Pathology is a science which combines the basis fields of medicine and clinical medicine. Pathology is a study of causes, mechanisms, course and consequences of the disease. The pathology is classically divided into general and organ pathology. Proper clinical diagnosis is based on clear understanding etiology, pathogenesis, morphological and functional changes in specific diseases processes.
The pathology course includes lectures, and tutorials. During tutorials and lectures cell injury and cell death, inflammations, hemodynamic disorders, neoplasms, genetic and environmental diseases will be discussed first. Next the changes of diseases in particular systems will be discussed. Each of the pathology issues will be illustrated by guided and self-performed microscopic slides studies. After 4 week pathology course students are obligated to pass written test exam to obtain a credit for whole pathology course.
Prof. Andrzej Marszałek MD, PhD
Łukasz Szylberg MD, PhD
Joanna Maciejewska MD
Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska MD
I. Department of Clinical Pathomorphology Collegium Medicum Nicolaus Copernicus University, Skłodowskiej-Curie 9, 85-094 Bydgoszcz
II. Head of the unit: Prof. Andrzej Marszałek MD, PhD
III. Faculty of Medicine, Medical Program, 3rd year
IV. Course coordinator: Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska, MD
V. Form of classes: lectures, tutorials
VI. Form of crediting: Exam, 13 ECTS points
VII. Number of hours: Lectures – 64 hours, Tutorials – 96 hours
VIII. Aim of the course
After completing the pathology course student has to know causes, pathomechanisms, clinical course and consequences of the disease and understand morphological and functional changes in specific diseases processes.
X. Topics of lectures
1. Monday: Introduce to pathology + autopsy
Łukasz Szylberg MD, PhD
ð Legal issue related to autopsy and to the pathologist.
ð Rules of writing a pathological diagnosis.
ð Audiovisual presentation of autopsy techniques
ð Autopsy demonstration with discussion of autopsy techiques.
ð Signs of death.
ð Autopsy techniques for haed, neck, chest, abdominal and pelvis examination.
ð Autopsy in special cases – e.g. emphysema, embolisms, poisoning etc.
ð Practical performed by students.
ð Neonatal autopsy techniques
2. Tusday:
a) Adaptive changes. Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska, MD
Topics to prapare:
ð Atrophy, hyperplasia, hypertrophy, metaplasia – definition, division, causes, examples
ð Dystrophic and metastatic calcification
ð Fatty change and cellular swelling
ð Necrosis – definition, types, morphology
Topics of tutorials:
ð Adaptive changes
ð Intracellular accumulations
ð Pathologic calcification
1. / Brown atrophy of the heartatrophia fusca myocardii / 146
2. / Cardiac muscle hypertrophy
(hypertrophia musculi cordis) / 138,150
3. / Endometrial hyperplasia
(hyperplasia glandularis endometrii) / 085, 085a, 085c, 085d
4. / Vacuolar degeneration (hydropic change) of hepatocytes
(degeneratio parenchymatosa hepatis) / 134
5. / Epidermal hyperkaratosis
(hyperkeratosis epidermis) / 135
6. / Corpus albicans ovarii / 143
7. / Liquefactive necrosis (brain encephalomalacia)
(necrosis colliquativa; na przykładzie rozmiękania mózgu [encephalomalatio cerebri]) / 152
8. / Coagulative necrosis (liver and lung tuberculosis)
(necrosis coagulativa; na przykładzie: gruźlicy płuc i wątroby [tuberculosis pulmonum et hepatis]) / 026
b) Hemodynamic disorders. Łukasz Szylberg, MD, PhD
Topics to prapare:
ð Pulmonary thrombosis
ð Infarction pale and red
ð Hyperemia passive
Topics of tutorials:
ð Edema
ð Hyperemia
ð Embolism
ð Thrombosis
ð Hemmorhage
1. / Hemorrhagic cerebral infarction(focus haemorrhagicum cerebri) / 127, 133
2. / Hemosiderosis whitish ovarian body
(haemosisderosis corporis albicantis ovarii) / 154 + żelazo
3. / Passive congestion of liver
(hyperaemia passiva hepatis) / 155
4. / Chronic venous stasis in the lungs
(venostasis chronica pulmonum) / 153, 157
5. / Pale infarction of kidney
(infarctus pallidus renis) / 059
6. / Hemorrhagic intestinal infartion
(infarctus haemorrhagicus intestini) / 160
7. / Adhering thrombus
(thrombosis parietalis) / 097, 193
8. / Recanalization of thrombus
(thrombosis recanalisatus) / 233
9. / Pulmonary edema / 062/256
3. Wensday: Chronic and acute inflammation. Joanna Maciejewska, MD
Topics to prapare:
ð Definition of acute and chronic inflammation
ð Characteristics of cells and processes with their participation in acute and chronic inflammation.
ð Outcome of acute inflammation
ð systemic and local symptoms of acute inflammation
ð Granulomatous inflammation - definition
ð Types of granulomas
Topics of tutorials:
ð Morphology of inflammation
ð Vascular changes in acute inflammation
ð Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes in acute inflammation
ð Pathogenesis, morphology and clinical changes in syphilis and tuberculosis
1. / Lymphnode sinus histiocytosis(histiocytosis lymphonoduli) / 188
2. / Nonspecyfic lymphadenitis
Lymphonodulitis reactiva / 226
3. / Fibrinoid necrosis on the example of chronic peptic ulcer
(degeneratio fibrinoidea; na przykładzie przewlekłego wrzodu trawiennego żołądka [ulcus chronicum pepticum ventriculi]) / 144
4. / Lung abscess
(abscessus pulmonis) / 034
5. / Serum acute appendicitis, appendicitis with lymphoid follicles hyperplasia, suppurative appendicitis, gangrenous appendicitis
(appendicitis; [acuta serosa] [follicularis], [purulenta], [phlegmonosa], [gangrenosa],[obliterativa]) / 262, 027, 266, 268
6. / meningitis purulenta / 167
7. / Miliary tuberculosis of lung
(tuberculosis miliaris pulmonis) / 025
8. / Adrenal tuberculosis
(tuberculosis glandulae suprarenalis) / 151
9. / Tuberculous meningitis
(meningitis tuberculosa) / 102
10. / Lymph node sarcoidosis
(sarcoidosis lymphonoduli) / 111
11. / Leprosy
(lepra) / 229
12. / Inflammatory granulation tissue, foreign body reaction
(granulatio, granuloma)
13. / Scarring after myocardial infarction
Cicatrisatio post infarctum myocardii) / 069
4. Thursday: Diseases of immunity. Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska, MD
Topics to prapare:
ð Organ changes in systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, amyloidosis.
ð Polyarteritis nodosa
Topics of tutorials:
ð Systemic lupus erythematosus
ð Scleroderma
ð Rheumatoid arthritis
ð Inflammatory myopathies
ð Sjogren syndrome
ð Vasculitides
1. / Renal amyloidosis(amyloidosis renis) / 077 + amyloid
2. / Rheumatoid nodule
(nodulus rheumathoideus) / 174
3. / Rheumatoid arthritis
(ang. rheumatoid artritis) / 082
4. / Periarteritis nodosa
(polyarteritis nodosa) / 124
5. / Sclerodermia
(scleroderma localisata) / 173, 196
Włókna sprężyste
6. / Lupus erythematosus – renal changes
(lupus erythematosus) / 033, PAS
7. / Helictotrichon
(oxyuriasis) / 276
5. Friday: Neoplasms. Joanna Maciejewska, MD
Topics to prapare:
ð Morphological and clinical characteristic of benign and malignant neoplasms.
ð Precancerous lesions.
ð Metaplasia.Dysplasia.
ð Carcinoma in situ.
ð Microinvasion and early cancer.
ð Pareneoplastic syndromes and kachexia
ð Grading i stading.
ð Tumor markers.
Topics of tutorials:
ð Abnormal differentiation and maturation of tissues.
ð Intraepithelial neoplasia.
ð Benign epithelial neoplasms
ð Malignant and locally malignant tumors.
ð Epidemiology and diagnostic of neoplasms.
ð Clinical features of neoplasms.
1. / Epidermal actinic keratoses(keratosis senilis) / 177
2. / Lichen sclerosus; (kraurosis) / 168
3. / Benign mammary dysplasia
(mastopathia fibroso-cystica; dysplasia benigna mammae) / 050, 179
4. / Seborrheic skin whart
(verruca seborrhoica) / 243
5. / Eversion in the cylindrical epithelium of the vaginal cervix, glandular erosion of the vaginal cervix
(ectropion) / 237
6. / Neoplasia intraepithelialis cervicalis CINI/ LSIL
(neoplasia intraepithelialis cervicalis; ang. CIN – cervical intraepithelial neoplasia) CIN I/ LSIL / 178
7. / Neoplasia intraepithelialis cervicalis CIN III/HSIL / 176
8. / Bowen’diseases
(morbus Boweni) / 166
9. / Basal cell carcinoma of the skin
(carcinoma basocellulare cutis) / 110
10. / Squamous cell carcionoma of the skin
(carcinoma planoepitheliale/ carcinoma sinocellulare cutis) / 022
11. / Urothelial carcinoma of the bladder
(carcinoma urotheliale) / 186
12. / Colorectal adenocarcinoma
(adenocarcinoma coli) / 279
13. / Lipoma
(lipoma) / 195
14. / Liposarcoma
(liposarcoma) / 049
15. / Astrocytoma
(astrocytoma) / 053, 244
16. / Glioblastoma multiforme
(glioblastoma multiforme) / 204, 260
17. / Sarcoma synoviale – lung metastasis
(sarcoma synoviale) / 214
1. Monday : Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Łukasz Szylberg.MD, PhD
Topics to prapare:
ð Gastritis.
ð Peptic chronic ulcer.
ð Colon cancer – morphologic and clinical features
Topics of tutorials:
ð Congenital anomalies of gastrointestinal tract
ð Esophagitis and tumors of esophagus
ð Inflammation of gastrointestinal tract
ð Peptic ulcer disease
ð Neoplasms of stomach
ð Intestinal vascular disease
ð Diverticular disease
ð Intestinal obstruction
ð Tumors of the large and small intestine
1. / Ulcerative colitis(colitis ulcerosa) / 003, 008
2. / Crohn disease
(morbus Lesniowski-Crohn; także: ileitis terminali, ang: Crohn disease) / 228
3. / Celiac disease
(celiakia) / 165
4. / Adenomatous polyp of the sigmoid colon
(polypus adenomatosus) / 042
5. / Gastric adenocarcionoma
(adenocarcinoma ventriculi) / 041
6. / Mucous degeneration on the example of mucinous adenocarcionoma / 068 + śluz
7. / Carcinoid of the appendix
(carcinoidum appendicis) / 270
8. / Colorectal leyomyosarcoma
(leyomyosarcoma coli) / 006
9. / Hemorrhagic intestinal infarction
(infractus haemorrhagicus intestini) / 160
10. / Barret esophagus / 283
2. Tusday: Pathology of the liver, bile ducts and pancreas. Łukasz Szylberg, MD, PhD
Topics to prapare:
ð Patterns of hepatic injury
ð Acute and chronic viral hepatitis
ð Drug and toxin-induced liver disease.
ð Cirrhosis.
ð Hemochromatosis
ð Primary sclerosing choalngitis
ð Circulatory disorders
ð Malignant tumors of liver
ð Cholelithiasis
ð Acute pancreatitis
Topics of tutorials:
ð Infectieous disorders
ð Autoimmune hapatitis
ð Alcoholic liver disease.
ð Insufficiency of liver.
ð Impaired blood flow into and through the liver.
ð Metabolic liver diseases
ð Cholestasis and disorders of the intrahepatic bile ducts
ð Nodules and tumors of liver
ð Fine and core needle biopsy
ð Cholecystitis
ð Tumors of the gallbladder
ð Pancreatitis
ð Neoplasms of pancreas
1. / Intrahepatic cholestasis(stasis bilis intrahepatica) / 148
2. / Viral hepatitis
(hepatitis viralis) / 227
3. / Alcoholic cirrhosis
(cirrhosis hepatis alcoholica) / 105, Masson, vanGiesson
4. / Postinflammatory cirrhosis
(cirrhosis hepatis postinfectiosa) / 162
5. / Centrilobular necrosis
(necrosis centrolobularis hepatis) / 070
6. / Liver cancer
(carcinoma hepatocellulare) / 277
7. / Cholecystitis
(cholecystits) / 280
8. / Gallbladder cancer infiltrating the liver / 269
3 Wensday.: Pathology of the respiratory tract part I. Joanna Maciejewska, MD
Topics to prapare:
ð Pneumonia – morphology and clinical features
ð Pulmonary vascular diseases
ð Chronic obturative disorders of lung.
ð Pathology changes in pleura
Topics of tutorials:
ð Etiology, pathogenesis, division and morphology mouth, throat, nose and trachea mucosa inflammations
ð Bronchiectases
ð Pneumonia – etiology, pathogenesis, morphology
ð Pneumoconioses
ð Obturative and restrictive disease of lung
ð Cor pulmonale
1. / Pulmonary artery embolism(embolia thrombotica ramorum arteriae pulmonalis) / 156
2. / Hemorrhagic lung infarction
(infarctus haemorrhagicus pulmonis) / 060
3. / Lobar pneumonia
(pneumonia lobaris) / 198
4. / Bronchopneumonia
(bronchopneumonia) / 067, 058
5. / Chronic bronchitis
(bronchitis chronica) / 076
6. / Fungal pulmonary infection
(pneumonia mycotica) / 115
7. / Mixed salivary gland tumor
(tumor mixtus; edenoma pleomorphum) / 031
8. / Pnemoconioses
(pneumoconioses) / 272
4. Thursday: Pathology of the respiratory tract part II. Joanna Maciejewska, MD
Topics to prapare:
ð Lung cancer
ð Cancer of larynx
ð Malignant tumors of the salivary glands
ð Nosopharyngeal cancer
Topics of tutorials:
ð Precancerous lesions and neoplasms of respiratory tract (including nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, bronchus, pleura)
1. / Squamous cell lung cancer(carcinoma planoepitheliale pulmonis) / 245
2. / Lung adenocarcinoma
(adenocarcinoma pulmonis) / 046
3. / Lung small cell carcionoma
(carcinoma microcellulare pulmonis) / 040
4. / Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
(carcinoma planoepitheliale laryngis) / 210
5. / Bronchial carcinoid and carcinoid of the appendix.
(carcinoidum bronchit et appendicis) (barw.chromograniną A) / 090, 249
5 Friday.: Childhood and infancy diseases. Łukasz Szylberg, MD
Topics to prapare:
ð Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
ð Fetal hydrops
ð Necrotizing enterocolitis
ð Wilms tumor
ð Neuroblastoma
ð Rethinoblastoma
ð Rhabdomyosarcoma
Topics of tutorials:
ð Congenital anomalies
ð Respiratory distress syndrome
ð Tumors of infancy and childhood
ð Prasotic infections
1. / Testicular hypoplasia(hypoplasia testis) / 145
2. / Neonatal respriratory distress syndrome
(membranae hyalinae pulmonum) / 159
3. / Trichinosis
(trichinellosis) / 164
4. / Echonococcosis
(echinococcosis cystica pulmonum) / 106
5. / Cerebral toxoplasmosis
toxoplasmosis cerebri) / 139, PAS
6. / Craniopharyngioma
(craniopharyngeoma) / 208
7. / Retinoblastoma
(retinoblastoma) / 202
!! TEST (exercises 1-10 and lectures 1,2)
1. Monday : Pathology of heart and vascular diseases Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska, MD
Topics to prapare:
ð Morphology of infarction
ð Hypertensive heart disease
ð Bacterial endocarditis
Topics of tutorials:
ð Atherosclerosis
ð Aneurysms and varicoses
ð Ischemic heart disease
ð Myocardial infarction
ð Right sided heart failure
ð Endocarditis
1. / Arteriosclerosis(arterioclerosis centralis) / 128, 131, 132
2. / Arteriosclerosis of renal arteries
(renes arteriosclerotici) / 212 +PAS
3. / Myocardial infarction
(infractus myocardii) / 255
4. / Myocardial scarring
(cicatrisatio postinfractosa myocardii) / 069
5. / Heart valve endocarditis
(endocarditis valvularis) / 216
6. / Fibrinous pericarditis
(pericarditis fibrinoidea) / 096
7. / Acute myocarditis
(myocarditis acuta) / 163, 250
8. / Hemorrhoids
(varices haemorrhoidales ani) / 251
9. / Hemangioma
(haemangioma) / 099
2. Tusday : Pathology of the urinary tract. Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska, MD
Topics to prapare:
ð Nephritic syndrome
ð Acute and chronić pyelonephritis
ð Vascular lesions in benign and malignant hypertension
ð Urolithiasis
ð Hydronephrosis
ð Renal cel carcinoma
ð Urothelial carcinoma of bladder
Topics of tutorials:
ð Nephritic syndrome and associated glomerulonephritis
ð Tubulointestinal nephritis induced by grugs and toxins
ð Nefropatia poanalgetyczna.
ð Acute tubular necrosis
ð Diseases of blood vessels
ð Cystic diseases of kidney
ð Tumors of the kidney and urinary tract
1. / Changes in diebetic kidney(degeneratio glycogenica renum) / 092, glikogen
2. / glomerulosclerosis intercapillaris / 030, PAS
3. / Glomerular sclerosis
(glomerulonephritis sclerosans) / 169, PAS
4. / Pyelonephritis
(pyelonephritis) / 199, PAS
5. / Renal cell carcinoma
(carcinoma clarocellulare renis) / 002, 247, PAS
6. / Urothelial carcinoma of the bladder
(carcinoma urotheliale) / 186
7. / Kidney transplant – rejection
(ang. Kidney rejection) / 273, PAS
3. Wensday: Hemopathology. Joanna Maciejewska, MD
Topics to prapare:
ð Reactive lymphadenitis
ð Definition of lymphoma and leukemia
ð Clinical manifestations of proliferative diseases of the lymphatic system
ð Hodgkin lymphoma – definition, types, morphology, clinical manifestation