This guide introduces you to the services available at Shakespeare Street LRC.
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September 2005
Welcome to Shakespeare Street Learning Resource Centre (LRC). Our facilities are available tostudents and staff of the University of Nottingham, including students on Open Studies courses who
do not have borrowing rights at the University’s other libraries.
1.Opening Times
Term time*
Monday–Thursday 9.30am–8.00pm
Monday – Friday9.30am – 5.00pm
* 2005/6 Term dates for SSLRC:
3rd October - 10th December 2005
3rd January – 8th April 2006
24th April – 3rd June 2006
These times may be subject to change during vacations.
2.How to Join
If you already have a Smart Card, an Associate Smart Card, or another valid University of Nottingham library card, simply bring this along to the lending desk.
If you are on an Open Studies course with the Centre for Continuing Education, bring your Student Card, issued by the Centre when you enrolled, to the Lending Desk and fill in a registration form. LRC staff will issue you with a library card, which will expire when your course is complete. Students need to re-register at the start of each new academic year.
Most books are issued on the computerised library management system. Simply bring them to the lending desk along with your library card. The date for return will be stamped on the date label inside the book.
Please note:
- Without your card you will not be able to borrow or renew items.
4.Loan Periods
Ordinary Loan:
Open Studies Students and External Readers – 4 weeks
Academic & Related staff and Research students – Annual
All others– Semester
These loans are subject to recall should another customer wish to reserve an item.
For items in high demand, a one weekloan period will apply. At SSLRC these items will be marked with green tape.
5.How to return items
When you return books to the Lending Desk you should hand them in to the assistant and wait for your loan to be cancelled. You are personally responsible for any books you have borrowed until the loan is cancelled.
If items are returned late, fines are charged. Details of fine amounts are available in the LRC
6.Reserving books
If an item you wish to borrow is on loan it is possible to reserve this via the Online Catalogue (UNLOC). Please ask library staff for assistance if required.
Please return all books as soon as possible.If you receive a recall notice you must return the book by the new due date given. Delay will inconvenience others, and for this reason a fine is levied if books are returned after the recall date.
Reserved books normally take at least one week to be returned to the LRC, and can be collected from the Lending Desk. You will be notified by email or post when the reservation becomes available.
To renew a book bring it, along with your Smart/Library card to the Lending Desk. LRC staff will renew the loan, provided another reader has not reserved the item. You may renew on line if your loans are not overdue. For further information please ask library staff.
For part-time students we offer the additional service of telephone renewals for one week loans and four week loans only. Our telephone number is 0115 9516511.
8.Finding the items you need
Most resources in Shakespeare Street LRC are now on UNLOC, the computerised library catalogue. (see separate guide for details). We have one LRC computer terminal dedicated to UNLOC and staff will be happy to assist customers. UNLOC is also available via the web at
As some resources in Shakespeare Street LRC are not yet catalogued onto UNLOC, borrowers may on occasion need to refer to our card catalogue, located on the basement floor. Items are catalogued alphabetically in author order.
Once you have located an item on UNLOC or in the catalogue, you can find it on the shelves by its class mark, which will represent a subject area.
If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff at the lending desk. We will be happy to help you.
9.Using computers at SSLRC
A bank of 10 PCs is provided for student use within the LRC. To use these computers, all students will need to ‘log on’ to the network.
Certificate, Diploma and B.A. students in the Centre for Continuing Education, or those students with Smart Cards, can access these facilities in the same way in which they would access computers in any University ISCRA. (See separate guide for details).
Open Studies students simply need to present their library cards at the Lending Desk each time they wish to use a computer, where they will be issued with a username and password, valid for one session only.
There is a card-operated photocopier available on the ground floor of the LRC.
Smart Card holders can top up their credit at the lending desk. For those students who do not hold a Smart Card, photocopy cards can be obtained from the lending desk.
11.Contact Us
If you have any comments or queries regarding the service provided at Shakespeare Street LRC, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0115 9516511.
We will be more than happy to help.
12.Who we are
Librarian:Rachel Bell
Senior Library Assistant: Nancy Jackson
Library Assistants:Mary Armstrong
Sheila Baguley
Julie Starbuck
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September 2005