8th Grade US History...The BIG Review

Colonial America

  • The 13 English colonies were divided into these three groups. (New England, Middle Colonies, Southern Colonies)
  • England's first colony in North America. (Roanoke)
  • England's first successful colony in North America. (Jamestown)
  • The leader of Jamestown colony. (John Smith)
  • What group settled into the lands of William Penn's colony (that's be Pennsylvania). (Quakers)
  • America's first written government(at least for a few English folks). (The Mayflower Compact)
  • This guy led a farmer's rebellion in Virginia. (Nathaniel Bacon)
  • These people got free passage to the colonies in exchange for 5-7 years of labor. (indentured servants)
  • This war was fought between the British and the French in North America. (French & Indian War)
  • Old GW built this fort during the French & Indian War. (Fort Necessity)
  • English laws to control trade. (Navigation Acts)

Revolutionary America

  • This Act was not as sweet as its name. (Sugar Act)
  • This electrical fellow was a leader in the English colonies. (Benjamin Franklin)
  • This beverage was taxed several times. (tea)
  • Oh man...I can't believe I have to pay a tax on my deck of cards because of this Act. (Stamp Act)
  • This dude from Boston planned a lot of protests against England. (Samuel Adams)
  • This group of powerful colonists made decisions for the Americans during the Revolutionary War. (Continental Congress)
  • Because of the taxes, many colonists did this to British goods. (boycotted)
  • This dude wrote the rough draft of the Declaration of Independence. (Thomas Jefferson)
  • Uh oh...the streets of Boston got bloody after this incident. (Boston Massacre)
  • Oh yeah...party time in Boston Harbor! (Boston Tea Party)
  • This guy was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence. (John Hancock)
  • The Revolutionary War began with battles at these two Massachusetts towns. (Lexington & Concord)
  • The British are coming! Paul Revere got the credit but this guy finished the ride. (Samuel Prescott)
  • William Prescott is noted for giving his troops an unusual order...what was it? (don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes)
  • Old GW led his troops across this river to attack the Hessians. (Delaware River)
  • This hill overlooking Boston was the sight of a bloody battle. (Bunker Hill)
  • Man is it cold out here...so said Old GW and his troops during the winter here. (Valley Forge)
  • This battle, and American victory, was a turning point in the war. (Saratoga)
  • I regret I have but one question on this review...or something like that, was said by whom? (Nathan Hale)
  • This guys, with their crazy accents and love of wine and cheese, joined the American cause. (France)
  • Oops...this dude turned traitor on Old GW and the Americans. (Benedict Arnold)
  • This big victory by the Americans was the beginning of the end for the British. (Battle of Yorktown)
  • Oh man...I can't believe I have to surrender to these guys...so said this British general. (Cornwallis)
  • Yeehaw...we won...this was proclaimed after America signed this treaty. (Treaty of Paris)

Constitutional America

  • This was Americas first form of government. (Articles of Confederation)
  • The Articles of Confederation were considered weak because they lacked a strong what? (central government)
  • This convention was called to fix America's government. (Constitutional Convention)
  • Hey...how many people were slaves counted as to determine representation? (3/5ths)
  • This state's plan gave power to states with larger populations. (Virginia)
  • Uh oh...we need to come to an agreement...let's call it the? (Great Compromise)
  • Name the three branches of government. (Legislative, Executive, Judicial)
  • Our government shares power between states and the central government...what is this system called? (Federal System)
  • What system keeps the three branches equal? (Checks and Balances)
  • If the president doesn't like a bill, they may reject it using this power. (veto)
  • Congress is divided into these two elected groups. (House of Representatives & the Senate)
  • If the president does something extra bad, he or she may be...? (impeached)
  • If you want to be president, you must be a citizen by...? (birth)
  • What group actually elects the president? (Electoral College)
  • The 9 Supreme Court Justices serve for this long... (life)
  • Too bad...you can only serve ____ terms as president. (2)
  • What fraction of votes must Congress get to override the president's veto? (2/3rds)
  • What fraction of states must agree in order to pass an amendment? (3/4ths)
  • What is the name of that person who takes over as president if the vice president is not able? (speaker)
  • James Madison, John Jay, and this dude wrote the Federalist Papers. (Alexander Hamilton)
  • The first 10 amendments are called the...? (Bill of Rights)
  • Hey you! How many amendments are there? (27)
  • I'm a blue alien, 29 years old, and a citizen of the US...which amendment secures my right to vote? (15th)
  • Which amendment gave women the right to vote? (19th)
  • Which amendment prevents you from being a witness against yourself? (5th)
  • This amendment gives everyone equal protection under the law. (14th)
  • Illegal searches and seizures are prevented by this amendment. (4th)
  • What 5 things does the first amendment protect? (speech, press, religion, petition, assembly)
  • Which amendment ended slavery in the US? (13th)
  • Uh oh, the Supreme Court said segregation was legal because of this case. (Plessy vs. Ferguson)
  • This poor guy was tricked into confessing a bunch of crimes in Arizona. (Miranda)
  • The Supreme Court told this guy he was still a slave. (Dred Scott)
  • Segregation in public schools ended with this case. (Brown vs. Board of Education)

Early America

  • The first secretary of the treasury and founder of the Federalist Party. (Alexander Hamilton)
  • This problem almost destroyed America's economy with Old GW at the helm. (war debt)
  • This rebellion began because of taxes. (Whiskey Rebellion)
  • Old GW warned America to stay ______in world affairs. (neutral)
  • This second president was a lawyer by trade. (John Adams)
  • Hey...you crazy French agents...don't you have catchy nicknames? (X Y & Z)
  • John Adams was the first president to sleep in the White House in this new capital city. (Washington DC)
  • This Act made it illegal to talk smack about the government. (Sedition Act)
  • This Native American chief tried to organize his people. (Tecumseh)
  • This French dude sold the Louisiana Territory to the US for $15 million. (Napoleon)
  • Lewis and Clark were sent across America to find this mystery passage. (Northwest Passage)
  • This teenager helped Lewis and Clark on their journey. (Sacajawea)
  • Lewis and Clark followed this river. (Missouri River)
  • Uh oh...this vice president got into a duel and killed Alexander Hamilton. (Aaron Burr)
  • This country began using impressment to kidnap American sailors. (Britain)
  • Yikes...this Act accidently banned trade with all foreign countries. (Embargo Act)
  • This third president spent a lot of time at his home...Monticello. (Thomas Jefferson)
  • This group wanted to declare war on Britain. (War Hawks)
  • This war erupted between Britain and the US...crazy Americans. (War of 1812)
  • This big-brained president led the nation during the War of 1812. (James Madison)
  • The Battle of Baltimore and Fort McHenry was the scene that inspired this guy to write his now famous poem. (Francis Scott Key)
  • When they captured Washington DC, the British did this to it. (burned it down!!!)
  • Andrew Jackson became famous with his defense of this city against the British. (New Orleans)
  • The Era of Good Feelings occurred during this presidents time in office. (James Monroe)
  • Hey Europe...keep out of the Americas...that was the rallying cry of this policy. (Monroe Doctrine)
  • This sixth president was the son of the second. (John Quincy Adams)
  • This Act forced Native Americans to move west. (Indian Relocation Act)
  • Modern Day Oklahoma was known as.? (Indian territory)
  • The Discovery of gold in Georgia forced these Native Americans out o their land. (Cherokee)
  • The Cherokee called their journey to Indian Territory this... (Trail of Tears)
  • This seventh president managed to destroy the 'US Bank'. (Andrew Jackson)
  • This group of Native Americans from Florida fought against removal. (Seminoles)
  • John C. Calhoun led these southern politicians in threatening to secede from the US. (Nullifiers)

America Goes West

  • Many Americans decided to settle in this territory, owned by Mexico. (Texas)
  • This dude was el presidente of Mexico. (Santa Anna)
  • The Texas Revolution's most famous battle occurred at this mission. (Alamo)
  • William Travis, Jim Bowie, and this dude all died at the Alamo. (Davy Crockett)
  • This famous feller led the Texans against the Mexican army. (Sam Houston)
  • This battle brought Texas independence from Mexico. (San Jacinto)
  • As an independent country, Texas was known as... (The Lone Star Republic)
  • This American general was sent to build a fort in the disputed border region with Mexico. (Zachary Taylor)
  • This US president convinced Congress to declare war on Mexico. (Polk)
  • This treaty ended the war with Mexico. (Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo)
  • This area of land was 'owned' by Britain, Spain, US, and Russia. (Oregon Country)
  • Many Americans used this famous trail to travel west. (Oregon Trail)
  • The idea that America would expand its borders to the Pacific Ocean was called... (Manifest Destiny)
  • This type of wagon was used by settlers to journey across North America. (Conestoga Wagon)
  • This group didn't make it to California before winter set in. (Donner Party)
  • These folks settled in what is now Utah for religious freedom. (Mormons)
  • The trails west tended to follow this type of geographic feature. (river)
  • California briefly attained independence and called themselves the...(Bear Flag Republic)
  • This guy helped found the Bear Flag Republic. (John C. Fremont)
  • The discovery of this by John Sutter prompted a mass migration to California. (gold)
  • Gold miners who came to California were known as...(forty niners)

Industrial America

  • This period in history, which featured inventions and manufacturing, is called...(Industrial Revolution)
  • This canal made water travel and trade easier in the east. (Erie Canal)
  • This road, cut through the Appalachian Mts., made land travel easier. (Cumberland Gap)
  • The steam engine was greatly improved by the work of this fellow. (James Watt)
  • Factories used water and _____ as fuel to power their machines. (coal)
  • This guy stole some factory designs from Britain and used them in the US. (Samuel Slater)
  • This industry is what many manufacturers produced in the early 1800's. (Textiles)
  • This guy is known for hiring single women to work in his factories. (Lowell)
  • Hey Jenny...oh wait...what's that machine called again? (spinning jenny)
  • Richard Arkwright invented this textile related machine. (water frame)
  • Both Elias Howe and this guy improved the sewing machine. (Isaac Singer)
  • Uh oh...you guys would have had to work in factories because many of them used...(child labor)
  • You mean I can only afford to work in this crusty building...what's it called again...a ? (tenement)
  • This guy created interchangeable parts...a novel idea. (Eli Whitney)
  • Oh reaper...how do you like my new tool...just fine Mr...? (Cyrus McCormick)
  • Hey..that's an excellent steel plow you created...oh wait, I forgot your name. (John Deere)
  • Let's communicate with this wired device. (telegraph)
  • A code...yes a splendid idea...whatever shall I call it? (Morse Code)
  • Robert Fulton created a most excellent way to travel by water. (steamboat)
  • Peter Cooper...why did you give your steam engine (train) such a silly name? (Tom Thumb)
  • Uh oh...new immigrants from this country totally took my job yo... (Ireland)
  • Hey! Let's get organized people..let's form a ______. (union)
  • Ah ahah...don't drink too much alcohol...you must join our movement. (temperance movement)
  • You gotta fight for your rights...as a woman... (Elizabeth Cady Stanton)
  • This was a major women's rights convention. (Seneca Falls Convention)
  • Hey...I got my own silver dollar...yes I did...that's so cool. (Susan B. Anthony)

Slavery in America

  • Hmmm...this kind of trade brought Africans to America. (triangular trade)
  • These folks wanted to get rid of slavery. (abolitionists)
  • This abolitionist wrote a newspaper called the Liberator. (William Lloyd Garrison)
  • This group founded the colony of Liberia in Africa for freed slaves. (American Colonization Society)
  • This escaped slave was a great public speaker. (Frederick Douglass)
  • These sisters spoke against slavery and for women's rights. (Grimke sisters)
  • This escaped slave thought she was on a mission from god to end slavery. (Sojourner Truth)
  • This rule prevented Congress from discussing slavery petitions. (gag rule)
  • Some slaves escaped using this. (Underground Railroad)
  • This escaped slave helped many others escape to freedom. (Harriet Tubman)
  • These were rules for slaves. (slave codes)
  • Slaves were bought and sold at these places. (auctions)
  • These large southern farms used lots of slaves for labor. (plantations)
  • This invention increased the use of slaves. (cotton gin)
  • These folks were small , generally poor, farmers in the South. (yeomen)
  • This slave led a rebellion in Virginia. (Nat Turner)
  • Oops...this freed slave's rebellion failed before it began. (Denmark Vesey)
  • This was the name for the route across the Atlantic between Africa and the Americas. (Middle Passage)
  • About what percentage of southerners didn't own any slaves. (~75%)

America Splits

  • This agreement allowed one slave state and one free state to join the Union. (Missouri Compromise)
  • The balance of free and slave states was broken as a result of this agreement. (Compromise of 1850)
  • This law was designed to get escaped slaves back to the South. (Fugitive Slave Act)
  • This author wrote about slavery...(Harriet Beecher Stowe)
  • This book was about slavery and its effects. (Uncle Tom's Cabin)
  • This decided the fate of slavery in two territories. (Kansas/Nebraska Act)
  • This event saw groups of folks getting violent about slavery. (Bleeding Kansas)
  • This guy thought he was on a mission from God to end slavery. (john Brown)
  • Ouch...John Brown hacked up some folks in this massacre. (Potawatomie Massacre)
  • Hey...that hurt...it's me Preston your cousin...(Charles Sumner)
  • In this corner we have honest Abe Lincoln, and in the corner we have...(Stephen Douglas)
  • It's no debate...Abe said he & the Republicans thought this was a bad thing. (slavery)
  • So Mr. Brown, where would that arsenal be? (Harpers Ferry, VA)
  • This future general put an end to John Brown's raid. (Robert E. Lee)
  • The election of this dude in 1860 was a deal-breaker for many in the South. (Abraham Lincoln)
  • Uh oh...this state was the first to secede. (South Carolina)
  • Several southern states formed this new country. (The Confederate States of America)
  • This guy became the Confederacy's first and only president. (Jefferson Davis)
  • The attack on this fort is considered by many to be the beginning of the Civil War. (Fort Sumter)

American Style Civil War

  • Both sides thought the war would be very...(short)
  • There were two battles here...both won by the Confederacy. (Bull Run)
  • The North had more soldiers, but their ______were inferior. (leaders)
  • This plan, by Union General Winfield Scott, strove to strangle the South. (Anaconda Plan)
  • The North utilized a ______of southern ports. (blockade)
  • The Civil War is originally a fight about ______. (state's rights)
  • This battle in 1862 became known as the single bloodiest day of the war. ((Antietam)
  • This European country said no to the Confederacy's request for aid after Antietam. Britain)
  • This speech by Lincoln technically didn't free any slaves. (Emancipation Proclamation)
  • These new kind of warships fought for the first time in the Civil War. (ironclads)
  • These were used to move troops and supplies quickly. (railroads)
  • The Union seized control of the Mississippi River after winning the Siege of...(Vicksburg)
  • This Confederate prison camp was actually bigger than most cities in the South. (Andersonville)
  • This woman helped wounded soldiers from both sides of the conflict. (Clara Barton)
  • The South used one of these to sink a Union ship. (submarine)
  • The North used these to watch over many battles. (hot air balloons)
  • This southern commander was accidentally shot by his own troops. (Thomas Stonewall Jackson)
  • This Union general was fired by Lincoln then ran against him in the election of 1864. (McClellen)
  • Hey..these folks tried their best to disrupt the Union's war effort. (Copperheads)
  • This makes sure you couldn't be jailed without cause. (Habeas Corpus)
  • This was a famous group of African American soldiers fighting for the Union. (54th Massachusetts)
  • This three-day battle in Pennsylvania was a turning point. (Gettysburg)
  • This fellow took over controls of the Union's Army of the Potomac late in the war. (Ulysses S. Grant)
  • This Union general is famous for his destructive 'march to the sea.' (William Tecumseh Sherman)
  • This Confederate capital was captured in early April, 1865. (Richmond, VA)
  • The surrender of this Confederate general at Appomattox Courthouse, VA was the beginning of the end for the Confederacy. (Robert E. Lee)
  • President Abraham Lincoln attended this theater on that fateful April night. (Ford's Theater)
  • This Confederate sympathizer and famous actor is known to have proclaimed 'Sic sempertyrranis!' after shooting Lincoln. (John Wilkes Booth)
  • The Civil War finally came to its conclusion in this month, 1865. (May)

America Reconstructs...and Beyond