Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Edition #5

Dear Cathedral Parents,

I would like to invite you to join us for Mass during the day. Our morning Masses are held five days per week at 7:00 a.m. each morning in the Sisters of Providence Chapel on the main floor of Father Kelly Hall.

Our rotating Masses vary in time, but will be shown in the emails for the coming week.

Remember, our children do what we model, not just what we say. Come in and begin the day with Jesus!

Use these hyperlinks to find information quickly:





Bookstore and Spirit Shop


Choir News

College Information


Dates to Remember

Mothers’ Club



Smart Quote





Dates to Remember:


Tues, Aug 30 PLC – PLC Schedule


Thurs, Sept 1 Sophomore Parent Night - sponsored by the guidance department. We review sophomore

year events, explain ECA and PSAT Testing, service project and a guest speaker – 7:00 p.m. in

Student Life Center Commons

Fri, Sept 2 Amy’s Day – Cafeteria at 6:15 - 7:15 a.m. in Cafeteria

Mon, Sept 5 Labor Day – no school

Tues, Sept 6 County – AM Assembly Schedule

Wed, Sept 7 Senior Parent Night, put on by the College Advisors (Terry Knaus-IU)

Thurs, Sept 8 Magazine Assembly – AM Assembly Schedule

Fri, Sept 9 Spirit Assembly – Spirit Assembly Schedule

Shack City on Cathedral’s Campus All-Night

Dad’s Day Breakfast – Cafeteria – 6:15 a.m. – 7:15 a.m.

Sun, Sept 11 Grandparents’ Mass and Brunch from 10:00 – 1:00 p.m. in Robert V. Welch Student Activity Center.

Mon, Sept 12 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony – School begins at regular time; special schedule; students are to report to

first period no later than 7:34 a.m.

Tues, Sept 13 Cathedral’s 93rd Birthday – All-School Liturgy – Mass Schedule

T-F, Sep 13-16 Senior Retreat #1

Thurs, Sept 15 Trustees and Emerald Isle Dinner

Fri, Sept 16 Black Box #1 – Theatre

Tues, Sept 20 PLCs – PLC Schedule

Junior Parent Night (Speaker: Alan Hill-Franklin College)

Tues, Sept 27 County – AM Assembly Schedule

Wed, Sept 28 Mothers’ Club (Cathedral Connection) Freshman/Sophomore Parent Meeting



Mass Information:

From the Desk of the Chaplains ~ Daily Mass is offered in the Chapel at 7:00 a.m. on each day. Fr. Munshower, our Chaplain, encourages members of the Cathedral Family to contact him to have a mass said in memory of a loved one. His phone number is 968-7362. The $10 mass stipend would go to a fund to help financially marginalized students here at Cathedral High School – helping those within our midst who need our help! If you are not able to pay the $10, you may still submit an intention for our daily Mass. Please contact Fr. Munshower at 968-7362 or Father Zahn (968-7456 for details and arrangements. Father also requests that, if you contract a Mass, that someone from your family tries to be in attendance on that day.

Morning Masses begin at 7:00 a.m. in the Cathedral Chapel.

Thurs / 9/1 / Weekday Mass / RIP Michael F. Quinn (’44)
Fri / 9/2 / Weekday Mass / RIP Suz Masterson & Rita Kesterson
Mon / 9/5 / Labor Day / No School
Tues / 9/6 / Weekday Mass / RIP Theodore C. Kirn, grandfather of David (’13) and Theodore (’14) Price
Wed / 9/7 / Weekday Mass / RIP Dr. Justin E. Walsh (’51)
Thurs / 9/8 / Nativity of Bl. Virgin Mary / Still available
Fri / 9/9 / St. Peter Claver / RIP Suz Masterson & Rita Kesterson

Father John Zahn, Chaplain, will be offering Mass on Monday mornings and during the school day on a rotating basis. This will allow your children to take advantage of a daily mass during their resource periods some days. IF you wish to attend one of these Masses, please just come in. Also, if you wish to have petitions during these masses, please contact Father John Zahn at .

·  Thursday, September 1st from 11:15 – 12:00 p.m.

·  Friday, September 2nd from 12:10 – 12:40 p.m.

·  Tuesday, September 6th from 1:30 – 2:15 p.m.

·  Wednesday, September 7th from 2:25 – 3:05 p.m.



Congratulations to 2011 graduate Maxxamillion A. (Maxx) Hamm. He was first recognized by the America Legion of District 11 (Marion County) as their Eagle Scout of the Year. Then, representing District 11 in the state competition, Maxx was then honored as the American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year for the State of Indiana. This prestigious honor included a $1,000 scholarship. Maxx is currently a member of the “rat line” at the Virginia Military Institute.



Changes of dates to be updated in your Blue Books:

·  Add PLC Schedule to November 8 and March 13.

·  Math league listed in the blue book on Feb. 14 has been moved to Feb. 7.

Last Tuesday Cathedral kicked off the County system with a fun-filled assembly. The County system is a design to create 10 small groups of faculty and students and within the county itself are 6 smaller groups- called towns. These towns will meet every two weeks to discuss issues in this student lead program. Over the course of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters, students can attend events, do service, and participate in events to earn point for their county. At the end of the year we will crown a county champion who will win their name on the coveted ‘Barb Fitzgerald Bell,’ which will sit in the student entrance as a reminder to all of us to be Servant Leaders.

Ask your student in which county of Ireland they will participate.


The 2011 magazine sale will officially kick off on Thursday, September 8 when the paper packets will be sent home. To date we have a number of students who have qualified for the free day by ordering at Several have achieved this by simply sending out personalized e mails through which eliminates the need to collect checks and send money to school with order forms. There will be 2 random drawings of $50.00 for those students that have achieved 11 or 14 sales. Be on the outlook for information coming home with your child on September 8.

Magazine Sale Helpers Needed:

We are looking for parents to share in the fun of volunteering to help with the annual Cathedral High School magazine sale. This year the sale begins on Thursday, September 8, 2011 and we will need volunteers to help tabulate all of your students’ great selling efforts. Although we welcome back our veteran magazine sale volunteers, no experience is necessary. Volunteer opportunities are as follows:


·  Thursday, September 15

·  Thursday, September 22

·  Thursday, September 29

·  Friday, September 30

·  Thursday, October 6

·  Thursday, October 20

·  Tuesday, October 25


We will meet at 9:00 a.m. in the Baker Board Room (inside the media center in the Student Life Center). Most days we will be finished in 2 hours or less. If you are able to volunteer some of your valuable time to help with this important fund-raising activity, please contact Amy Sieber ( or at 823-3917) and let her know of your availability. Your help is needed and greatly appreciated.


F ound: One pair of glasses at Lucas Oil Stadium in Section 240, row 2. If you are missing some, please contact me at .



1)  Attention Seniors! Applications for the September 13-16th Senior Retreat are due this Friday (September 2nd). You may turn them in to either Mrs. Witka or Mrs. Erotas.

2)  Call-out meeting for Timmy High School Chapter is Tuesday, August 30th in the SLC Commons at 3:30. See you there!

3)  Call-out meeting for Lifesavers (pro-life group) is Tuesday, September 6th at 3:30 in SLC Commons. Everyone is welcome!

4)  The Liturgy ministry training session is August 31st at 6:00pm in the SLC Commons. Please RSVP to Mrs. Erotas or Mrs. Witka

5)  Spanish Club met tonight in room #3305 after school. Come for food, information and fun! If you missed this meeting, please see Snra. Boyd to let her know that you are interested.

6)  Playtime Club Call Out Meeting - Wednesday, Sept. 7…….3:15 in the Media Center

Attend performances at the Indiana Repertory Theatre

For only $12.50 per show!

Free transportation from Cathedral to the theater and back.

This year’s main stage performances include:

Dracula Julius Caesar A Christmas Carol Radio Golf

God of Carnage Fallen Angels The Miracle Worker


Seniors, are you interested in government? …an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C.? …a $5,000 college scholarship? Then this may be the opportunity for you. The United States Senate Youth Program is a unique educational experience for outstanding high school students interested in pursuing careers in public service. Two student leaders from each state will spend a week in Washington experiencing their national government in action. Student delegates will hear major policy addresses by Senators, cabinet members, officials from the Departments of State and Defense and directors of other federal agencies, as well as participate in a meeting with a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. In addition, each delegate will also be awarded a $5,000 College Scholarship for undergraduate studies. Cathedral High School can nominate one outstanding senior to compete for this experience. All application paper work and résumé must be submitted to Mr. Worland by Tuesday, September 20th at the end of the day. All application information can be found on the following website . Any questions can be directed to Mr. Worland or Ms. Baisinger.


Grandparents’ Day Mass and Brunch:

The Advancement Office is looking for parent-volunteers to help with the Grandparents’ Day Mass and Brunch on Sunday, September 11. We need your help to greet and check grandparents in as they arrive, give nametags, direct families to seating, etc. We would need you to help beginning at 9:15 a.m. through the start of mass at 10:00. We also need a few to stay longer to help with Grandparents coming for brunch only (between 10:00 and 11:00). If you would like to help, please contact Ginny Casey in the Events Office at 968-7460 or .

Cathedral High School


We welcome students and their grandparents

Mass: 10 a.m.
*Brunch: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sunday, September 11, 2011

In the Welch Activity Center


RSVP: Ginny Casey at 968-7460

or .

by Sept. 6th


Cathedral Speech Team:

Does your student get caught talking in class?? Does your student seem to have all the "answers”? If so encourage them to come out for the CHS Speech team! They can put all those talents to good use.

·  Speech Team Information Sessions Tuesday Aug 30 and Wednesday 31 3:30-4:00 Kelly Hall Room 4235

·  Speech Team Practice begins Sept 6th

·  Students who have after school conflicts with the practice schedule may attend Sunday practices from 3-5 at CHS.

For more information please contact Jeanne Malone


Cathedral High School is pleased to provide text messaging alert notifications for weather delays and other special announcements or emergencies. These messages are available to students and/or parents – standard text messaging rates may apply.

For parents who wish to receive the alerts, please text IRISHPARENT to 75667.

·  For seniors, text IRISH2012 to 75667.

·  For juniors, text IRISH2013 to 75667.

·  For sophomores, text IRISH2014 to 75667.

·  For freshmen, text IRISH2015 to 75667.

Parents: By now you have received information about the upcoming magazine sale. The most efficient way to support Cathedral is by purchasing online at and searching Cathedral or entering code 107822. Please register your child so sales can be tracked and you can send personalized e mails.

-  Tim Kurtz – the Magazine Man -


Donuts with J2 – Jesus and Father John - an information scripture discussion of the Sunday readings hosted by Father John every Thursday morning at 7:00 a.m. in Room 4244.


Please join us on Monday, September 19th for the 17th annual Tradition Golf Outing, which honors men and women who have helped shape Cathedral into the model school she is today. This year we are pleased to honor one of Cathedral’s favorite sons, John L. Davis, ’66. Davis is a Board Member Emeritus, past Board Chairman, and alumni parent of Ryan ’06, Mike ’98, Kevin ’95, and Molly (Hahn) ’92. John is a faithful supporter of Cathedral and has given unselfishly of his time, talents, and treasure.

·  We invite parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends to help Cathedral and honor John Davis by participating in The Tradition on Monday, September 19, at The Hawthorns Golf and Country Club. Check-in and lunch begin at 11:00 a.m., with a shotgun start at noon. We also offer opportunities for sponsorship.

·  Please follow this link for registration and sponsorship opportunities:

Lisa Renze-Rhode, Director of Marketing and Communications

P: (317) 968-7352


Amy’s Day will be held on Friday, September 2nd. “Amy’s Day” is for parents and daughters (school-age) who choose to spend quality time together.

o  When: The 1st Friday of each month (except for School breaks in January/April)

o  From: 6:15 a.m. - 7:15 a.m.

o  Where: Cathedral High School Cafeteria…breakfast

o  is served by Sahm’s for $7.00 per person (Not for profit).

o  Who: Daughters & any parent! (Fathers and daughters as well as mom/guardian(s)!

o  Why: Quality time with the ones you love. We have wonderful speakers that address topics such as: self-respect, dating, drinking and drugs, health & wellness, value of a close family, etc. We take requests as well.