For Youth by Youth:Meeting with Your Peers

Conversation Sparks

Thank you for joining us for Meeting with Your Peers webinar. Based on the presentation and conversations from the webinar, we invite you to share what you learned AND have some conversations of your own! Use this worksheet to help you talk with your friends and adults in your life about your philanthropy.

Getting the Conversation Started

The speakers discussed specific roadblocks they faced when making group decisions. Of the roadblocks discussed and solutions presented, what ones does your group experience? What solution will YOU apply to your group next time you collaborate? Is your group experiencing a roadblock not discussed? Can you adapt a solution presented today?

Anna and Veeral stressed the importance of a facilitator focused on making sure that everyone in the group contributes to the decision.Does your group have a facilitator that ensures everyone has a voice? If not, how can you step up and fill this role?

Group decision making with your family, peers, or organization is really important, and because of that it can sometimes be stressful or feel like a chore. What are someways that you can make group decisions more fun? What idea will you apply next time you make a collaborative decision?


After you have thought and talked through what you want to take away from the webinar, it is time to KEEP LEARNING! Here are some quick and easy resources to help!

There is one more webinar in this series and all of the prior webinars have recordings available. Learn more here. Check it out and tell your friends! Cannot wait? Catch up with Teen Philanthropy Café readers across seven different topics to dive in quickly!

Using new techniques can help to connect people in different ways or generate new ideas. Don’t forget the solutions from the webinar of consensus cards, focused facilitation, expanding dialogue over debate, and taking 15 minutes away. Find some great icebreakers or activities for that 15 minute breakhere!

Vary your meeting format if you need to generate new ideas.Check out this blog post about using design thinking for individual and group understanding!

Share your thoughts, conversations and experiences! Get social with us on twitter and Facebook so you can share with others! You can sign up for our newsletter here. This year, we are hosting five regional gathering across the country. You can learn more and attend the gathering nearest you to meet other youth, learn together, and even participate in a grantmaking circle.