October 2014

Annual Report of the Governing Body for Danygraig Primary School Group S33

Under the Provision of the School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013.Governing bodies will provide parents of registered pupils with an annual report.

It will no longer be necessary for Governing bodies to hold an Annual meeting with parents.

Parents have the right to petition a meeting with Governors up to 3 times a year, signed by either 10% of parents of registered pupils or 30 parents whichever is the lower. Discussion will be on issues relating to the school and not individual pupils.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We the Governors of Danygraig Primary take this opportunity to outline a summary of the responsibilities of the Governing body in the discharge of their duties.

Much of the life of the school, its statistics and achievements, of which there are many are listed in this report. I as chairperson wish to thank my colleagues for their support and commitment throughout the past year.

I also wish to thank the Headteacher and the whole school staff for their unfailing dedication to the education and wellbeing of our children. Most sincerely, I thank you our parents. Your co-operation and continued support in all aspects of school life is greatly appreciated.

Danygraig is making every effort to address the needs and demands of education in the 21st century. It is our aim to ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential.

Working together staff, parents, governors and pupils we can face the challenges ahead.

Cllr Clive Lloyd (Chairperson).

Governing Body Members Category End of term of Office

Mr N P Morgan Headteacher

Mrs S Driscoll Clerk

Cllr C Lloyd (Chairperson) LA Governor August 2016

Cllr J Hale LA Governor August 2016

Mr G Wheel Community February 2016

Mrs G Knill Community October 2015

Mrs M Renzi-Davies Parent December 2014

Mrs S Hyett Parent December 2014

Mrs M Fairhead Parent December 2016

Mr Khandaker El-Wahid Parent December 2016

Mrs S Stokes Staff October 2015

Mr M Cummins Support Staff October 2015

There are currently vacancies for 1 LA and 1 Community governor.

Appropriate ballots are held when the term of office ends apart from LA governors. Vacancies will arise for parent governors in December 2014.The School will advise nearer to that date of procedures for application.

The School is due to be inspected through Estyn,the Welsh Assembly Government Inspectorate in Spring Term 2015.

Governing Body Meetings

In discharging its duties, the Governing body meets regularly. Topics discussed have included staffing, school organisation, curriculum, finance, premises and future development.

As governors we are always available for consultation.

During the past year governors have:

: Received and considered reports from the Headteacher on school organisation, curriculum, training, educational visits and pupil achievements.

: Ensured that resources have been properly managed and finances have been correctly accounted for in accordance with the authority’s regulations.

: Monitored the employment of teaching and non teaching staff.

: Received reports on SEN/ALN and Child Protection issues.

: Monitored the implementation of the Wales Curriculum.

: Approved and received school policies and service level agreements.

: Implemented and discussed Welsh Assembly initiatives.

: Ensured premises are well maintained and safe.

The School Prospectus isavailable on Swansea Edunet Portal. Content remains as at publication date 2014.

Term Dates for 2014-2015

Term / Term / Half
Term / Half
Term / Term
2014 / September
1st / October
24th / October
27th / October
31st / November
3rd / Dec
19th / 75
2015 / January
5th / February
13th / February
16th / February
20th / February
23rd / Mar
27th / 55
2015 / April
13th / May
22nd / May
25th / May
29th / June
1st / July
20th / 65
Total / Days / 195
Holidays / Good
Friday / Easter
Monday / May
Day / Spring
Holiday / Inset
April 3rd / April 6th / May 4th / May25th / Sept 1st

Session Times

Morning Nursery 8:50am -11:20am

Afternoon Nursery 12:50pm -15:20pm

Specialist Teaching 8:50am -15:00pm

Foundation –Year 6 8:50am - 15:20pm

Lunchtime 11:55am - 12:55pm

Staffing and Pupils: Pupil Numbers. At present the pupil numbers stand at FTE :255 Junior :128 Foundation:99 Nursery:29 PT:29 FSTF :7 JSTF :8

Teaching Staff

Mr NP Morgan Headteacher

Mr AP Byrne Deputy Head/Head of KS2 Year 6

Mrs B Currenti Asst Head/SENCO/LNF Manager FSTF

Mrs S Stokes Asst Head/Head Foundation Reception

Mrs Z Morelli Nursery

Mrs H Morgan Reception/Yr1

Mrs S Stark Year1

Mrs R Williams Year2

Mr D Field Year3

Miss S Flower Year3/4

Mr B Curtin Year4

Mrs L Smedley Year5

Mr P Hobbs /Miss S Richards JSTF

Mrs S Jeremiah ALN/Boys Learning

Mrs A Thomas PPA Cover

Teaching Assistants

Mrs V Harris HLTA Mrs H Phillips Mrs A Stevens

Mrs S Dicataldo Mrs S Lewis Miss E Raven

Mrs C Boat Mrs K Rees Mr J Hopkins

Mrs S Driscoll Miss L Stephens Mr D Nevis

Mrs D Llewellyn Miss G Coates Mrs D Davies Mrs C Merriman Mrs L Harris

Pastoral Support Officer

Mrs K Jones

Literacy/Numeracy Support

Mrs H Lawrence, Mrs Q D’Silva

Lunchtime Supervisors

Mrs E Davies, Ms J Martin, Mrs G Woods, Mrs B Thomas, Mrs M Norris, Mrs D Davies .


Mrs J Griffiths, Mrs G Pennock, Mrs D Lancey.

Cleaning Staff

Mrs K Rees, Mrs B Thomas, Mrs P Betty


Mrs K Bevan, Mrs P Richards, Mrs S Mages

Breakfast Club

Mrs K Bevan, Mrs B Thomas, Mrs M Norris, Mrs S Moore

Caretaker/Site Manager

Mr M Cummins

Community Links

The School is involved in a variety of community/School projects.


Recycling- Eco Schools.

Healthy Eating

Art in the Community

Waterfront Community Church

Fabian Bay Congregational Church

St Stephens Church

Design to Smile

The school has good links with our local churches, police and Library.We are involved in Sports projects with the Ospreys, Swansea City FC, WRU, and the tennis centre. Business Links include Tesco, Sainsbury, Amazon, Admiral, Rees Davies Funeral Directors, East Side Printers, Leyland Paints and Lovells. We have continued our links with Swansea University, Swansea Metropolitan University and Gower College.

The Friends Association continue to support the school in a range of activities. The Governing body would like to express its gratitude and appreciation to those members.

The local Brownie Group have use of the school hall one evening per week.

We now take part in the Welsh Assembly free breakfast initiative. The facility operates daily and is well attended.

Extra curricular activities

A school choir, instrumental group, science club, ICT web team and board games club are held during lunchtimes. After school clubs include rugby, football, athletics, netball,rounders, cricket, badminton, tennis and gymnastics.

PE and Games Skills are included for all pupils with curriculum provision. We also provide a programme of school and inter school sports activities and competitive matches, enabling pupils to develop sports and social skills, together with a positive attitude towards a health regime .As well as the sports above pupils are involved with cycling, swimming, dance and keep fit. The WRU and Swansea City continue to hold training sessions and pupils have visited Wimbledon for the last two years.


Basic Skills Quality Mark (Twice)

Eco Green Flag

Recycling Silver and Gold Awards

Dyslexia Friendly School Award

Health Promoting School

Internet: Internet, e-mail is now established throughout the school. The school adheres to a policy for safe use of the internet.

School uniform:We believe the wearing of school uniform helps bring a sense of pride and belonging to the school and community.

School Council: The school council has elected representatives from Yr2-Yr6 they are encouraged to contribute positively. Their opinions and views are invaluable to school evaluation and development

School Assembly:A multi-cultural assembly is held every morning. These are taken by the Headteacher, teaching staff and occasionally local clergy. Pupil achievements and attendance are recognised and celebrated during a weekly awards assembly.

Health and Safety/Wellbeing:All policies are updated regularly, these include medical and health care plans, discrimination and equal opportunities, educational visits, risk assessments, security and internet safety .A full emergency evacuation plan is in place and fire safety training has been completed by all staff. Regular fire drills are carried out and a full business continuity plan is in place.

Premises: The school is monitored annually for asbestos, we are graded as black which is very low risk. Staff and contractors are informed of the location and the current plan includes risk assessments and control measures. The boiler house roof has water ingress presenting a danger to the boiler and electric, quotes are being obtained for the completion of safety work. Work is underway to install a poly-tunnel and a memorial garden has been installed in memory of Mr Ian Warden.

Finger guards have been fitted on all doors and fire safety doors are to be installed in the computer suite. UPVC doors and windows have been installed in the foundation building, canteen and arches. An emergency lighting system has been installed. Negotiations are ongoing with the LA regarding repairs to the playground. The school continues to use an access intercom system and CCTV for security has been installed. A current accessibility plan is in operation.

Accessibility Plan and Policy:Under the schools accessibility plan a ramped access has been installed. The main office is situated on the ground floor along with a physiotherapy medical room. Disabled changing and toilet facilities are also available. All toilet facilities are on the ground floor, have hand dryers and are cleaned and replenished daily.

Inset (In Service Training): Members of staff are continuing to attend local authority organised and school based training activities in accordance with the schools policy on CPD .(Continuing Professional Development).

Attendance/Exclusions:Attendance has improved from 91% with an average attendance of 93.8%. A pastoral support officer has been employed to deal with emotional welfare, attendance, social services, admissions, looked after children, and liaison with asylum families and the community. The school is pleased that there have been no exclusions.

Bi-lingual Policy:Danygraig fully promotes bi-lingual policy and practise. Welsh is encouraged in all aspects of school life, activities, subject lessons and displays .It is our aim to also promote the use of welsh in less formal situations ie: breakfast club, canteen and playground.

ALN/SEN:(Additional and Special Learning Needs) Mrs CurrentiAssistant Head is the ALN/SEN manager. The school operates two specialist teaching facilities and also provides for the needs of several other children with statements of SEN within mainstream. School action plus entails support from outside agencies such as speech and language therapy, physiotherapy and local health centres. Danygraig also works with EMLAS to provide support for pupils with English as an additional language. A MAT (more able and talented) register is kept and constantly reviewed in order to focus on specific talents and skills. New schemes of work have also been implemented to improve boys learning.

Development Plan and Strategies:The school has an on-going SDP (School Development Plan) with the main aim of raising standards in key skills, pupil performance and attainment. It also addresses Post inspection issues and ongoing challenges.The school uses standardised NFER tests in Maths and English from reception – Year 6 to obtain benchmark data. INCERTS are also used to produce an acceptable format for recording individual progress and reporting LNF (Literacy and Numeracy tests) results to parents.

Monitoring of Standards: The monitoring and evaluation of standards is carried out by the Headteacher and Senior Management Team, curriculum leaders and class teachers. We have developed a culture of self evaluation for staff and governors.A full programme of subject leader monitoring is in place there is a one year cycle for core subjects and two year cycle for others. Classroom observations take place taking particular notice of the development of Literacy and Numeracy skills within subjects.

Data/Targets:Teacher assessments of learner standards are completed in Year 2 and Year 6.The information is fed into the all Wales Core Data. The school is ranked in a quartile table system along with other similar schools across Wales It is necessary for the school to dissagregate STF(Specialist Teaching Facility) learners from the data to present an accurate picture. A recent report from the ERW places Danygraig in the top quartile the overall judgement being: Learner Outcome and Capacity to improve both GOOD.

Primary /Secondary School Liasion: Danygraig works closely with our secondary school partner CefnHengoed.Staff from partner schools provide curriculum links, transition,meet to discuss pupil information and attend open evenings. Pupils from Danygraig visit on induction and selected activity days. Most Year 6 leavers go on to attend CefnHengoed, some however choose to attend other comprehensive schools. Sports tournaments for partner schools have featured strongly.

Finance:The main expenditure in providing an educational establishment has been met by the schools delegated budget. End of 2013/14 financial year report see Appendix A.

The budget includes grants for PDG (Pupil Deprivation Grant) and SEG(Strategic Education Grant).Income has been generated from the schools training partnership with Swansea Metropolitan University together with a nominal amount from school lettings. Fundraising and donations from the Friends Association have assisted in school resourcing and the maintenance of the school mini bus. The above are in addition to the school budget.

A recent quote from the ERW report states:

Danygraig is a Good to Outstanding School, with

. Good outcomes and Good capacity to improve.


Mr. N. Morgan B.A. Hons.
Tel: Swansea (01792) 650946
Fax: Swansea (01792) 641704
/ Ysgol Street,
Port Tennant,

Headteacher’s Annual Report 2014

Dear Parents,

The report covering the period September/Medi 2013 to July/Gorffennaf 2014 is as follows:

Changes to staffing since September 2013: - Mrs Currenti has been appointed as Assistant Headteacher, with classroom responsibility for the Foundation STF. She will also manage and oversee all matters of Additional Learning Needs, and will implement and manage the Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF)

Mr Hobbs elected to work on a part-time basis – 0.6 (three days a week) in the Junior STF. Mrs L Tashara-Johansen has been employed on a temporary basis at 0.4, for the Junior STF.

Mr Hobbs will continue to work on a Flexible-working scheme, at 0.6. during academic year 2014-15.

Mrs Sarah Jenkins, Assistant Headteacher, took well-deserved early retirement at the end of the summer term 2014. I’m sure you’d like to join me in wishing Mrs Jenkins good health and every happiness for the future.

The school has since appointed Miss Sarah Flowers to replace Mrs Jenkins. We have also appointed Miss Stacey Richards to work in the Junior STF and in other teaching roles around the school.

Standards and Performance:

The following is from a report from ERW and the school’s System Leader - December 2013

Dear Head and Chair of Governors of DanygraigPrimary School,

I’m sure that you are aware that, as part of a regional approach to school improvement, SwanseaLA has been working closely with all schools to help them improve:

Main Strengths – DanygraigPrimary School

Upward trend in Foundation Phase across all areas of learning and performance above the family average after disaggregation of the pupils attending the STF

In Foundation Phase, the attainment of FSM (Free School Meal) pupils is comparable and in some cases exceeds that of the non-FSM pupils

At Key Stage 2, after disaggregating the results of pupils attending the STF results are above the family average (NB The school will, however, aim to ensure the gap is narrowed, and that FSM learners can attain at a favourable rate to non FSM learners)

A focus on utilising approaches to improve the performance of boys at higher levels has impacted positively

Extent and impact of strategic partnerships is a strength of the school

Self-evaluation practices are utilised very effectively to plan for school improvement

Areas for development (All addressed in the School Development Plan)

Improve the performance of pupils in Foundation Phase at the higher levels especially in PSD to be in line with the family average.

NB – End of Foundation Phase Outcomes for 2014 is showing significant improvement in this area of learning.

Improve pupil performance in extended writing especially boys to be in line with the family average - 2014 shows an improvement, but Writing in both Foundation Phase and KS2 will remain a main priority for Improvement in the 2014-15 School Development Plan.

Improve pupil performance in Mathematics at Key Stage 2 to above the median for ‘Family Group’ Benchmarking.

Implementation of the LNF to be led by the appointment of an Assistant Headteacher… NBMrs Currenti has been appointed as Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for leading the implementation of the National Literacy and Numeracy Framework.

Increase attainment of FSM pupils at expected level plus one in Key Stage 2

Utilise FFT to its full potential as part of the school’s data analysis processes

Our overall judgement on your school is as follows :

Learner Outcomes - Good

Capacity to improve - Good

As a result we have placed your school in the following category:

Good to outstanding

Safeguarding – Child Protection:

The school’s Safeguarding and child Protection Policies are reviewed regularly. The named person for reporting all matters of Child Protection is Mr. N Morgan, Headteacher. The Governor responsible for overseeing child Protection is the Chair of Governors. There have been seven referrals to Social Services (CCARAT) of a Child Protection nature since September 2013. None of the referrals relate to incidents on school premises or involving school staff. There are three children currently on the Child Protection Register, and two children on the ‘Child in Need’ category. All are monitored by the school.