(iii)Honorary Members

(a)Persons holding office in Federal or State Parliament.

(b)Councillors of the City of Joondalup.

(c)Executive members Tennis West.

(d)Persons of distinction, as determined from time to time by the Executive Committee.

(e)Guests whose usual place of abode is more than one hundred kilometres from the Club, provided such guests are approved by two Executive Members, and the guest period of membership be not more than two months without application to a full Executive Committee meeting.

(iv)Country Members

A Country Member is any person who resides not less than fifty kilometres from the club premises.

15(C)Associate (Non-Playing) Members

Associate Members have full membership rights other than playing rights.

15(D)Expulsion of Members

Subject to the right of appeal to a General Meeting called for the purpose, power of expulsion of a member or members is vested in the Executive Committee.


Members are entitled to bring visitors to the club for play. Such visitors will pay in advance any visitors fee as determined by the Executive Committee and the members introducing the visitor shall be responsible for the payment thereof. The Executive Committee may invite visitors to use the club courts at any time with or without payment of fees. Visitors shall only be permitted a maximum of three visits per Club Year.


All fees, including nomination fees, shall be determined by the Executive Committee from time to time as required, subject to approval (unless limited to a percentage increase on fees for the previous year, of not more than the movement in the Consumer Price Index for the relevant period), by a majority of members at a Special or Annual General Meeting. There is a defined subscription of not less than $2.00 per annum payable by the members annually, in advance. Only Provisional Members and Honorary Members are relieved of payment of the regular subscription.


The Executive Committee shall appoint a Club Coach on such terms and conditions as deemed desirable.

The Coach shall be an ex officio member of the Executive Committee but shall have no right to vote at Executive Committee meetings.

19Interpretation of Rules

The interpretation of these rules or any question arising out of or not provided for in these rules shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

20Common Seal

The Common Seal of the Club, engraved with the name of the Club, shall be kept by the Manager/Administrator. The Seal shall not be used or affixed to any deed or other document except pursuant to a resolution of the Executive Committee and in the presence of the President and one member of the Executive Committee.


The Club may be dissolved or wound up by a resolution of 75% of members at any General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for such a purpose. If upon the dissolution or winding up of the Club there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to, transferred or distributed amongst the members or former members of the Club. It shall be given to some other Association, Institution or Body having its purpose similar wholly or in part to the purpose of the Club, provided that the Association, Institution or Body which is incorporated under the act shall prohibit the distribution of its income and property among its members, or it shall be paid to or transferred to some charitable purpose. Which Association, Institution, Body or purpose shall be determined by the members of the Club at or before the time of dissolution or winding up. In default of such a resolution such payment, transfer or distribution shall be determined by a Judge of the District Court.

22Amendment to Rules

No rule of the Club shall be altered, amended or rescinded or new rule inserted unless twenty-eight (28) days notice of motion in writing has been given to the Club’s Manager/Administrator, who must notify all members entitled to vote within fourteen (14) days of a meeting and then only with the concurrence of 75% of members present at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose.

23Supply of Liquor

(a)That a guest be not supplied with liquor to be consumed other than in the Club premises.

(b)A juvenile be not employed by the Club, except on the clerical or administrative work of the Club.


The Club adopts all By-Laws of Tennis Australia and Tennis West, as amended from time to time, as the By-Laws of Sorrento Tennis Club Inc.