Banstead Infant School
Lilac, Pink and Purple Classes
Autumn Term 2016
The main focus of the children’s learning will be based around the theme of ‘Woodland Explorers’. This theme will link the curriculum areas together.
The work in English will be based around stories and non fiction texts relating to woodland animals.
- Story telling
- Character profiles – ‘The Gruffalo’
- Letter writing
- Instructions
- Poetry
- Non-fiction writing – squirrels, badgers, foxes, life cycle of an oak tree and Guy Fawkes
- Continuing to learn letter sounds and patterns
- Shared reading as a class
- Individual/group reading
- Developing reading strategies
- Context (working out the word from the meaning of the sentence)
- Picture
- Applying knowledge of letter sounds and patterns
- Comprehension
Speaking and Listening
- Taking on roles of story characters
- Role play
- Working as a team
- Listening to each other and drawing conclusions
- Asking questions
- Performing
The work in mathematics will cover a range of areas including;
- Numbers to 100 and beyond
- Place value: hundreds, tens and units, 2/3 digit numbers
- Addition and subtraction, including money
- Time: hour, half hour, quarter to/past and five minute intervals, months of the year, seasons
- Fractions: ¼, 1/3, ¾ and equivalent fractions of amounts and shapes
- Measuring length using m and cm and weight using g/kg
- 2D and 3D shapes
- Number patterns and puzzles
- Multiplication – 2, 5, 10 times tables
- Division – sharing and grouping
- Pictograms and charts
- Problem solving related to all the above themes
The focus in science will be on electricity and woodland life: trees and animals.
- Making and explaining simple circuits
- Investigating the properties of materials
- Life cycle of an oak tree
- Feeding and habitat of woodland animals
- Plant growth investigation
- Touch typing skills
- Saving, opening files and editing work
- Combining text and images
- Algorithms (programming a Bluebot)
- Online safety – rules and use of Internet
- Use of the internet as a source of information.
- Use of woodland walk
- Maps based on a journey and stories, introducing the use of a key
- Use of Google Maps
- Points of the compass
- Conservation – woodlands
- Orienteering
Design Technology
- Combining ingredients
- Model making using reclaimed materials and modroc
- Design and combine materials to make a card
- The work of Andy Goldsworthy
- Rolling/shaping clay
- Techniques – Monet
- Printing/rubbing
- Collage
Religious Education
- This term’s RE will be based on Christianity. The children will learn about Christian symbols, the significance of Christmas and the symbolism of light.
- Creating rhythmic pattern and understanding basic musical vocabulary
- Singing – in unison and performing
- Listening to and appraising different styles of music
Physical Education
- The children will be practisingtheir gymnastics skills both on the floor and apparatus to develop their sense of space and their ability to move in a variety of ways, showing different speeds and levels. They will be developing their ability to work with a partner and to play team games through Tag Rugby. In dance they will be learning simple dances, individually, with a partner and in a group. The children will be taught how to orienteer around the school grounds. After the success of Run to Rio we will be continuing to build stamina by running a mile at least twice a week.