General Instructions

1. ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED OR THE FORM WILL NOT SUBMIT. Please note the information below before attempting to respond to the survey:

0 (Zero) vs. N/A (Not Available) vs. n.c. (Not Collected)

There is a difference between zero, data not collected and data not available when the data element is countable.

  • N/Ais only used in prescribed circumstances. Refer to individual questions for guidance.
  • 0 means that the library did not incur that category of expense, did not have the specific category of material or did not offer the specific service to which the question refers. For example, enter 0 for Capital Expenditure if no expenditure is reported against this measure.
  • If your library does not count a particular measure then enter n.c.(Not Collected).For example enter n.c. if your library service did not count the number of library visitors.

2. NUMERIC VALUES. Be sure to round all $ Dollar figures to the nearest whole number. DO NOT use commas while entering numeric values or % indicators where requested. The program will insert commas and percentage flags where appropriate.

3. ADD GROUP AND REMOVE GROUP BOXES. Clicking on the ADD GROUP box in Section B: LIBRARY SITESwill provide for new library sites not reported previously. Clicking on the REMOVE GROUP box will delete a particular branch that is no longer reported during the reference period.

4. TELEPHONE NUMBERS. Do not use any punctuation or spaces when entering a telephone number.

5. TOTALS. For questions highlighted in redthe program will automatically sum a specific range of data elements.You cannot change the derived figure itself, only the data elements that are part of the automatic calculation.

6. DEFINITIONS. To review a definition while completing the form click on the number of the question and the definition will be displayed.

7. PRE-FILLED ANSWERS. A small number of the answer boxes will be pre-populated, for example: Local Government, Service Type, Population and State Library Grant.

8. HELP. Help is available from

  • FAQs – at top of the home page. These are general Bibliostat FAQsInstructions.
  • Help screens – click on the numbers for each question to bring up notes about that particular question.


  • The greyed out flags next to each question can be activated by clicking on them to create a bookmark.
  • The notepads next to these allow you to add explanatory notes for your answers. These can be printed as an annotation report, summarising your comments.
  • You can interrupt your data entry. There is a save button on the bottom left corner of each page.
  • Survey Sections: The survey is broken up into sections and each has a link in the SurveyNavigator that includes the name of the section and the range of questions by number, i.e.General Information. You may work on the sections in any order you wish. To go to aspecific section, click on the section in the Survey Navigator.
  • Select the desired section from the Survey Navigator by clicking on the link to it. The righthand frame will move to that section and display all the questions in it. There are Next, Back, and Update buttons at the lowerright corner.
  • The components of each question are: the question number, the data element to be reported,previous year’s data, a data entry box, flagand notepad icons.
  • Question number: The number is a link to Help for that particular question. The Help isprovided by State Library and explains or defines the data element being reported.
  • Click on the question number to open the Help. Click OK to close it.
  • Data Element: This is a brief description of the data to be reported to State Library.
  • Previous Year’s Data: If available, the survey data you submitted last year is displayed immediately above the entry box.

You may cut and paste this data if it has remained thesame for this year. Select the previous year's data by highlighting it with the mouse. UseControl+C to copy the data. Click in the data entry box and use Control+V to paste the datainto the box.

  • Data Entry Box: enter the reference period’s data into this box by clickingin the box and typing in the number or information. You may also cut and paste the previousyear’s data if it remained the same (see above). Information that doesn’t normally changefrom year to year may be pre-filled in the current year data entry box. Only modifythese entries if the information has actually changed from the previous year.
  • Flag: Click on the flag and it gets darker. This is a way for you to mark a question towhich you want to return. You can view all the flagged responses by selecting Status andPrinting on the navigation bar at the top of the page; then under Views, select View allflagged questions.


Navigating the Survey:

  • Fill out the survey by clicking on the section in the SurveyNavigator you wish to work on and entering the data in the data entry box.
  • To move betweendata entry boxes, use the tab key, or use the mouse to click in the appropriate box.
  • To movewithin the section, use the scroll bar on the right or the up and down arrow keys on thekeyboard.
  • To move from one section to the next, use Next at the bottom of the section.
  • Backtakes you to the previous section of the survey. You can also click on the name of the sectionin the Survey Navigator on the left of the screen.
  • Make sure that you scroll to the bottom ofeach screen. Every data entry box must be complete before the survey is submitted.

View the Status of Your Data Input

  • You may check your progress by clicking the Status and Printing link at the top of the screen, which will give you several options.

View all unanswered questions

  • Click here to see if there are any questions you havemissed. Any unanswered questions will be listed in order by section. You can then enterthe data directly into the data entry boxes.

View all flagged questions

  • Click here to see any questions that you have flagged forfurther consideration.
  • When you have completed the question to your satisfaction, clickthe shaded flag to unflag the question.

11. PRINTING REPORTS: There are two printable reports available in the Status and Printing section: the SurveyReport and the Annotation Report.

Survey Report: this will generate a printable version of the data entered into the survey. There are several print options: print the entire survey; print selected sectionswith or without the current year’sdata and with or without the previous year’s data. Click on the appropriate radio button foryour selection. If you are choosing a particular section, click the down arrow at the right ofthe selection box and select the section you wish to print.

You can also choose to print the report in either PDF or HTML format. The main differencebetween the two reports is that the PDF report has a page break between each section, and theHTML does not. That makes the HTML version consume a little less paper if you do notneed each section to start on a new page. The HTML version also generates the report in lesstime. A separate window will open when the report has been generated.

If you wish to print a copy in the PDF format, click show PDF report. The formatting maytake a few minutes. When the report has been generated, Adobe Acrobat Reader will bestarted. Click the print icon at the top left of the Reader screen to print a paper copy. To savethis electronic version of your report, click the disk icon at the top left of the Reader screenand follow the usual instructions for that command. Your survey will be saved as a .PDF(Portable Document Format) file.

If you want an HTML version, click show WEB report. Once it appears, go to the Filemenu and select Print. To save the electronic version in HTML format, go to the File menuand select Save As and follow the usual instructions for that command.

NOTE: after generating a PDF report of a single section, in order to print a report of adifferent section, click on Status and Printing again and reselect the type of reportand the new section.

Annotation Report: generates a printable version of the annotations inthe survey.


You can save your work as many times as desired when entering data by clicking on Update. Your data is also saved each time you click on a link (Back, Next, any survey section, Status and Printing, etc.). Your work isalso automatically saved each time you Logout.

Tip: click on the Save button on the bottom left corner before moving to subsequent sections of the survey


To Submit Your Completed Data:

Review each of the Views links in Status and Printing.

Print and save an electronic version of your survey and your annotations.Please note that you will not be able to print or save a copy of the report once the Submit Survey process is completed.

Click onSubmit Survey to complete the process. The Submit Survey button is located on the Status and Printing page.

When you press SubmitSurvey, Bibliostat Collect will:

look for any unanswered questions in your annual report andtell you if any questions are blank. You will be able to submit once each blank iscompleted.

If, for any reason,you need to access your report again after being locked out, request your survey be unlocked.

General Information:

1.Local Government –pre-filled with your Council’s details

2.Library Service Type –pre-filled with the library service type as at 30 June.

3.Contact Officer –enter the name and position of the officer to be contacted for any clarifications regarding this survey.

4.Telephone – telephone number of the contact officer for this return.

5.Email – email details of the contact officer for this return.

6.Local Government Area (sq km) – pre-filled with your Council’s details.

7.Population – pre-filled with the population used for grant calculation.

Satisfaction Survey:

For questions 1-10 indicate your satisfaction with the State Library of Queensland services listed below. Use a rating scale of 1 to 5, from 1 being completely dissatisfied to 5 being completely satisfied.

All questions are accompanied by a separate Comments element.

  • If you do not have any Comments to add you must enter N/A in each box.

S.1Public Library Grant Scheme, including administration and compliance.


S.2Interlibrary loans from SLQ Public Library Development (short-term or requests).


S.3Interlibrary loans from State Library Southbank Collections.


S.4Centralised Collections, including LOTE and Literacy collections.


S.5Learning and profession development opportunities.


S.6Statewide and offsite databases, including the One Search catalogue and the Queensland Public Library (QPL) database authentication service.


S.7State Library of Queensland digital collections and online programs (Summer Reading Club).


S.8State Library of Queensland web pages and online resources, including Public Libraries Connect and the Directory of Queensland Public Libraries.


S.9State Library of Queensland advisory services.


S.10Leadership and advocacy on behalf of public libraries.


Tip: click on the save button on the bottom left corner before proceeding


Give amounts exclusive of GST (Goods and Services Tax).


All income generated through the library service, including fines, fees and charges. For example, overdue fines, processing fees, replacement costs, reservation fees, non-resident membership fees, printing and retail sales. Do not include grants and subsidies.

If no revenue received enter 0

A.1.2State Library grant

This data element has been pre-filled with the State Library Grant distributed in the reference period:

Independent libraries– the grant received by the library service under the Public library Grant Scheme for the purchase of library materials, administered by the State Library. Amount is exclusive of GST. Do not include Best Start grants.

RLQ libraries–amultipurpose grant received for each library service point open 6 hours or more.Amount is exclusive of GST.

A.1.3Other grants

Any other government or non-government grants the library has received for projects or services, including Best Start and other State Library competitive grants.

If no grants received enter 0

A.1.4Local Government allocation – Operating

The total budgetary allocation made to the library service from the Local Government for ‘operating costs’. Include provision for salaries and wages. Do not include amounts that have been entered under other Income categories; e.g. income generated through fees and charges.

If no allocation received enter 0

A.1.5Local Government allocation – Capital

The total budgetary allocation made to the library service from the Local Government for capital costs. Do not include amounts that have been entered under other Income categories; (i.e. A.1.1 – A.1.4).

If no allocation received enter 0

A.1.6Revenue – Other

Any revenue received not included in the above categories, for example revenue received from other councils for the provision of library services.

If no allocation received enter 0

A.1Total Income – automatically sums the cells above.


Expenditure on salaries and wages for all staff employed by the library service, including full-time, part-time and casual staff. Include on-costs such as superannuation and WorkCover premiums.

A.2.2Operating costs

Expenditure on operating library services and facilities; e.g. stationery, postage, minor equipment, library management system maintenance costs, program costs, marketing, electricity, telecommunications, cleaning, building maintenance and insurance. Include any contribution to Local Government central administration or corporate overheads.

If no expenditure incurred enter 0

A.2Operating expenses – automatically sums the cells above.

Capital expenditure

The decision to distinguish between minor and major capital projects should be made at the Local Government level.

A.3.1Minor Capital expenditure

Expenditure on individual items, such as furniture or computer equipment. Do not include library materials or book stock.

If no expenditure incurred enter 0

A.3.2Major Capital projects

Expenditure on large capital projects, such as refurbishments, extensions or new library facilities. Do not include library materials or book stock.

If no expenditure incurred enter 0

A.3Total Capital expenditure– automatically sums the cells above.

A.4.1Printed Library materials

Expenditure on printed library materials, including lending and reference items, printed newspapersand magazines, printed journals and any other printed materials purchased by the library service. Include costs associated with processing the materials, such as covering and cataloguing.

If no expenditure incurred enter 0

A.4.2Non-printed library materials

Expenditure on non-printed library materials, including: audio-visual materials such as DVDs and CDs; toys, games, puzzles and equipment. For inclusion items must be visible on the catalogue, loanable or usable within the library premises. Include costs associated with processing the materials, such as packaging, security devices and cataloguing.

If no expenditure incurred enter 0

A.4.3Digital Library materials

Expenditure on digital library materials, including eBooks, subscriptions to databases, registrations and “pay per view” content services and any other digital library materials.

If no expenditure incurred enter 0

A.4Total Library Materials – automatically sums the cells above

Tip: click on the save button on the bottom left corner before proceeding


Library sites include any places from which the library services are offered to the public.


  • Clicking on the ADD GROUP box will provide for new library sites not reported previously.
  • Clicking on the REMOVE GROUP box will delete a library site branch that was no longer operating as at 30 June.


Places at which library services are offered to the public for 6 hours per week or more and which are staffed by employees of the library service.

Include ‘central libraries’ but do not include headquarters and administration centres at which services to the public are not directly offered.

Do not duplicate entries for the same site to accommodate seasonal opening hours or physical moves.

Do not include mobile libraries – include these at B.2

Do not include small service outlets open less than 6 hours per week – include these at B.3. Do not include specialist non-lending sites, e.g. smaller specialist service outlets like corporate libraries – include these at B.3.

All data elements will be pre-filled with the previously reported information with the exception of B.1.5 Annual public visits. Any prefilled data can be changed or edited.


The commonly used name of the library; e.g. Logan Central Library; McKinlay Municipal Library; Kenilworth Library.

B.1.2Total time open per week

Total time per week that the library is normally open to the public, including Saturday and Sunday. Where a library site operates seasonal hours an average across the whole year must be given. Give time in hours and minutes, not in fractions of an hour. Use the following format: Hours[colon]Minutes; e.g. for 7 hours and 15 minutes put 7:15 (not 7.25).

B.1.3Open Saturday

Indicate if the library is normally open to the public on a Saturday. Select Yes or No.

B.1.4Open Sunday