1st nine weeks

OBJECTIVE Learn pronunciation and alphabet


ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Memorize Mica Mica Parva Stella;

Latin alphabet and pronunciation charts to rhythm, compare Latin to

English alphabet and Latin to English pronunciation; breakdown Latin words by syllable

ASSESSMENT: Recite from memory Mica Mica; write or recite Roman alphabet with sounds; Latin spelling bee

OBJECTIVE: Classroom commands and objects

TEKS 1A, 1B, 4C

ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Vocabulary list of classroom commands and objects Interactive notebook Everyday Latin commands flashcards; work in pairs to practice commands and learn vocabulary

ASSESSMENT: Written recognition – crossword/choral response to commands (I say English…You say Latin);Play Simon Says

OBJECTIVE: Definitions parts of speech Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs


ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Interactive notebooks parts of speech; circle parts of speech in English and Latin sentences; graphic organizer with each part of speech and Latin vocabulary

ASSESSMENT: Identify parts of speech in Latin sentences from stories.

OBJECTIVE: Introduce subjects, verbs, linking verbs and complements (the A=B sentence)by direct teach and notes; Compare and contrast subject/verb agreement in number in English and Latin


ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Interactive notebook guided sentence pattern drills, 4b p.20, singular/plural nouns and adjectives 3b, 3c pp. 14-15 and subject/ verbs agreement 3d p.15 oral and written practice.

ASSESSMENT: Write sentences changing singulars to plural and plurals to singulars (nouns, adjectives, verbs)

OBJECTIVE: Introduce transitive and intransitive verbs and nouns with

accusative endings and sentence pattern subject-direct object-verb by direct teach and notes

TEKS 1A, 1C,4A

ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Verb wall transitive and intransitive verbs; interactive notebook guided sentence pattern drills with accusative case S-DO-V

ASSESSMENT: Identify subjects, direct objects, transitive and intransitive or linking verbs in Latin and English sentences. Write 4C p.21.

OBJECTIVE: Introduce cases and declension endings 1st, 2nd, 3rd declensions by direct teach and notes and discuss gender; compare these to other Romance languages, English and Chinese


ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Interactive notebook cases and endings notes; mnemonic Never Go Down An Alley (for case order); flashcards for endings; pair and group practice; choral repetition; written practice

ASSESSMENT: Fill in correct declension endings singular and plural all declensions; make a Venn diagram with three declensions comparing the endings the declensions share

2nd nine weeks

OBJECTIVE: Introduce the infinitive and its uses as a complementary infinitive and an infinitive with impersonals by direct teach and notes

TEKS 1A, 1C, 4A

ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Interactive notebook notes on identification of infinitives and the four conjugations; drill - change verb forms to their infinitives (ambulat…ambulare) practice – make cards with verbs that do not stand alone using volo, nolo, paro, possum, timeo and infinitives in English and Latin; introduce necesse est and infinitives with sentences to fill in with infinitives

ASSESSMENT: Translate into English 5c p. 27.

OBJECTIVE: Introduce all endings of the present tense in all conjugations and be able to conjugate all the forms and recognize

the differences in conjugations (amo,amare, habeo, habere, duco, ducere, capio, capere, audio, audire)


ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Interactive notebook notes and direct teach -Using verb cards and student pairs practice verbal and written conjugations in present tense – play , I say (personal pronoun)You say (verb form) -pick from list of infinitives – I say “we.” You say “amamus.”

conjugate all verbs 10b p.73

ASSESSMENT: Latin to English and English to Latin translation of present tense verb forms

OBJECTIVE: Introduce the vocative case 1st, 2nd, 3rd declensions


ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Interactive notebook notes and direct teach; Translate 8c p.56

ASSESSMENT: Write sentences in Latin using the vocative case singular and plural in 1st, 2nd, 3rd declensions

OBJECTIVES: Learn prepositions and the cases that follow them and their function in a Latin sentence

TEKS 1A, 4B, 4C

ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Vocabulary - prepositions and corresponding cases (accusative and ablative); practice creating prepositional phrases with a partner and flashcards; identify and translate prepositional phrases in the readings; translate 9b p. 65

ASSESSMENT: Create a sequence of pictures from sentences using prepositional phrases; Translate English to Latin 9d p.66

OBJECTIVE: Introduce the imperative (command form) all



ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Interactive notebook notes and direct teach;

create infinitive verb list all conjugations – put list in imperative singular and plural; play bingo or matching game with imperative

verb list

ASSESSMENT: Create a dialog using imperatives and perform. Write 12b p. 91

3rd nine weeks

OBJECTIVE: Uses of genitive and ablative cases

TEKS 1A, 4B, 4C

ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Review case endings of genitive and ablative

1st,2nd,3rd declensions; Vocabulary pater, mater, uxor, vir, parens, frater, soror, filius, filia, liberi. Create a family tree (real or ficticious) using all the vocabulary. Then using the family tree create sentences using the genitive case. Read p. 84 and write out 11e. Vocabulary question words

Ubi? Unde? Quocum? Quibuscum? Quando? Quomodo? Quo instrumento?; Write questions for students to answer in Latin using

prepositions or the ablative case (Quando?, Quomodo?, Quo instrumento?)

ASSESSMENT: Create a dialog using questions and answers with

prepositions or the ablative case.

OBJECTIVE: Verbs – Imperfect past all conjugations

TEKS 1A, 4B, 4C

ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Interactive notebook notes and direct teach

imperfect endings all conjugations; Use “Old Macdonald Had a Farm”

song to teach the vowel changes before the endings of the imperfect past (TE p.106); Using the verbs in the story Chap 14 make a list of verbs in the present and imperfect tenses and translate them; Play I say “(present tense)” You say”(imperfect tense)”; Create a list of verbs for students to make questions and answers to in the imperfect tense

ASSESSMENT: Write out 14c and 14d p. 107

OBJECTIVE: Learn present and imperfect past conjugations of irregular verbs Esse and Posse

TEKS 1A, 4B, 4C

ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Students recall forms of Esse and Posse that have been introduced in previous stories – based on previously introduced forms students will brainstorm what the remaining tense endings may be; discuss student suggestions and present the endings in direct teach in interactive notebook notes; compare Esse and Posse to English verb to be and to be able to; create flashcards to learn the forms; students practice with the cards for memorization.

ASSESSMENT: Write 14e and 14f p. 108; write a reflection in the interactive notebook comparing and contrasting regular and irregular verbs

OBJECTIVE: Learn the declensions of neuter nouns in 2nd and 3rd declension


ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Interactive notebook notes and direct teach to clarify the multiple uses of the endings –um and –a and chart of neuter endings in 2nd and 3rd declensions; make and practice with flashcards nouns with neuter case endings; play Bingo

ASSESSMENT: Students create a Venn Diagram of neuter nouns; Using the list of nouns in 2nd and 3rd declension p. 115 students create sentences; write a reflection in the interactive notebook comparing and contrasting neuter nouns to masculine and feminine nouns in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd declensions

OBJECTIVE: Declension of numbers unus, duo and tres

TEKS 1A, 4B, 4C

ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: In interactive notebook students create chart

for declension of unus, duo and tres p. 116; make flashcards of the declensions and practice with lists of nouns in different cases; from ancillary materials learn and practice other numbers and Roman numerals

ASSESSMENT: Write out 15c p. 117

4th nine weeks

OBJECTIVE: Agreement of adjectives and nouns in 1st,2nd and 3rd declensions


ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Direct teach and notes in interactive notebook; make chart of adjective declensions in 1st and 2nd declensions;

match a feminine, masculine and neuter noun with an adjective and question students about the agreement (gender-number-case); write a list of nouns from 1st, 2nd and 3rd declensions in different cases and agree different adjectives; Using sentences p.122 (TE edition) students explain noun/adjective agreement

ASSESSMENT: Write out 16c.

OBJECTIVE: Learn present and imperfect past conjugations of irregular

verbs, Velle, Nolle, Ferre and Ire>

ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Students recall forms of Velle, Nolle, Ferre and Ire that have been introduced in previous stories – based on previously introduced forms students will brainstorm what the remaining tense endings may be; discuss student suggestions and present the endings in direct teach in interactive notebook notes; compare and contrast Velle, Nolle, Ferre and Ire to their English verbs; create flashcards to learn the forms; students practice with the cards for memorization.

ASSESSMENT: Write out 17d p129

OBJECTIVE: Adjectives 3rd declension and agreement


ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Discuss previously learned adjective agreement for 1st and 2nd declension adjectives and endings; using direct teach and interactive notebook notes create charts of endings for 3rd declension adjectives and compare to 3rd declension nouns (all genders) then compare to 1st and 2nd declension adjectives; practice agreeing nouns and adjectives from different declensions all genders – all cases – use flash cards, mix and match, bingo; display sentences (TE p.139) and discuss agreement word by word

ASSESSMENT: Write out 18b p.140

OBJECTIVE: Introduce Perfect past tense all conjugations


ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Discuss the difference between the present imperfect and perfect past(completed action versus ongoing past action and current action); have students identify verb endings in chap 18 story; use interactive notebook notes and direct teach to create an endings chart for the perfect past note the confusion with the –it ending could be present in 3rd and 4th conjugations; mnemonic for the perfect past stem markers –v, -s, -u, -x – Very Soon You Will Exit; write out 19b p. 151

ASSESSMENT: Translate passage 19c p. 152

OBJECTIVE: Introduce four principal parts of the verb


ACTIVITIES/RESOURCES: Define what each principal part of the verb does and give examples for each conjugation – note any similarities of differences – discuss. Make a poster with the job description of each principal part of the verb; Using the verb list for chaps 1-10 list all the

principal parts of the verbs.

ASSESSMENT: Write out all four principal parts of the verbs chaps 1-10