Exam 2 review
what are the various components that are considered to be part of the skeletal system?
Which of the four tissue types are bones composed of?
Are bones living or nonliving?
What are bone cells called?
What are cartilage forming cells called?
Know the difference between a blast, a clast, and a cyte
understand and Endochondral ossification and the hormones related to bone growth
understand bone remodeling understand what tissues are joined by tendons and ligaments
know the names of the bones in the book
know where to find different types of joints in the body. For example what type of joint is between the frontal and parietal bones, what type of join is a hinge joint, what type of joint is between the lower ribs and sternum, a ball and socket joint etc.
know the bones of the vertebral column, the sections, how many vertebrae are in each section etc.
understand the three types of muscle tissue in the body and their locations
know the difference between slow twitch and fast twitch fibers
how does a muscle cell cause motion?
No the anatomy of a muscle including the coverings, origins and assertions, blood supply and nerve supply
how does cardiac muscle differ from skeletal muscle?
Understand the microscopic structure of a muscle cell, know the difference between a circle Mir, muscle fiber, actin, myosin, fascicles etc.
understand how an action potential is initiated from the brain and eventually causes a muscle contraction
know the difference between an isometric and isotonic contraction
know the functions of the circulatory system especially its main function
no the parts of the blood including platelets and red blood cells, white blood cells, proteins, electrolytes and plasma. Also understand their functions
understand the functions of blood, arteries, veins and capillaries
understand where blood pressure is higher and where it is lower in the circulatory system understand the steps of the cardiac cycle
understand the coronary circulation
understand the components of the cardiac conduction cycle
understand the flow of blood through the heart
what is an electrocardiogram
what are the risk factors for atherosclerosis
understand what a baroreceptor is
which part of the brain regulates heart activity
which responsibly characteristic of the parasympathetic nervous system
how does the human body adjust blood pressure during the day when sometimes you are lying down, sitting, standing up, running etc.
what is an angiogram?
What is a heart attack, what is happening in the heart, and what are the symptoms?
Understand how your body responds to an injury which causes bleeding
be able to follow a drop of blood around the entire circulatory system