Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of World Economy, St.Petersburg State University, Faculty of Economics

191194 Russia, St.Petersburg, 62, Tschaikovskogo str.

Phone (812) 272-03-30 Fax (812) 272-03-30, (812) 273-40-50


Born - July 13, 1952 in Leningrad, USSR.

Married, 3 children.

Fluent in English.

Professional Experience:

1996 - present: Professor, Head of the Department of World Economy,

St.Petersburg State Univ.

1992 - 1996: Professor, Head of Department of International

Economic Relations, St.Petersburg State Univ.

1991 - 1992: Professor of the Department of History of Economic Thought,

St.-Petersburg State Univ.

1985 - 1991: Reader (Associated Professor) of the Department of History

of Economic Thought, Leningrad State Univ.

1981 - 1985: Reader (Associated Professor) of the Department of Political

Economy, Leningrad State Univ.

1974 - 1981: Lecturer (Assistant Professor) of the Department of Political

Economy, Leningrad State Univ.


1969 - 1974: Economic Faculty of Leningrad State Univ. (Department of

Political Economy)


Author of more than 175 books, pamphlets and articles in different fields of economic theory. Some recent publications:

- Negotiating Russian Manufacturing: A Case Study of a Small US Firm. Monograph published by the University of Pittsburgh, Center for Russian and Eastern European Studies, August 1994 (in co-authorship, in English);

- Economic Cooperation between Russia and EC Countries: Obstacles and Prospects. in: Europe after Maastricht. American and European Perspectives. Ed. by Paul Michael Lutzeler. Berghahn Books. Oxford. 1994 (in co-authorship, in English);

- The Economy of Ph.D.-Studies. in: Symposium on Training of Ph.D.-Students. Budapest, August 29 - September 3, 1995. Collected Papers. Ed. by Karl-Erik Frandsen. International Zentrum. Tubingen (in English);

- Problems and Prospects of Economic Reintegration within the CIS. Review of Economies in Transition. Bank of Finland. Unit for Eastern European Economies. 1996, No (in English);

- Manager Training - Another Emerging Market in Russian Educational Services. Review of Economies in Transition. Bank of Finland. Unit for Eastern European Economies. 1996, No.1 (in co-authorship, in English);

- The Transport Network Structure of the St.Petersburg Region and its Impact on Russian-Finnish Economic Cooperation. Review of Economies in Transition. Bank of Finland. Unit for Eastern European Economies. 1996, No 4 (in co-authorship, in English);

- International Economic Relations. Textbook. St-Petersburg Univ. Press. 1996 (in co-authorship, in Russian);

- Russia’s International Economic Strategy: A General Assessment. Review of

Economies in Transition. Bank of Finland. Unit for Eastern European Economies. 1997, No 4 (in English);

- Trends and Perspectives in Sino-Russian Trade. Review of Economies in Transition. Bank of Finland. Unit for Eastern European Economies. 1997, No 4 (in co-authorship, in English);

- Comparative analysis of foreign entry strategies of western and CIS firms in each other markets. In: Choice and Management of Entry Strategies in International Business. Proceedings of the University of Vaasa. Vaasa. 1996 (in co-authorship, in English);

- Economy and natural resources of the North/Northwest Russia. In: Europe’s Northern Dimension. The BEAR meets the south. Ed. by L.Heininen & R. Langlais. University of Lapland. Rovaniemi 1997 (in English);

- Russian-Finnish trade: current state and future prospects. In «International relations: present day and history.» Issue 2. St.Petersburg. 1997. (in co-authorship, in Russian);

- Russian participation in international agreements and international economic organizations: Impact on foreign capital inflows into national economy. In: Entry and Management Behavior in Central and Eastern Europe. Ed. by Jorma Larimo. Vaasan Yliopiston Julkaisuja. Proceedings of the University of Vaasa Reports. Selvityksia ja Raportteja 25. Vaasa 1997. (in co-authorship, in English);

- Foundations of Economic Theory. Textbook with computer accompaniment Saint-Petersburg. 1998. (in co-authorship, in Russian);

- International Economic Relations. Textbook. Saint-Petersburg. 1998. (in Russian);

-Taxes and tax planning in world economy. Textbook. Saint-Petersburg. 1998. (in co-authorship, in Russian);

-  Mysteries and Puzzles of Modern Russian Economy. Turku School of Economics and Business Administration. Business Research and Development Centre. Series B. Research Reports. B13 / 1999. (Editor and co-author, in English);

-  Cultural Dimensions of Internationalization: Case of Russia. In: Perspectives on Internationalization. Ed. By Uolevi Lehtinen and Hannu Seristo. Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration. 1999. (in co-authorship, in English);

-  Pietarin talouden kehitys tienhaarassa. (St.Petersburg Economy between Elections). Turun Sanomat. February 6th, 2000. (in co-authorship, in Finnish);

-  Strategic Foreign Direct Investments in Russia before and after 1998 Crisis: The Case of SIEMENS. In Recent Studies in Transition and Operation in Central and Eastern Europe. Ed. by Jorma Larimo. Vaasan Yliopiston Julkaisuja. Proceedings of the University of Vaasa Reports. Selvityksia ja Raportteja 57. Vaasa 2000. (in co-authorship, in English);

-  Institutional Framework for External Economic Activities in Russia: Barrier or Promoter? In: VI World Congress for Central and East European Studies. Divergencies, Convergencies, Uncertainties. Abstracts. ICEES-FIREES. Tampere. 2000. (in English);

-  Russia and International Trade System. Petropolis. St.Petersburg. 2000. (Co-editor and co-author, in Russian);

-  State as foreign economic activities regulator in changing environment. In: “Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta” Series 5, Issue 4. 2000. (in Russian);

-  The Way of Sibirsky Aluminium. In: East Goes West – The Internationalization of Eastern Enterprises. Ed. by Kari Liuhto. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Studies in Industrial Engineering and Management. Lappeenranta 2001 (in co-authorship, in English);

-  International Dimension of Russian Transition. In: Ten Years of Economic Transformation. Vol. 2 – Markets, Companies and Foreign Business in Transition. Ed. by Kari Liuhto. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Studies in Industrial Engineering and Management. Lappeenranta 2001 (in co-authorship, in English);

-  Information technologies as a challenge to state regulation of economic development. In: Multimedia: the challenge for science, technology and business. 46th International Scientific Colloquium. Technical University of Ilmenau. 2001 (in English);

-  North within the context of globalization. In North Meets North. Proceedings of the First Northern Research Forum. Akureyri and Bessastadir, Iceland. Ed. by T.S.Bjornsson, J.H.Ingimundarson, L.Olafsdottir. Stefansson Arctic Institute & University of Akureyri. 2001 (in English);

-  Loukas Tsoukalis. The New European Economy Revisited. Editor of Russian translation (2001);

-  Theory and Practice of Co-operation in Russia (end of XIX – beginning of XX century). Reader. St. Petersburg. 2002. (co-editor, in Russian);

-  International Cooperation within Higher Education: Problems and Perspectives. In Norwegian-Russian Cooperation in Business Education and Research: Experience and Challenges. Ed. by A.Bourmistrov and F. Mellemvik. Bodo Graduate School of Business, Bodo Regional University, Norway. HBO-report 11/2002 (in co-authorship, in English);

-  Maritime oil transportation in the Baltic Sea: A Russian perspective. In: Growing Russian oil shipments in the Baltic Sea: Strategic decision or environmental risk. Ed. by Kari Liuhto. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Northern Dimension Research Centre. Lappeenranta. 2003. (in co-authorship, in English);

-  World Economy. Textbook. Editor. St.Petersburg. 2003 (in Russian);

-  Russian WTO Accession: Problems and Prospects. Materials of International Conference. Editor. St.Petersburg. 2003 (in Russian);

-  Russian Integration into the World Economy and Its Impact on National Labor Market//Far Eastern Studies (Published by Center for Far Eastern Studies, Toyama University, Japan) Vol.3 March 2004 (in English);

-  Globalization and the Arctic. In: Encyclopedia of the Arctic. Ed. by Mark Nuttall. Vol.2. Routledge. New York and London. 2005. (in co-authorship, in English);

-  Outward Internationalisation of Russian Leading Telecom Companies. Electronic Publications of Pan-European Institute (Turku School of Economics and Business Administration), I/2005 ISSN 1795-5076 (in co-authorship, in English);

-  Transitional Economies with the WTO System. Editor, co-author. St.Petersburg. 2005. (in Russian);

-  Russian Regions and Their Foreign Trade. ETLA. The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy. Discussion Paper No.995 2005. (in co-authorship, in English);

-  Results and Prospects of Regional Integration in Latin America// “Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta” Series 5, Issue 3. 2005. (in Russian);

-  Russian Telecommunication Company MTS Goes to the CIS//Journal of East-West Business.Vo.11, Numbers 3/4. 2005 (in co-authorship, in English);

-  Involvement of Foreign Companies in St.Petersburg and Leningrad Province. In: Business Environment in Russia. Assessment by Local Scholars. Ed. By Vadim Kapustkin. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Northern Dimension Research Centre. Lappeenranta 2007. (in co-authorship, in English);

-  World Economy and International Economic Relations. Textbook. Editor, co-author. St.Petersburg. 2007. (in Russian);

-  Doha round of WTO negotiations: prospects and repercussions for Russian Federation//World Journal of Management & Economics. 2007. Volume 1; Issue 2. (in English);

-  Intergovernmental Economic Organizations: uneasy transformation ahead. In: Scientific Papers. Dedicated to 25 anniversary of opening of International economic relations department in Leningrad State University. St.Petersburg. 2008. (in co-authorship, in English);

-  WTO: national economies interaction mechanism. Moscow. 2008 (Editor, co-author, in Russian);

-  Global Governance in Search of Sustainability: National State Perspective. In: Economic Globalization and the Choice of Asia: Transition, Growth and Welfare. Shanghai Forum 2008. Sub-Forum Economic Transformation for Asia: The International Environment and Institutional Restructuring. Shanghai Forum Organizing Committee, Fudan University. 2008. (in English);

-  Russian – South Korean Dimension of Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia. In: Peace and Prosperity amidst a World of Change on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia. Compendium of papers submitted for the 4th Busan International Symposium. 2008. (in co-authorship, in English and Korean);

-  International Trading System – Does it really represent a public good? World Journal of Management & Economics 2008. Vol. 2. Issue 1 (in English);

-  What Type of Global Governance Do We Need in Arctic? Proceedings from the 5th NRF Open Assembly in Anchorage, Alaska. 24th - 27th of September 2008. (in English);

-  Internationalization of Russian Economy: threats and opportunities in time of crisis. Electronic Publications of Pan-European Institute 4/2009 (in English)

-  International Economic Organizations in the System of Global Governance: Challenges and Prospects//Osaka City University Economic Review. Vol.44 March 2009. (in co-authorship, in English)

Teaching Experience:

Deliver lectures in: Economics; History of Economic Thought; Introduction to the Theory of Taxation; International Economics; Introduction to the Theory of State Regulation of International Economic Activity; Commercial Diplomacy; Russian Economy in Transition.

Experience of International Co-operation:

1980 - 1981: Research fee student in London School of Economics;

1992 - 1994: Participant of Summer seminars organised and sponsored by the INTERNATIONAL CENTER at the Univ. of Tubingen (Germany).

1994: Program Co-ordinator of "Agribusiness Development" Seminar presented by Texas A&M Univ. (USA) and St.Petersburg State Univ.

1994 - 1995: Co-ordinator of INTERNATIONAL CENTER (Univ. Tubingen) for St.Petersburg State Univ.

1994 - 2002: Lecturer on "Russian Foreign Trade" in International Program

organised by Babson College (USA) and St.Petersburg State Univ.

1995: Visiting lecturer on Russian International Economic Relations in «ARGO-95» (Russian-American Humanitarian Education) Programme, presented by Moscow branch of Russian Scientific Foundation.

1995 - 1996: Visiting Researcher in Bank of Finland, Unit for Eastern European Economies.

1995 - 2009: Visiting lecturer on different aspects of Russian foreign economic

policy to the students of Universities in Finland, Sweden, Germany, Japan, Austria.

1996 - 1998: Participant of TACIS-ACE projects on "Market

Structures and Foreign Direct Investment in Transition

Economies" and “A Comparative Analysis of Industrial Restructuring in the TACIS Countries”.

1997 - 1998: Lecturer on «Modern Russian Economy» and «Internationalisation of the firm» within the framework of Joint

Nordic-Russian Executive Training Programme (NORLET).

1999: Visiting Researcher and Visiting Lecturer on «Transition into

Market Economy» at Turku School of Economics and Business


2000 – 2005 External Professor, Visiting Professor in Executive Training programme presented by “Stockholm School of Economics in Saint Petersburg”.

2000 – 2005 Participant and co-manager of Finnish-Russian project “Economic Monitoring of the North- and North-Western Russian regions”.

2001 - 2009 Lecturer and Russian director of educational programme “Commercial Diplomacy” presented by Economic Faculty of St.Petersburg State University and Centre for Trade Policy and Law (Carleton University & University of Ottawa, Canada).

2002-2005 Member of the Board of Advisers Encyclopedia of the Arctic. Ed. by Mark Nuttall. Vol.1-3. Routledge. New York and London. 2005.